Door opening mechanisms: types of structures and installation features


Depending on the way the door opening is classified into several types. The mechanisms for opening interroom doors are a whole cascade of opportunities for, it would seem common. Today, various mechanisms for opening doors without pens are highly appreciated. All because they simplify the task and may look more aesthetic and even creatively, which requires modern room.

Door opening mechanisms: types of structures and installation features



Consider first the mechanism of automatic door opening, we split the system to some types, then consider the door structures. So, among the mechanisms are allocated:
  • roller, wheels;
  • rotor;
  • suspension;
  • folding;
  • swing.

Depending on the installed systems, doors are divided. Therefore, look at them in more detail.


Classic genre - swing doors. Their feature is the simplicity of installation and low cost, depending on the canvases. Swing doors are the oldest way to open. It is that accessories are attached to a special box, which inserts a portion of the mounting of the door leaf. Thus, the loops hold the doors, and their running mechanism allows you to freely open and close the design.

Door opening mechanisms: types of structures and installation features

Swing doors can be double and single, have additional flaps and various decorative trim. At the moment it is the only secure and reliable type of door opening for the input system.

Doors can be right-sided and left-sided. It all depends on the requirements of the premises. But usually the canvas allow, in the case of which, install the loops per one or the other side. The same applies to the box.


This is immediately several options that are a modern solution in the issue of saving space. Indeed, swing doors have a certain angle. The radius of their opening should be free from any items or things. The fact is that for spacious premises it is quite normal. But if we are talking about small format rooms, it is sliding doors that will become space saving.

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Sliding systems have an average structure of construction. In the grooves of the door opening mechanism are inserted by rails for which after "ride" rollers opening the cloth. Such doors can have several designs. Differ:

  • Door coupe outdoor. This is a system that is installed inside the opening. The doors can consist of several sash. One can be fixed, and the other perform all the functions, or both sash can be used. It all depends on the preferences of the owners and the technical capabilities of the room.

Door opening mechanisms: types of structures and installation features

  • Pencil case. These are doors from one sash. The system is installed inside the opening. Moreover, if the door was "found" one to another in the coupe, then in the type "Penal", the canvas enters the wall to the handle. As a result, such doors are not even visible if they are open. A good solution where it is important that the cloth is hidden. Frequently often such doors are installed in the false wall of drywall.

Similar interroom doors are a good solution in the bedroom, living rooms. For example, with a wide opening, you can install sash on both sides, as a result, the doors will be closed in the middle of the opening. In principle, such designs give a considerable flight of fantasy when organizing a room and repair. They fit perfectly in any design, thanks to their unobtrusiveness. Perhaps this determines their popularity.


This type of doors can also have several varieties. The mechanism of folding is the same, but the designs can differ significantly. There are two main design options:

  • Book. In this case, the entire door consists of two broad canvases, which are folded as a book due to a special mechanism.
  • Harmonic. The name of this type also characterizes the design. In the door-harmonica, many narrow planks, which are folded, like a curtain. Such doors are often made from plastic, light enough and easy to handle. Hold the sash due to the magnet.

Folding doors are a good solution for spacious large rooms and, accordingly, large openings. The only not very high indicator is noise insulation. Since the doors have an attachment only on one side, and when closing have small, but lumen, sound insulation will not be low.

Door opening mechanisms: types of structures and installation features


These are modern designs in which the doors are located on the conditional axis and rotate around it. They are convenient to use, do not require pens and are equally simply open on both sides. It is the rotary doors that can be automatic and open using a control unit specifically mounted on the wall or using the remote control. Rotary doors may differ by the canvas and the side of the turn.

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Installing rotary doors, like their kit, will cost a lot. The thing is that with all its simplicity, the mechanism is quite complicated, requiring a professional approach in the installation. In fact, the whole design includes two main types of mechanism: sliding and swing. First, the canvas "rides" on the installed slats, then turns around the axis. It should be immediately noted that it is not the best option to save space. But for a large room, such doors will look very impressive.


Another way to open doors, which can be automatic and mechanical. Pendulum doors are attached to special suspensions that open the cloth by swinging him aside. Usually, such doors have a strong retaining mechanism that allows the doors to quickly swing, but slowly return to its original position. Such designs also require enough space.

In conclusion, summarize. The most inexpensive options will be swinging doors, depending on the cost of the canvas, of course. But if you need to save space, better doors and coupe or "harmonica" not found.

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