Weaving from rubber: Clothes for dolls Barbie and Monster High with video


Some needlewomen and masters create unusual decorations, things and key chains using weaving from rubber. Cuppet clothes can also be made of small multi-colored rubberry. Wardrobe objects look very original, and they will not make them much difficult, especially for those who are already familiar with weaving technique. Modern needlewomen find all new ways and materials for creating puppet dresses. For Barbie or other dolls of rubber bands, a whole wardrobe can be soiled, in which there will be not only a dress and capes, but also hats, handbags, straps, swimsuits and even shoes. Almost any costumes and accessories can be made from a rubber with a special machine or without it.

Weaving from rubber: Clothes for dolls Barbie and Monster High with video

What and how to weave

Outfits for dolls weave on hook, machine or slingshot. For beginners, it is best to use the machine and hook: weaving looks neat and understandable.

Weaving from rubber: Clothes for dolls Barbie and Monster High with video

On the slingshot for dolls, you can try to weave the hair rims on the type of bracelets. This will require a slingshot, a fastener and gum of two colors.


  1. Two gums together to twist "eight" and put on a slingshot;

Weaving from rubber: Clothes for dolls Barbie and Monster High with video

  1. Top to put on a gum of another color;

Weaving from rubber: Clothes for dolls Barbie and Monster High with video

  1. Hook a hook bottom loop on the left side and throw them into the center;

Weaving from rubber: Clothes for dolls Barbie and Monster High with video

  1. Not twisting, wear two gum;

Weaving from rubber: Clothes for dolls Barbie and Monster High with video

  1. On the right side, catch the loops of the elastic bands of two colors and transfer to the center;

Weaving from rubber: Clothes for dolls Barbie and Monster High with video

  1. Repeat item 4, and then paragraph 5 for the left side;

Weaving from rubber: Clothes for dolls Barbie and Monster High with video

Weaving from rubber: Clothes for dolls Barbie and Monster High with video

  1. Continue to weave, repeating 4-6 points to the desired length.

Weaving from rubber: Clothes for dolls Barbie and Monster High with video

Weaving from rubber: Clothes for dolls Barbie and Monster High with video

  1. To complete, transfer one pair of lower loops to the center, and then the left hinges permanently on the right horn;

Weaving from rubber: Clothes for dolls Barbie and Monster High with video

Weaving from rubber: Clothes for dolls Barbie and Monster High with video

  1. The remaining loops hook a clasp, remove with slingshot and combine with the opposite end.

Weaving from rubber: Clothes for dolls Barbie and Monster High with video

Weaving from rubber: Clothes for dolls Barbie and Monster High with video

In order for the bezel to be subtle, it is not possible to use two gums, but one turn on the slingshot into two turns.

Weaving from rubber: Clothes for dolls Barbie and Monster High with video

In order for the rim to be narrow ends, you must first weave with gums of the same color, then add the second and bend the weaving in half. Read more, how to do it, you can see below.

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Also, simple things can be placed without a machine, but with the help of a hook. It can be shoes, sandals, headphones, burgetes, stockings and more. Detailed and visual execution instructions are recommended to view videos in the appropriate section.

Weaving from rubber: Clothes for dolls Barbie and Monster High with video

Weaving from rubber: Clothes for dolls Barbie and Monster High with video

Weaving from rubber: Clothes for dolls Barbie and Monster High with video

Weaving from rubber: Clothes for dolls Barbie and Monster High with video

You can connect a dress for Montster High in different ways - on a machine or crochet. In any case, this is a rather time-consuming job, requiring some skills in weaving or knitting.

Weaving from rubber: Clothes for dolls Barbie and Monster High with video

For weaving on the machine, the following materials and tools will be needed:

  • Rainbow gum;
  • hook;
  • machine.

How to do:

  1. Folded two gums together and put on two adjacent columns, twisting the "eight";

Weaving from rubber: Clothes for dolls Barbie and Monster High with video

  1. Run 1 point on the machine in a circle;
  1. On top to empty, without the "eight" columns also put on twisted gum (paragraphs 1 and 2);
  1. Crochet picked up the lower loops in each column (two gum) and transfer to the center;

Weaving from rubber: Clothes for dolls Barbie and Monster High with video

  1. To wear a rubber band as in 1 point, but do not twist;

Weaving from rubber: Clothes for dolls Barbie and Monster High with video

  1. Repeat 4 item, hunching the lower twisted loops;
  1. Weave the skirt in a circle, repeating 5-6 item several rows (can be changed) to the desired length;

Weaving from rubber: Clothes for dolls Barbie and Monster High with video

  1. Remove the size of the weaving, throwing the gum from the extreme columns to the center, and bring weaving to the end.

Weaving from rubber: Clothes for dolls Barbie and Monster High with video

Read more This master class can be viewed on the video:

A pretty simple dress can be associated on the principle of Lumigurumi. For this you need only colored gum and hook. In this example, rubberry of red, white and yellow colors are used. To make it convenient to measure the ranks, it is recommended to use the marker to be installed at the beginning of each row.

Weaving from rubber: Clothes for dolls Barbie and Monster High with video

Phased work:

  1. Dial a chain of 11 air loops and close it in the ring using an additional gum (to drag through the first loop and tighten into the nodule);

Weaving from rubber: Clothes for dolls Barbie and Monster High with video

  1. Knit by columns without nakidov, without accommodation to the desired length (approximately 11 rows);
  1. Peel two rows with white rubber bands and make fitting on the doll (the white strip must be approximately on the belt);

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Weaving from rubber: Clothes for dolls Barbie and Monster High with video

  1. Knit a row with red rubber bands, making an increase in each loop;

Weaving from rubber: Clothes for dolls Barbie and Monster High with video

  1. The next row tie by columns with Nakid: through the loop of the previous row to spend the gum and both parts of it on the hook, again enter the hook in the loop, catch the gum, leave two parts on the hook, etc.;

Weaving from rubber: Clothes for dolls Barbie and Monster High with video

  1. As in the 5 point, to register a number of white rubber bands on the transverse loops of the previous series (this will give the effect of layering of the skirt);

Weaving from rubber: Clothes for dolls Barbie and Monster High with video

  1. Weave several rows alternately with red and white rubber bands (paragraphs 5 and 6) to the desired length;
  1. The last row to tie the columns without a Nakid;

Weaving from rubber: Clothes for dolls Barbie and Monster High with video

  1. Make a flower: wrapped with a white rubber band hook in 3 turnover, transfer to two yellow gum (make 5 blanks) and connect together with the help of yellow gum;

Weaving from rubber: Clothes for dolls Barbie and Monster High with video

Weaving from rubber: Clothes for dolls Barbie and Monster High with video

  1. Attach the flower to the dress.


Weaving from rubber: Clothes for dolls Barbie and Monster High with video

The easiest way to do clothing for dolls from rubber with a hook. To do this, it is enough to take advantage of the finished schemes for knitting and show a little imagination.

Video on the topic

Ideas and tips on weaving wardrobe for dolls can be learned from the selection of video.

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