Invisible doors do it yourself: the price of homemade interroom doors


Invisible doors are successfully used in the interior of any type, in particular, in the offices and apartments in the style of minimalism.

Design solutions

Invisible doors do it yourself: the price of homemade interroom doors

It is no secret that the technical perfection of modern materials and accessories allows you to create any engineering solutions. One such products that can literally return to childhood are invisible doors. This is a sash installed flush with the wall. When applied to the surface of the finishing, similar walls, interior passes literally disappear, and the use of hidden handles enhances the effect.

In addition, such doors return to the atmosphere of childhood with hidden rooms, secret strokes, and so on, they are able to solve quite specific tasks for manipulating space and not only.

Changing the planning in the conditions of a small apartment square. In this case, the need for the formation of clearly defined thematic areas arises quite often. Then the presence of a doorway can spoil the picture, do not allow the creation of space with the desired design. The invisible door solves this problem, hiding interior aisles, making the visual perception of a solid wall.

Minimalism fans will also find invisible doors with a successful element for interior design. Such interroom structures are mostly compliant with style. Usually used smooth canvases made from various materials.

Invisible doors do it yourself: the price of homemade interroom doors

To form a bright and modern design of the room, even in an abstract style, invisible doors are very helpful. Here in the first place is the factor of their installation. The canvas is brown with the wall, the box is completely hidden, the surface can be painted in any color or coated with any finish. There are ideal features to enter such an element, make part of any abstract pattern or neat geometric design of the wall area.

Interior products of this type are useful in offices. This is a very convenient way to change the space, get rid of the joins of the entrances or hide unexpected interroom passes, storerooms and other office space.

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There are other, more unexpected applications. It all depends on the imagination of the designer. On the canvas, you can position the shelves, spend the pictures to completely hide the entrance to the dressing room or create a separate working area, fully isolated from the rest of the environment.

Constructive solution

Invisible doors do it yourself: the price of homemade interroom doors

One of the structural installations

If you look at the offer of the market, you can see that the price of ready-made engineering solutions is quite high. Explained it is quite simple.

Modern serial invisible is a metal design. This is the easiest way to make a durable solution that meets any requirements. If we consider a brief list of wishes by which users choose similar designs, it will look something like this:

  • The possibility of mounting flush with the wall;
  • The perfect closing, the design should be invisible on both sides;
  • The canvas must have a high strength so that it can be applied an arbitrary finish, for example, a decorative stone;
  • The fittings must be hidden and ensure confident long work even in a strong change in the mass of the sash.

Such quite stringent requirements form a market picture. The price is high, as decisions are used, ensuring the safety margin, reliability, and also guarantee a long service:

  • Bearing structural elements are made of metal, most often used light and durable aluminum profile;
  • box elements that are responsible for rigidity are made for the plane of the opening;
  • The door canvas is also formed by the rules for the manufacture of steel products; It is taken into account that the external finish cannot be responsible for strength, as anyone may be;
  • The fittings are used, in particular, the hidden hinge loops, designed to control the sash much greater mass, which actually weighs the finished canvas;
  • Serial solutions are immediately designed for invisibility on both sides, so the concept of the preliminary bar almost disappears, it replaces the metal corner.

All finished products are calculated on a certain wall thickness. Under the order you can make the design of any thickness, respectively - the price increases. But for your money, the user receives a really high-quality solution.

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Methods of finishing

Invisible doors do it yourself: the price of homemade interroom doors

Painted and decorated in tone with a wall

The use of any materials is available for the door of the door cloth. Ready-made solutions are usually offered with decoration capable of adhesion for subsequent staining and applying coated coatings. The following materials are common among serial models:

  • veneer;
  • acrylate, thick high-strength plastic, resistant to scratches and abrasion;
  • glass;
  • Thin lining of wood or MDF, often pre-primed, designed for subsequent staining or bolding with wallpaper.

In cases where glass and acrylate are used, there may be any colors, as well as the effects of light refraction. Coatings intended for subsequent finishes allow decorative plastering.

Simple solutions

Invisible doors do it yourself: the price of homemade interroom doors

The price of ready-made solutions raises the question of creating an invisible door with their own hands. Despite the seeming complexity of the task, it is quite fulfilled in compliance with some conditions.

Interior doors invisible on the one hand. The finished design can be easily modified with your own hands. It all depends on the thickness of the box and the location of the door in it. In the case when the cloth in the closed condition is flush with a power bar of the box, the scope of work is minimal. It is necessary to replace the loop on the hidden, for which you will need to work a little cutter. After that, the box is installed in such a way that the door can be flush with the wall from the right side. Cashbits are not mounted.

Invisible doors do it yourself: the price of homemade interroom doors

When the canvas deeply goes into the box when closing, the scope of work produced by their own hands is increasing. The easiest way to disassemble the box - it will take some patience and accuracy. After that, an excess thickness of the power bar is removed on the joinery or with the planer, so that the cloth is cleaned with the closure. This can be done with your own hands, if there is a free place - even at home. After that, the box is collected, and the procedure is similar to the above described.

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If you do not want to reduce the thickness of the box, you can shift the canvas, but you have to increase the width of the feigned plank.

Invisible doors do it yourself: the price of homemade interroom doors

Invisibility on both sides. If you want to get the door, invisible from two sides - the task will be an order of magnitude harder. Two obstacles will immediately stand on the way:

  • The thickness of the canvas will never be equal to the thickness of the wall;
  • The door frame is not made of metal, so the feigned bar is necessary, in addition, should be sufficiently strong.

To make the door invisible from two sides with your own hands, you will need to change the thickness of the door canvase. If the door of the frame design is the ability to remake the frame, you can remove the lining, assemble the new base and paste the details on it.

It will only be necessary to make a deepening around the perimeter, which will be a feigned plank. After that, the box and the canvas (after replacing the loops) can be mounted in the opening.

If the door is not frame design or inserts are used, the complexity of work increases an order of magnitude. In fact, we are talking about the manufacture of a new door canvase. You can do it with your own hands, but you need skills, equipment, materials.

Nearby products are a popular and convenient solution. If there is not enough financial resources, but I want to get such an interior detail, one-sided invisible design can be made with your own hands. In other cases it is better to use ready-made engineering solutions. They are easily installed and look just fine.

Invisible doors do it yourself: the price of homemade interroom doors

Invisible doors do it yourself: the price of homemade interroom doors

Invisible doors do it yourself: the price of homemade interroom doors

Invisible doors do it yourself: the price of homemade interroom doors

Invisible doors do it yourself: the price of homemade interroom doors

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Invisible doors do it yourself: the price of homemade interroom doors


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