Fire-fighting doors do it yourself


Fire-fighting doors do it yourself

Fire doors today are the optimal choice for apartment owners or private houses. Such entrance doors have plenty of advantages that users have long appreciated.

Installing the inlet door with fire fighting function will not be too expensive, but this design, in addition to reliable protection against hacking, will give you the opportunity to be calmer for the safety of the property in the event of a ignition in the entrance.

Thanks to its properties, metal fire doors are becoming more popular from year to year. They deserve confidence in both ordinary users and owners of organizations and warehouses.

You can buy a metal door, the truth will cost it quite a lot. You can also try to make the fire door with your own hands, which is also a fairly available procedure.

Fire-fighting doors do it yourself

Despite the fact that the modern market provides a huge selection of metal doors, many people wish to create them with their own hands. Such a need arises if there is a need to obtain a non-standard product that is characteristic of special characteristics.

In addition, making the door with your own hands, you can save on the purchase that, in the conditions of this life, it is important.

Preparation for work

Before the manufacturing process, the doorway is necessary to produce measurements. After that, you should prepare all the tools and materials. For the input steel doors, take only high-quality materials to provide them with long service and reliability.

In order to make the fire door, you will need:

  • Metal corners
  • loop
  • steel sheet (1.5mm),
  • construction foam,
  • Accessories,
  • anchor bolts,
  • Bulgarian with cutting metal discs,
  • drill,
  • welding machine,
  • Fire paint.

You can buy it all in a construction store, or where protective fittings for doors and other goods associated with installing and manufacturing doors are sold.

The process of creating metal doors

Naturally, the process of creating a fire door begins with the work of measurements.

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During measurements, a couple of centimeters of the gap should be foremarked on each side, which will be needed for sealing by mounting foam. If necessary, such a gap will help adjust the position of the door.

According to the specified parameters, a metal corner is cut and stacked on the table. To make the box perfectly smooth, it should be checked for its angles - the distance between them should be the same. Now you can proceed to the welding process, creating a box.

The finished design must be measured from the inside, given the gaps around the perimeter - from 0.5 to 1 cm. The next step is to cut the corner for the door of the door (40x25 cm). At the level of the profile, where the mortise lock will be set, it is necessary to make a slot.

Installation of the door lock is the last stage of the manufacture of the fire door, which is carried out after the door is hung on the loop.

To facilitate the subsequent lining of the doors, in the metal profile you can score wooden rails of the appropriate size. The profile can be immediately welded to the canopy, then to the box - here it is important to obtain accurate measurements so that the loops completely coincided.

Fire-fighting doors do it yourself

It should be verified that the box and the door leaf profile are parallel, and only after that steel profiles can be inserted into the canvas box and welcome.

Working with a welding machine, remember about the safety rules of work that must be observed strictly in order to protect their lives and health.

The next step is the welding of a metal sheet - before that, the canvas need to be measured so that the doorpill falls on each side - 1 cm, and 1.5 cm - from the castle side. After that, the sheet cut off and put on the design.

In order to be more convenient, you should first welcome from the back of the leaf of the loop side, and then make welding throughout the perimeter.

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The same preliminary band is joined by welding to the inside, the entire design for reliability can be strengthened by ribbies.

Now the welding seams are cleaned. After that, the product can be painted and then install the door lock and the door pepper. Painting the surface should be used using fire paint. Normal here do not suit due to their characteristic flammability.

If you think about a high level of security, you can use a special fire protection in the construction of the house and the construction of metal structures.

On how to make your home protected from fire, read on our construction forum. Our specialists will answer any questions concerning construction and repair.

Information on popular and efficient types of fireproof coatings for metal structures is presented here.

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