Cracked plastic window: reasons repair


Technical progress does not stand still. New and modern, distinguished high quality came to replace the windows of wood. Plastic windows have won great popularity among the population. They have excellent noise insulation, tightness, unpretentious in care. The windows of plastic serve the decoration of the apartment or any other room. You will forever get rid of draft and street noise. The windows of your apartment will always be clean and transparent. But what if you noticed that the glass cracked in the double-blade?

Cracked plastic window: reasons repair

Plastic windows Nowadays, a very common phenomenon that articles are written in magazines, newspapers, on the Internet.

You can call professionals, and they will quickly repaired your window. But you can try to get rid of the crack on the double-glazing. In order to repair the plastic window itself, it is necessary to first learn how they are produced, what kind of design they have and why the crack on the double-glazing can appear.

Design glass package

Cracked plastic window: reasons repair

If the plastic window handle has become unusable, cracked or broken, it must be replaced.

Structurally glass windows looks like this: two or more glass and a remote frame with a dryer, all this is fastened with internal and external sealants.

For glass windows, you can use any glass. The window to which special requirements are presented are equipped with special glasses. Now the windows are made at prior orders, and you can order a window from any glass.

Do not save on glass packages. A cheap may be susceptible to fogging, as outside, so from the inside, and this will lead to a freezing, and possibly to his breakdown. The thickness of the glass, the more stronger window will be.

For the manufacture of remote frames, galvanized steel, aluminum and sometimes plastics are used mainly. The frame is made by the hollow inside and filled with a dryer, which prevents fogging. There are small diffusion holes on the remote frame.

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It is well carried out heat, which means that inside the glass package, the bridge of cold is formed and the glass freezing is excluded.

Dehumidifiers are used to prevent fogging and freezing during the cold season.

The most popular dryers are silica gel and molecular sieve. Very often they are applied together.

To improve heat and sound insulation, the interconnect space is filled with inert gases. The denser of the inert gas, the better the sound and thermal insulation of the glass package.

The most popular gases to fill the interconnect spaces are Crypton and Argon. Sometimes a mixture of these gases is used to fill.

Single-chamber double-glazed glass consists of two glasses, two-chamber - from three, three-chamber - out of four and so on.

Causes of cracks

Cracked plastic window: reasons repair

If you find a crack on the glass, then you should stick it with a transparent scotch and immediately refer to the specialists.

The most common reason for the appearance of cracks on plastic windows is a mechanical effect on the glass:

  1. Height with a heavy floral pot or vason, which are often standing on the windowsill.
  2. Getting trash during strong wind and other natural cataclysms.
  3. Excessive effort when closing / opening.
  4. As a result of internal glass damage.

Violation of tightness leads to a gas leak, which is responsible for thermal insulation. In addition, it's just ugly. Therefore, if a plastic window cracked, it should be urgently replaced or repaired.

But there are cases when you see that the glass cracked without visible reasons. In fact, they are.

The double-glazed glass can burst on the following reasons:

  1. Different punch or pressure.
  2. Involuntary pressure or blow during closing or opening.
  3. Violation of the glass unit assembly by the manufacturer.
  4. Inaccurate measurement or improper installation, which led to a violation of its geometry.
  5. Change pressure and temperature of the external environment.

With the first reasons you should have everything clear. Consider the latter more close.

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The interconnect space is filled with inert gases or air. This design is completely sealed. Atmospheric loads are applied to the glass: pressure and temperature, and this leads to a mechanical stress in the glass and the occurrence of lens formation.

If your double glazed glass is made of thin glass and low-quality plastic used, then there is nothing surprising that your glass cracked. When lens formation, glass can even touch each other in the center of the glass package.

Typically, such cracks have the shape of the crescent and are located in the center of the glass. This happens if the manufacturer stores finished products in unheated premises.


If you have cracked the glass on the plastic window and you need to change it, then it is not necessary to resort to the services of professionals. You yourself can fix it.

Remove and measure the glass that cracked, and buy a new one.

To repair the glass package you will need a minimum set of tools and equipment.

  1. Chisel.
  2. A hammer.
  3. Gloves.
  4. Stationery knife.

Put the gloves so as not to cut your hands. Insert the stiars between the window and the stroke, easily tapping the hammer over the chisel. Remove the stroke and remove the cracked glass.

The seized double-glazed windows neatly position on the table, a stationery knife cut the sealant at the junction area with an aluminum partition. Make it must be very neat. We cut the sealant throughout the perimeter, and then carefully remove the cracked glass.

We wist aluminum septum with black sealant and leave it to dry for 10 hours. After dried, the sealant in place of the spoiled glass insert a new one. Then you should install the strokes. At the beginning are short, then long.

Repair time, if we exclude the drying of the sealant, is the three clock.

Remove the correct dimensions from spoiled glass in two ways:

  1. The first is to dismantle the cracked glass and remove sizes from it.
  2. The second is to dismantle the glass and put it on the workpiece and cover the contour, and then cut the glass.

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If you have problems with the operation of the plastic window, be sure to repair. Otherwise it can lead to breakdown.

If the sash with difficulty comes into the opening and hurts its lower part, then this malfunction will be removed by lubricating accessories, which is located around the perimeter of the sash.

Broken fittings are subject to replacement for new ones. A new item can be purchased in the store that sells accessories.

Some recommendations

  1. Small cracks on the glass can be sealed with transparent scotch.
  2. If the window began to leak, then this defect is eliminated by adjusting the elements of the clamping of the sash, as well as the installation of a new seal.
  3. If the locks are incorrectly installed and it has led to a disruption of tightness, it is necessary to simply change and correct locks.
  4. In order for you as less as possible, situations arose at which it is impossible to do without repair, try to exploit it correctly. Smoothly and evenly open and close the window and try not to apply physical strength.

You can not only be foreseen, but if there is a situation that requires repair, then come to it seriously. Any breakdown can be corrected with your own hands, if it is not a production marriage or incorrect installation.

Proper operation and care, timely minor repairs will provide for many years of operation to the window.

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