Schemes of phenoshek direct weaving for beginners of 2 colors with a pattern


Fuenches are not only a stylish and youth ornament that can be made with their own hands. First of all, since ancient times, Fennica is a symbol of friendship. North American Indians put on these bracelets to each other in full confidence, love and friendship. The diagrams of phenushek direct weaving will become an excellent helper needlewoman to improve the equipment and enhance experience.

Bright Fenushek

First you need to take two threads, fold them together and fold in half. Make top loop.

Each direct weaving is better to start in this way, because it will greatly facilitate work.

Schemes of phenoshek direct weaving for beginners of 2 colors with a pattern

In a place where the beginning of the loop, bind the leading thread.

Schemes of phenoshek direct weaving for beginners of 2 colors with a pattern

Then start the nodules to swell the threads until the loop is formed.

Schemes of phenoshek direct weaving for beginners of 2 colors with a pattern

Next to tie the remaining threads according to the scheme until the pattern is. In the pattern itself, you need to flush all the other threads of the leading thread. The color of the background is the color of the leading thread.

Schemes of phenoshek direct weaving for beginners of 2 colors with a pattern

Schemes of phenoshek direct weaving for beginners of 2 colors with a pattern

Graphic schemes of straight weaving phenushek for beginners:

Schemes of phenoshek direct weaving for beginners of 2 colors with a pattern

Completely end the job

To do this, first braid pigtails from two edges of the baubles. Take another thread that will be a reference point where the clasp is fixed. Also need an additional fixture for fixing the pigtails. It can be tape, string or leaving.

Movements fold and consolidate, go under them a thread of another color.

Schemes of phenoshek direct weaving for beginners of 2 colors with a pattern

Next you need to leave the orange thread of the pigtails. It is best to make a square weaving knot. Square node weaving scheme is presented below:

Schemes of phenoshek direct weaving for beginners of 2 colors with a pattern

It should work like this:

Schemes of phenoshek direct weaving for beginners of 2 colors with a pattern

Tie a dual or triple knot. Cut the tips of the threads and lubricate with transparent varnish so that the fringe does not come out. Unleash the thread of blue.

Schemes of phenoshek direct weaving for beginners of 2 colors with a pattern

Such a scheme can also be made baubles of 2 colors.

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Weaving with drawing

Take the bauble with a pattern is quite difficult and painstakingly. These recommendations will help to respond more to the process and facilitate work.

  1. Drawings are best taking ready on the Internet, because they are more accurate and clearer;
  2. Threads that will be used is best to tie with a simple knot among themselves. Nodes must be one more values ​​of the width of the phenosheki. One thread - for the background, the rest is a drawing. Pierce the bauble with a pin, which will be done through the node to any surface.
  3. It is best to start weave baubles with drawings from several rows of background. To do this, it is necessary to place a thread of the background color on the left, the rest to straighten. Take the first thread under the second and pull over your own loop. Make one more loop, but this time to skip the end under your own thread. Tighten the obtained node.
  4. The next row is the same.
  5. The second row of weave along the same scheme, but mirror.
  6. When the time of weaving the picture comes, instead of continuing the background of the background, you need to take a thread next along the weaving and tie it with a node on the main one.
  7. When bane is completely ready, fix the end with a specific node.

Schemes of phenoshek direct weaving for beginners of 2 colors with a pattern

Jewelry with animals

Such feathers will become an excellent gift for lovers of domestic or wild animals. Thanks to the schemes, you can independently make a bracelet with cats, dogs, chanterelles, pandas and mice. This bright accessory will necessarily notice those surrounding to significantly add compliments towards the hostess.

Schemes of phenoshek direct weaving for beginners of 2 colors with a pattern

Schemes of phenoshek direct weaving for beginners of 2 colors with a pattern

Schemes of phenoshek direct weaving for beginners of 2 colors with a pattern

Schemes of phenoshek direct weaving for beginners of 2 colors with a pattern

Sports baubles with a drawing of Nike:

Schemes of phenoshek direct weaving for beginners of 2 colors with a pattern

Schemes of phenoshek direct weaving for beginners of 2 colors with a pattern

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