Weaving from the newspapers covers with a color pattern


Weaving made from the lid with a color pattern - a step-by-step master class for weaving amateurs from newspapers or magazine pages. Interesting and very neat work belongs to the wizard with a capital letter - Ričardas. The data of the braid combines the idea of ​​the cover of the cover with a color pattern of newspaper tubes. Below, post a photo master class from the master who already knows everything), in any case, I started my first work precisely thanks to Vologda love. Thanks to the authors for inspiration!

Weaving from the newspapers covers with a color pattern

Weaving from the newspapers covers with a color pattern

Weaving from the newspapers covers with a color pattern

Weaving from the newspapers covers with a color pattern

Weaving from the newspapers covers with a color pattern

To work, we will need:

  • Pipes from newspapers,
  • cardboard,
  • glue,
  • Morid for dyeing tubes,
  • Varnish for finishing braided coating.

Weaving from the newspapers covers with a color pattern

Weaving from the newspapers covers with a color pattern

To begin with, we will make a template, the first time I decided that I would deal with the eye, and then I regret, if you compare the lids, then all the shoals on the first immediately everyone rushes. So do not be lazy, stretch the leaflets, it will help it very much in work. 7 x 7 cells brown, in the middle of yellow, and the diagonals are crimson.

Weaving from the newspapers covers with a color pattern

Cut the cardboard on the shape of the lid, this time will be such a box, I will show it later, the TC is not yet picked up, but at the weekend, all at home, I have a smell with a smell, so I don't want to "dope."

Weaving from the newspapers covers with a color pattern

Cut the window inside for the lattice, which we will weave.

Weaving from the newspapers covers with a color pattern

I walked with wallpaper, I do not like "naked" cardboard. But here you like.

Weaving from the newspapers covers with a color pattern

We try on our stencil, so that it was like it, and stick it with a painted scotch, so as not to move.

Weaving from the newspapers covers with a color pattern

This is the future inner side.

Weaving from the newspapers covers with a color pattern

We begin to weave. First we glue the vertical tubes (in length) in the drawing glue the first tube in width.

Weaving from the newspapers covers with a color pattern

We glue diagonal, do not forget to check where "over", and where "under" vertical. The paper clips are still not very convenient, buckwheat with rice "tastier",

Article on the topic: Angels, dolls and other toys from felt. Templates

Weaving from the newspapers covers with a color pattern

That's how I dragged. At first I put the needle in the drawing, then put on her tube and dragged. Just push it very hard, the TK tube is not very let go where it is necessary))))

Weaving from the newspapers covers with a color pattern

And double like this: one on the knitter, the second is just near, while the knitting knit

Weaving from the newspapers covers with a color pattern

We continue in the drawing, do not forget about the diagonal, and watch the intersection were correct, on the diagonal it is especially easy to ride (which is from above that is from below). Here I myself did the second time, and I Nakoshai, and noticed on the finished ...

Weaving from the newspapers covers with a color pattern

At the end, we stretch and glue vertical tubes, glit diagonal and ...

Weaving from the newspapers covers with a color pattern

Under the press ... Maybe you have a pipe and ourselves are good in the plane, and my resisted and had to "fuck". Overnight, as nicely patched, everything became smooth and flat ...

Weaving from the newspapers covers with a color pattern

Purchase tubes around the perimeter, here is a closer

Weaving from the newspapers covers with a color pattern

It happened, the edges of the corners cut into the shape of the lid

Weaving from the newspapers covers with a color pattern

That's the way ... there is an excess glue, which is then visible, when everything dried, just smelted with a needle. Adhesive on Titan. On the ends again glued a toleat, only now the tricolor did. The result is on the first photo.

Weaving from the newspapers covers with a color pattern

Weaving from the newspapers covers with a color pattern

Weaving from the newspapers covers with a color pattern

Weaving from the newspapers covers with a color pattern

Weaving from the newspapers covers with a color pattern

Weaving from the newspapers covers with a color pattern

Weaving from the newspapers covers with a color pattern

Weaving from the newspapers covers with a color pattern

Weaving from the newspapers covers with a color pattern

Weaving from the newspapers covers with a color pattern

Weaving from the newspapers covers with a color pattern

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