Weaving from color tubes for beginners step by step: master class with video


The article is suitable for those who are interested in weaving from color tubes for beginners step-by-step. Such needlework interests from the very beginning of work. After all, flagella is a modern material that allows a real masterpiece from nothing. Try - I will definitely like it! How to weave? You will learn about it very soon.

What a speech about

Everyone remembers the cartoon and a dog Scoobid. But few people know that this is not only a character, but also multicolored tubes. They are designed to create various bracelets, phenosheks, toys and accessories. The material is rather light and comfortable. These are thin plastic tubes with different colors, sizes and shapes. Such a material appeared in France. Famous in the 50s French singer Sacha Distel wrote Scoubidou song. It was a real hit, everyone listened to the song, the simple motive did not leave anyone indifferent. Fans believed that a gift to give a cumier is a big joy, so the decorations were splled from the shoelaces. Bracelets named after the songs have become popular to this day.

They were intended for children to develop the motility of fingers, but now such a hobby occupies people of different ages.

Weaving from color tubes for beginners step by step: master class with video

Since the 60s, there were many options for weaving, some of them: a round, square, triangular, butterfly, spiral, etc. The craftsmen are convinced that they are pretty easy to learn this weaving. It is easier for beginners, because now on the Internet there are many schemes, templates and lessons.

Weaving from color tubes for beginners step by step: master class with video

Weaving from color tubes for beginners step by step: master class with video

Technique Scoobid borrowed from other techniques some elements. Therefore, do not be surprised if you see something similar.

Go to the process

Only tubes of different colors will be needed for work so that the product is multicolored. Tie tips together to make it convenient to create. Secure on the holder as an option - a heavy book, a stand or figurine. The holder must press the tips of the tubes. We carry out the ends, forming a loop. We produce one loop in the second, tighten the top. It turned out "Ushko". The second tube is making another loop, inhibit first. Tighten the nodules, continue on. Tip - Tighten the nodules evenly, in order for the product it became smooth.

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Examples of options are presented below:

Weaving from color tubes for beginners step by step: master class with video

Weaving from color tubes for beginners step by step: master class with video

Square weaving

The master class in square weaving will tell about the basics of this type of creativity. This option looks beautiful on hand, perfect for youth style.

Let's start with the main one. The length of the tube exceeds the length of the product three times. It will take:

  • 4 tubes of different colors;
  • You can use just two long tubes for a two-color product.

So, let's begin! We associate ends in the nodule. An index finger and a large straightening tube, fix the holder.

In the photo you can see schemes for needlework:

Weaving from color tubes for beginners step by step: master class with video

Weaving from color tubes for beginners step by step: master class with video

From the green tube we will make a loop toward yellow, put on top. Yellow Put on the Red, the last to do in the green loop, neatly placing the tubes. Voila - tighten into a nodule-square. Follow the subsequent weaving from left to right. The next row do the same in the same way, but change the tubes so that the product is multicolored.

Weaving from color tubes for beginners step by step: master class with video

Flower heaven

Many believe that tubes are intended only for phenushek. But it is completely wrong. Tubes are a multifunctional material that allows you to create other masterpieces. For example, flowers and bouquets. The lesson for the creation of plants will help to "fill" the hand for further work.

What do you need?

  • Tubes of different colors. Choose options yourself. For example, green, red and brown;
  • Flexing wire.

Step number 1. Make stamens. In three red tubes insert the wire, spinning in the spiral.

Step number 2. Of the 2 tubes we make petal. Bend every twice, the second wrap around the first. Tighten into the knot - ready.

Step number 3. Weave 7 petals of different colors. Leaves do, like petals, but fry the edges.

Step number 4. Collect the flower, fixing all parts by knots.

Here is such an iris from multicolored flagellas:

Weaving from color tubes for beginners step by step: master class with video

All for fantasy

I wonder what else can be made from the tubes? Sea of ​​all! For example, keychain. Such a stylish thing is suitable as an accessory on a bag, a briefcase or for keys. It is done quite easily. You need only 2 tubes and a reserve of time.

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The technique is the same as for the first lesson above.

1) We start from the cross:

Weaving from color tubes for beginners step by step: master class with video

2) Pink with a blue tube:

Weaving from color tubes for beginners step by step: master class with video

3) Having made from a pink loop, its end skip in the blue. Tightened and received the result.

Weaving from color tubes for beginners step by step: master class with video

4) product size is adjustable. Consequently, the process is repeated until you want to finish.

Here is such a beautiful keychain turned out:

Weaving from color tubes for beginners step by step: master class with video

Examples of photo-work for process inspiration:

Weaving from color tubes for beginners step by step: master class with video

Weaving from color tubes for beginners step by step: master class with video

Weaving from color tubes for beginners step by step: master class with video

On the Internet there are plenty of interesting video, where the craftsmen talk in detail about such a needlework. This species is gaining popularity, because it can be considered therapeutic. Creativity always helps calm down, gain patience and distribute time correctly. Doctors believe that if at least 15 minutes to devote to creativity, then the fantasy will develop, and the brain will relax. And what pleases, with the tubes it is easy to work, no need to use many materials.

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Several materials to feel the work of the masters and enjoy:

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