Ideas for decoration living room in a private house


One of the important rooms in a private house is, of course, a living room. It is the guest room that is a face of the house and its owner. For example, the bedroom is a personal territory of each, and guests for all family members and guests. It serves not only in order to gather the whole family in the evenings and have fun. The guest room is the site of the house in which your guests are most often. The living room decoration in a private house is a matter of everyone. And in order to have a great opinion about the tenants, you need to first arrange a friendly and home-style living room, create a cozy and comfortable interior.

Wall finish options

An important issue when refining the living room is the question: what material to choose for wall decoration? Today there are quite a lot of decorative finishing materials for walls. Some of these decorative finishing materials is used for a long time, and the part appeared relatively recently, but the use of any of them for the walls of the living room will allow you to create a unique and such desired design. This is not a bath where you can just put the tile. Let's look at the options for decoration of the living room.

To talk about the fact that wall decoration with wallpaper is the last century - partly not correctly. Yes, perhaps, if we talk about paper wallpaper, then such a long time is no longer used as the main decorative coating for the walls, especially in cases where the room should be highlighted among the others, for example, living room.

Ideas for decoration living room in a private house

There are a lot of species of modern wallpaper coatings, which neither in appearance nor in quality are inferior to other finishing materials. Modern wallpaper allows you to implement a wide variety of designs. The range allows combining the canvas, both by texture and color. Among modern materials are popular:

  1. Vinyl;
  2. Fliseline;
  3. Fabric;
  4. Wall mural;
  5. Liquid and glass.

Fabric wallpapers will give the room of luxuriousness and sophistication. The basis of the tissue wallpaper is used velor, felt, silk. The layer of teflon on them allows them to protect them from moisture and burnout. In order to clean them from dust, it is enough to apply the vacuum cleaner.

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Fiberglass material will give originality and sophistication in your interior. Such wallpapers are durable, heat-resistant and practical.

Studeling of walls from modern photo wallpaper is gaining great popularity, because the fashion includes new technologies using realistic images with 3D effect. The only disadvantage of these wallpapers is their high price. The optimal solution is the use of vinyl and flieslinic wallpaper.

Ideas for decoration living room in a private house

Artificial stone and stucco for wall decoration is another option to create an impeccable beautiful interior in the living room (sometimes the bath is also trummed by stone). If you choose among all existing materials for finishing, then we can safely say that the plaster is the most optimal and universal finishing material. Given the fact that the species of this material are abused, then no one has questions regarding the creation of a beautiful and diverse design.

You can create both a smooth surface and bulk with some image. It is not rare along with the plaster used artificial stone. With the help of the stone, a certain section of the room can be distinguished. Stone should not be a lot. It looks much better as the selection for the wall of the wall with a TV or for the fireplace. The decoration of the living room stone manits your guest view. And he will certainly appreciate your taste and style.

Ideas for decoration living room in a private house

Plasterboard. As a rule, this material does not serve as the main decorative wallpapers. It is used mainly to create a smooth surface, and only then the main coating (putty, paint, wallpaper, etc.) is applied to it. The peculiarity of such material is that with its help create unusual elements of the interior (arches, niches, columns). Very often, the plasterboard convert the ceiling, creating one and multi-level structures with various bends and forms for LED lighting. In addition, plasterboard relatively cheap finishing material.

Wooden living room decoration. Wood decoration with wooden panels is very often found in homes that are made in a wooden style. The panel can be made both from a conventional tree and from the trees of expensive breeds. In the form of the panel can be in the form of ordinary lining and in the form of wide wooden panels. The tree has a high service life, strength. The analogue of the natural material panel is the MDF panel, which can also be found in the decor of the room.

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PVC panels. The plastic interior in the living room is not often found, although plastic has a lot of positive characteristics. Plastic material is very convenient to use. In order to apply plastic panels for walls, it is not necessary to initially align them. All thanks to the shape of panels, structure and installation method. Due to the diverse design on the surface, the PVC panels are well combined with other materials: both or paint.

Design Tips

Holding the living room in a private house, often the question arises with the choice of style. In order for the question of the style to become a huge problem for you, you can embody those ideas that you like or consider several basic style of living room design.

  • Classic style. It is this style that is considered the most popular style at room design (both a room for guests and a bath or a bedroom).

    Ideas for decoration living room in a private house

    As you know, the classic always remains in fashion, whatever the sphere it does not concern. The main element of this style is furniture. If you plan to issue a living room in a classic style, then you will definitely need to buy upholstered furniture. After all, the classic in the interior is the mandatory presence of furniture in bright colors with the addition of inserts of natural wood. Mandatory presence of a carpet with a monophonic or with such a pattern that is not striking. For windows you need to use lightweight tulle with dense dark curtains. The living room should be well illuminated. For classic style, there is a large crystal chandelier. All these elements help create comfort in the room and truly homely comfort.

  • Japanese style. The essence of Japanese style, his raisin is unity with nature. Therefore, to create a Japanese-style living room, great attention is paid to natural materials. Light colors are basic for this style. If you want to create a friend of Japan at home, but at the same time leave everything as it is, you can purchase decoration elements with blooming sakura.
  • Modern. This style is considered a neutral style, since neutral colors are characteristic of this style. This allows a person who is in this room does not strain his eyesight. Modern, like the classic, also loves furniture. Only the difference is that to create a modern one, it is necessary to use luxurious furniture and many light sources that need to be placed around the perimeter of the room.
  • Minimalism. This style is the easiest and most practical, because its principle is to create an interior using the most necessary elements. What is the main thing and what, in your opinion, will create comfort for you, it will be that minimalism for you.

Rules and restrictions in the interior

As mentioned above, the living room is the central room of a private house, in which all family members are collected, as well as guests for a pleasant time. The main difference of this room from all other rooms in the house has a large number of furniture and good lighting. The room should have a lot of both daylight and other sources.

Ideas for decoration living room in a private house

The main rule: a comfortable and cozy living room is not only the presence of upholstered furniture in this room, and all, even the walls, ceiling, flooring should have a pleasant look.

Consider several main rules of the interior of the living room:

  • For the new interior, it is previously necessary to make a list of things that are necessary for you.
  • The light plays a huge role in creating comfort. The living room should be well covered by both the day and evening.
  • Curtains need to be selected by the color of your furniture.
  • Paul coating should be darker than wall decoration. And it does not matter which material will be in the role of flooring.
  • It is quite important to eat free space. It should be as much as possible.

Video "Interior of the living room in a private house"

Video recordings show different variations of the interior of the living room in a private house.

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