How to remove mold from the walls and forget about it forever


Many of us are probably familiar to the situation when the dark or light mold is disgusting on the wallpaper or walls. Most people in such a situation prefers to inactive, because it does not consider worthy of attention. However, mold is a serious enemy, dangerous not only for furniture and walls, but also carrying a threat to human health. Therefore, with the emergence of such a problem - it is necessary to urgently take action. In the article we will tell how to remove mold from the walls.

Than dangerous mold

Many do not consider mold damage to a big threat, and do not get rid of it on time. However, it is not necessary to underestimate this fungus - its cells produce carbon dioxide, and, in addition, thousands and thousands of disputes are formed, which are flying around.

Mold lesions may cause many hazardous diseases such as bronchial asthma or even diseases of the digestive tract. Among other things, they are able to provoke various types of allergies, and skin diseases.

How to remove mold from the walls and forget about it forever

For the younger and older generation of infection is a special danger, since their body is not so strong, and not to cope with the harmful influence of the dispute so easily. It is worth saying that some people eat food with fungus, just cutting off the part where it parasites - this behavior is incorrectly incorrectly, because from the spoiled product should be completely getting rid. Eating in such food can lead to serious diseases, for example, cirrhosis of the liver and even arthritis with rheumatism, and gastric bleeding are also possible.

How to remove mold from the walls and forget about it forever

Therefore, with the appearance of mold in your home - it is necessary to immediately clean all the surfaces and walls from it.

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Eliminate the cause of mold

Unpleasant dark spots are a direct consequence of not too good conditions, which contain an apartment. The first reason for the appearance of infection is excessive humidity. That is why the fungus is most often found on the walls of the bathroom or restroom. It can only help only good ventilation - do not close the doors of these rooms, but it does not hurt the fan.

How to remove mold from the walls and forget about it forever

The presence of a large number of plants also increases the risks of the appearance of infection, since frequent watering leads to an increase in the level of humidity. Several flowers will undoubtedly decorate your apartment, but do not turn your housing in the jungle.

How to remove mold from the walls and forget about it forever

Insufficient ventilation is the reason for the appearance of fungus on the walls. Therefore, do not forget to play your apartment well and set the hood in the kitchen.

Some building materials can serve as an excellent medium for the appearance of mold - for example, drywall.

How to remove mold from the walls and forget about it forever

Remove mold from the surface

After a malicious fungus is detected - immediately take measures to help get rid of it once and for all.

There are many effective ways to combat the infection, however, first of all, it is necessary to remove the fungus with the surface to be brought and treated with it from mold. If the fungus is found on the subjects or food - they are also recommended to get rid of them immediately. In order to prevent the re-appearance of mold - take simple preventive measures (well clean the room, ventilate it).

How to remove mold from the walls and forget about it forever

What actions to take to bring the mold on the walls and other surfaces?

  1. Effective means - antiseptic primer. It is necessary to apply it only on the cleaned surface (pre-laundered or eliminating the fungus) but with its task it copes to "excellent", and the problem with moldy walls can be forgotten.
  2. At home, use the bleach (previously collecting it in water in proportions 1:10). The tool will help to cope with the problem - kill the fungus himself and his disputes. The only minus is that the use of bleach can not be used on all surfaces (suitable for glass and tiles).
  3. In any kitchen, vinegar is removed - absolutely safe weapons against mold lesions. It is necessary to apply it to the affected area, after - wipe the place moistened in vinegar with a cloth, and rinse well - to rinse well (after which - to air the room).
  4. They kill the infesses and substances contained in hydrogen peroxide, but it has a whitening effect. Therefore, do not use it on painted surfaces.
  5. By destroying infection on the tile - take advantage of the ammonia alcohol. On porous surfaces, it will be useless, but the disputes in the bathroom or the restroom are derived excellently.
  6. Disputes well with soda, and it is applied without any problems on any surface. The affected area is either sprinkled with a solution with soda, or simply wipped with a sponge, richly moistened in solution (part l. Soda on a glass of water).
  7. Expensive, but excellent remedy - tea tree oil. Among other things, it is able to protect your apartment from various fungal and bacterial contractions (for the solution are used part of the substances on a glass of water).
  8. The situation will save several drops of aromatic oils (lavender and rosemary) - add them to water, and calmly clean the contaminated surfaces.
  9. The following effective means - mangartee. Even a very weak solution (1 h. Per liter of water) is able to destroy malicious disputes. Do not wash off the solution from the surfaces - it will still serve as an excellent barrier for infection.
  10. Lemonic acid will be a good helper when it comes to fungus on the tile. Prepared a solution (parts l. Acids for a glass of water) - treat it the site and observe the disappearance of lesions.

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How to remove mold from the walls and forget about it forever

We carry out the processing of walls

The process takes place in several stages, so we describe all stages.
  1. We dress the wallpaper covered with fungus.
  2. A spatula carefully cleaned the plot from mold, not leaving the slightest trail from it. If necessary - remove the plaster until the base.
  3. On clean walls, apply the composition to remove cement tiles.
  4. Use anti-shield primer, richly smear the wall, going beyond the affected area.
  5. Apply antiseptic primer.
  6. Cover the walls with waterproofing composition.
  7. Apply a second layer of antiseptic primer.
  8. After all the procedures are held plaster walls.
  9. If desired, cover the walls with special paint, which has good thermal insulation properties.
  10. Go to putty.
  11. The last time we processes a section of antiseptic primer deep penetration.
  12. Finally, after all procedures, you can glue new wallpaper or painting the walls.

Video "How to get rid of mold. Remove mold in the house "

Video with recommendations for getting rid of the fungus, which lives on the walls of our apartments. How to reveal and eliminate the causes of mold.

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