Appliques by February 23 with your own hands in kindergarten with video


Children love to give gifts. But, because they can not buy them in the store on their own, kids often make gifts on their own. Appliques by February 23 with your own hands is a frequent gift to dad or grandfather, defenders of their family.

Appliques by February 23 with your own hands in kindergarten with video

Such applications can be made in kindergarten, in the preparatory group or in the middle group, as well as in elementary school. Masite postcards and other congratulatory applications with children are very interesting and exciting, because every child wants to please the dad gift!

Appliques by February 23 with your own hands in kindergarten with video

You can fulfill the application as a gift on February 23 in any technique: draw dad in military uniform with paints or pencils, make a postcard using colored and white paper, use cereals or plasticine for appliqué. Options mass! In our master class we will tell about some of them.

"Our glorious parachutists"

In order not only to be beautiful, but also originally congratulate the defender from February 23 postcard, you will need:

  • Sheet of colored paper or color cardboard. Colors can be any. It will be the postcard itself;
  • Colored paper for details;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • markers, pencils or paints;
  • Photo of dad or grandfather.

First of all, take a sheet of paper or cardboard and lay down in half so that it turns out a postcard. If paper is colored on one side, then fold out the color outside, and inside you can paint with watercolor paints or glue the paper of another color.

Then, from paper of another color, for example, red, cut the numbers 2 and 3. We glue them to the front side of the postcard.

Appliques by February 23 with your own hands in kindergarten with video

Place the numbers so that later you manage to get the phrase "from February 23!". Ensure the missing words phrase with markers or paints. If you wish, you can cut letters from paper. Now go to the design of the inside of the postcard.

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Cut from colored paper the dropped parachute, from the paper of another color - a flying little man. We leave only the contours without drawing a face. We glue the details on the right side of the disclosed postcard.

Appliques by February 23 with your own hands in kindergarten with video

And finally, the last touch - cut out the face of Pope or grandfather from the photo and stick it to the face of a little man. Thus, it turns out that the parachutist is our defender, which we want to congratulate!

Appliques by February 23 with your own hands in kindergarten with video

Appliques by February 23 with your own hands in kindergarten with video

Dorisuye the necessary details, on the left you will write congratulations, and the postcard is ready.

We use napkins

Appliques by February 23 with your own hands in kindergarten with video

We need:

  • Napkins of different colors;
  • Color cardboard for background;
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors;
  • Stencil images.

First, we will define the pattern. We have chosen a picture of the tank. We transfer the drawing to the cardboard. Then you will prepare the napkins for work: we apply each first on the strips, then on the squares. Squares tightly roll fingers into the balls.

Now I will evenly apply glue with a tassel for one piece of pictures and, choosing the desired colors, start sticking the balls.

Why do not we cover the whole drawing with glue at once? Because the glue will have time to dry until we gently glue the napkins to the cardboard. So apply the glue gradually, a plot behind the site.

We give our appliqué to dry, and you can give!

Appliques by February 23 with your own hands in kindergarten with video

Paper boat

Crafts for February 23 can be done not only from paper materials, but also from quite edible. For example, use pasta. Take:

  • cardboard for background;
  • plasticine;
  • pencil;
  • pasta.

Appliques by February 23 with your own hands in kindergarten with video

Such a crawler will take us a little longer, since we will use for the background not just a color cardboard, and plasticine! Therefore, the first thing will dismiss in the hands of plasticine blue. He must become militant in our hands. Now the cardboard neatly impose a small piece of plasticine on one piece and rub it with dense, confident movements. So we do with all the sheet of cardboard until it is covered with a plasticine completely. Go to the next stage of our work - the ladder of the ship.

Makarona can be taken any form, the main thing is to fine enough, so that they can gain themselves in the plasticine. Each macaronist must be firmly included in the plasticine and remain in its place even when the picture is moving.

Pre-form the shoe can be drawn on a separate sheet and lay out pasta. Repeating such an exercise several times, the child will better remember the contours of the ship, which should be on the cradle. Read the work insert into the frame and run rather congratulate dad!

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Such options for crafts can be used both in kindergarten and in grade 1, and in grade 2. Children of all ages will be happy to fulfill such applications and crafts, especially if then these works will delight their loved ones!

Appliques by February 23 with your own hands in kindergarten with video

Appliques by February 23 with your own hands in kindergarten with video

Appliques by February 23 with your own hands in kindergarten with video

Video on the topic

And now look at the video lessons to gain inspiration and start creating an original gift for the Day of Defender of the Fatherland!

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