Summer Stylish Hook Bag


Summer stylish bag-bag is connected from kapron yarn of ivory, interesting pattern of lush columns. Knitting the bag-bag is attached, and if something is not entirely clear, below post a video master class from the author of the model.

Summer Stylish Hook Bag

Summer Stylish Hook Bag

Summer Stylish Hook Bag

To knit the bag bag, you will need a hook with a thickness of 3.5 mm and yarn - cape, cotton or any other (except woolen, since this version of the bag is summer). Optionally, additionally, you can sew a lining or satin lining bag. The lining will fix the original shape of the handbag, it will not stretch, and the appearance of it will be more corporate.

Summer Stylish Hook Bag

Additionally, the handle should be needed for work - 2 leather strap, 1.4 cm wide and 66 cm long.

Knitting diagram of the bottom of the bag (the work begins with knitting a chain of 43-air loops):

Summer Stylish Hook Bag

The bottom of the bag bags fit in a circle, all should be associated according to the scheme 9 of the ranks without a Nakid.

Knitting Scheme Basic Bags . The pattern with lush columns fit in a circle to the desired height (in this variant, 69 rows are associated). The last 4 rows adopted the columns without Nakid. Below on the scheme "X" sign indicates a lush column.

Summer Stylish Hook Bag

Video master class is not in Russian, but everything is clear and without knowing the language

Here is such a stylish bag can be easily tied with your own hands!

Summer Stylish Hook Bag

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