Appliques from geometric shapes for 1-4 class with templates


If you want to know what appliques from geometric figures and want to teach the kids in this kind of art, then this article is for you.

Appliques that make children are sometimes very simple and naive, but they help children develop their skills to cut, create a drawing and fantasize. And also children like to glue colored shapes on the background.

Appliques from geometric shapes for 1-4 class with templates

First, the children are glued on the background of figures that cut adults. But the time does not stand still - the children grow. And in time, children learn to cut themselves, gluitive and create. And then the child should teach the most interesting types of applications.

By making geometric applications, the child develops the eye meter and spatial thinking, learns to combine colors and familiarize himself with geometric shapes.

Appliques from geometric shapes for 1-4 class with templates

The simplest applique of geometric figures can be considered the preparation of patterns on a long strip of paper. Then you can go to the design of different items, transport, animals, plants. Thanks to this, the child develops creative abilities.

Appliques from geometric shapes for 1-4 class with templates

For students class 1

Children are already more or less owned by scissors when they go to grade 1. Templates in this case will become indispensable assistants. With the help of them, children will be able to cut the right parts of paper, and they will easily create and learn to make appliques. Here are the templates of several simple geometric applications:

Appliques from geometric shapes for 1-4 class with templates

Appliques from geometric shapes for 1-4 class with templates

Appliques from geometric shapes for 1-4 class with templates

Here are some examples of work for children 1 class and their schemes:

Applique "House in the village":

Appliques from geometric shapes for 1-4 class with templates

Appliques from geometric shapes for 1-4 class with templates

It seems to be nothing complicated, no complex details. Everything is simple. House, sunshine, but there is something extraordinary in this picture. In addition, the child will make this picture even more unique, because it will be the embodiment of his fantasy and thinking.

Applique "Cat with a kitten":

Appliques from geometric shapes for 1-4 class with templates

Appliques from geometric shapes for 1-4 class with templates

For the manufacture of appliqués of this cat with a kitten, a child will need to cut a wide variety of figures and make a holistic image of them to their taste.

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Applique "Merry Caterpillar":

Appliques from geometric shapes for 1-4 class with templates

Appliques from geometric shapes for 1-4 class with templates

Merry caterpillar will chase your kids. It is interesting not only to consider, but also to do. After all, these mugs and other details can be positioned differently. And every child will have their own unique Merry Caterpillar.

For the manufacture of the above appliques of the house, cats and caterpillars, you can simply print the schemes, then children can cut figures and glue them on paper. But this is too simple. So you can make patterns with your own hands. And then the children will cut on them from different colors of the part and glue them.

For children 3-5 years

There are also applications intended for children of preschool age. They are simple enough. In the process of work, children will learn a lot. And most importantly - they will get acquainted with geometric figures and where they can be used.

Having printed templates, the application must be applined in such a sequence:

  1. Cut paper templates;
  2. Stick parts to the corresponding places.

Next, you can paint the drawing.

Appliques from geometric shapes for 1-4 class with templates

Appliques from geometric shapes for 1-4 class with templates

And here's still similar work.

Application data is enough to do enough, so they are suitable for young children, so to speak, newcomers in applications. You can choose from a large assortment of drawings and print the one that suits the child more.

The smaller part of the image will serve as templates, with which it will be necessary to cut the details of different colors, stick them to most, which will serve as an applique.

Application is performed in such a session:

  1. Cut patterns that are located in the side of the page. Templates are obtained;
  2. Next, you need to cut the parts from the paper from the paper from the papers and stick them to the corresponding places.

Appliques from geometric shapes for 1-4 class with templates

Appliques from geometric shapes for 1-4 class with templates

For kids 4th grade

During the manufacture of applications from geometric shapes for children who go to grade 4, the guys will learn to clearly place details on the template, collect separate geometric shapes in a full-fledged image.

First, children should show what work will be on its completion. Children will need: colored paper, cardboard, glue, ruler, pencil, scissors and brush.

To begin with, children need to prepare a workplace and prepare everything necessary for the manufacture of appliqués.

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Look, do you have everything ready for a lesson? We will need: colored paper, cardboard, glue; ruler, pencil, scissors, eraser, brush; jar for glue, napkin, oilcloth.

In such a session, you need to act for the manufacture of appliqués:

  1. Prepare the basis;
  2. We translate and cut out the details on the template;
  3. We make appliqué.

We proceed to work appliqués from the geometric shapes "Cats-Mouse":

Appliques from geometric shapes for 1-4 class with templates

These details are needed for mice and cheese. Templates for them are easy to do. Cut too. But it is very interesting from ordinary geometric figures to make such beauty.

Appliques from geometric shapes for 1-4 class with templates

Appliques from geometric shapes for 1-4 class with templates

Next, go to the cat. These details are necessary for the manufacture of a cat. As you can see, among the materials there is a felt-tumbler, with which kids can realize their fantasy and draw a unique face of the cat.

Appliques from geometric shapes for 1-4 class with templates

Appliques from geometric shapes for 1-4 class with templates

Our wonderful work is ready.

There are still a very many appliqué ideas for children. For example, such a beautiful boat. It can be done according to the scheme below.

Appliques from geometric shapes for 1-4 class with templates

Appliques from geometric shapes for 1-4 class with templates

An interesting idea is garland from geometric shapes. It can be made in the form of a postcard and congratulate someone with her holiday.

Appliques from geometric shapes for 1-4 class with templates

A very cool idea for kids grade 4 will be an applique of geometric shapes on a free topic, that is, by heuristic methods. This is done very simple.

On white paper print a variety of figures, different sizes. Then they cut them out. Then take the dark color cardboard and glue all these figures on it so that it turned out some particular drawing. This greatly develops the motility of hands, as a lot of figures for cutting, and fantasy, because the children need to invent images themselves. The figures are the same, and the applications are completely different. In this and the chip. Below are examples of work:

Appliques from geometric shapes for 1-4 class with templates

Appliques from geometric shapes for 1-4 class with templates

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