How to glue drywall to the wall - an effective method


In the process of repair, most of the problems of wall cladding is associated with their uneven surface. You can solve such a task in two ways - to align with plastering or plasterboard design. The construction of a plasterboard design with profiles is a very time-consuming method that requires a certain experience, skills and the presence of a building tool. However, there is an opportunity without these profiles to strip the wall with plasterboard - glue it. Methods How to glue drywall to a small wall, so consider all their nuances and advantages.

Advantages of glitting of drywall

With sticking of drywall, anyone who wants to transform his apartment, who does not have the skills of a professional builder and without experience with this building material, can cope. However, this is not the only dignity of this method.

Plasterboard is fairly fragile, because The main component is plaster. It is easy to cut under the desired size, but with careless circulation, this material breaks, which can easily happen when landing it on the profile. And the gluing of drywall to the wall will save you from the cost damage of sheets.

How to glue drywall to the wall - an effective method

Works on the installation of profiles under plasterboard - occupation not only troublesome and labor. The most important thing is the design "eats" the useful area of ​​the room. If you have a room at 40 square meters. m, then the reduction in the volume will be weakly recognized, but with a small cube of 12-15 square meters. m You immediately feel the reduction of free space.

The plasterboard sticker you can level the surface of the wall to the ideal state, avoiding the noise effects of the working perforator when organizing a profile frame, and also perform the work much easier and faster.

Wall pasting plasterboard will save you from many difficulties of repair, but in this method there are two limitations:

  1. The height of the covered walls should not exceed 3.5 m.
  2. You will not be able to lay a layer of insulation under the glued GLK.

Technology sticking

The sticker of plasterboard on the walls should occur at the stage of repair work before laying the flooring. It is also necessary to take care of the laying of electrical wires and communications, such as pipelines. Construction masters recommend not to leave the electrical wires in the free flight and not to lure them with plaster, for further works can damage the cable.

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How to glue drywall to the wall - an effective method

To avoid undesirable consequences, it is worth putting a cable into special grooves in the wall - the shoes that can be organized with the help of a perforator, and an additional laying of cables in a protective corrugation will be an additional placement of cables in the grooves.

The laid wires are recommended to secure the homutics with an interval of about half a meter. Sockets for sockets and switches would also be fine in advance. If all this is done, we turn to the detailed description how to glue the plasterboard to the wall.

Surface preparation

It is impossible plasterboard on glue to the wall to attach without preliminary measurements and surface preparation. On the quality, durability and strength of the design, preliminary preparation of walls has a basic impact, therefore it is worth responsible to take this stage of work.

Plasterboard is still not wallpaper, therefore it is necessary to glue it on a reliable surface. It is necessary to remove the molded plaster, and it is better to clean the wall at all to the base (concrete, brick).

How to glue drywall to the wall - an effective method

If the surface is not covered with paint, it is better to pre-apply antiseptic impregnation that creates a protective barrier from the penetration of moisture and the formation of the fungus, and dry well. Following this wall, you need to be braced for the purpose of better quality of gluing.

If the surface was previously painted, then there are two ways to continue working:

  1. Clear paint, apply antiseptic impregnation, and then process to.
  2. Buy a more expensive specialized primer Betokontakt of any manufacturer and apply it directly on the paint.

In any case, the primer must dry completely.

Before planting plasterboard on glue to the wall, it is worth checking the curvature of these the walls. Measurements are necessary in order to determine the adhesive mixture and the sticker method.

Preparation of material

After the walls are ready for sticking, prepare the necessary material.

First, the main component is plasterboard. If the walls of the walls of the plasterboard are assumed in the room without an outer wall, then you can purchase conventional sheets of plasterboard. If there is an outer wall, or you are going to bold the bathroom, toilet, kitchen, loggia and other places where closer contact with moisture is possible, it is better to purchase moisture-resistant plasterboard for this purpose.

Sheets of plasterboard should be "closed" in a room of 2-3 days to stabilize their temperature mode and humidity level.

Plasterboard needs to be cut down before sticking, given the mounting clearance from the bottom of 1 cm. Pruning material can also go into force.

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How to glue drywall to the wall - an effective method

Also worth it and in advance cut holes for sockets and switches. So that the workpieces do not buy, you can sign them or decompose along the walls in sticking.

We divorce the glue composition

For sticking of drywall, mainly 2 types of specialized glue are used - this is a fogenfuller and perlfix. The first is used when the differences of the walls are not exceeded 4 mm, in other cases, the pellfix should be applied. These are high-quality materials of the well-known company Knauff. If you wish, you can choose similar to the action of the mixture of other manufacturers, but the overwhelming majority of builders use precisely Fugeuller and Perlfix.

How to glue drywall to the wall - an effective method

To breed the glue, there will be a deep capacity (bucket), a building mixer or a drill with a mixing nozzle. Instructions for kneading glue is on each package. Follow it, and problems at this stage will not appear.

Since you are a non-professional builder, divor into a small amount of glue, because it has a small time of frozen, and it will begin to "capture" for half an hour. Therefore, use small kneaders on 1 sheet.

On the quality of the cooked glue, its consistency may affect, so be sure to follow the instructions and thoroughly stir the mixture.


There are 3 ways to glue drywall to the wall.

1 way. We glue on relatively smooth walls (no more than 4 mm) with a fogenfuller. The glue is applied to the sheet with a toothed spatula, but not completely on the entire surface. Distribute the adhesive mixture around the perimeter plus Add 1-2 stripes in the middle. Do not apply glue close to the edge so that it does not get out when attached. Put the guides to provide an assembly retardation of 1 cm. Gently put a naked sheet on the guides, lean to the wall, align using the rule, then hurt the wall. Similarly, we do with all the sheets.

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How to glue drywall to the wall - an effective method

2 way. If your wall has irregularities in the range from 5 mm to 3 cm, then use this method. The adhesive mixture is divorced on the basis of perlfix. Here there are differences in the application of glue - it is not necessary to distribute smooth stripes. The spatula forms small bugs of glue, which have from each other at a distance of 20-25 cm. The height of these heap is equal to the height of the greatest drop - up to 3 cm. Next, place the plasterboard to the guides, apply to the wall, align the vertical and horizontal position using the level.

3 way. If you have completely uneven walls, then in places of a special drops are glued with a small 10 cm width bands with vertical observance, if there are many such drops - you should create a mesh from plasterboard bands. All the same 10 cm wide around the perimeter and vertically with a frequency every 60 should be created. cm.

How to glue drywall to the wall - an effective method

Thus, a fragment of a frame is created. It is necessary to give the design well to dry, and then the plasterboard on the glue to the wall is mounted as in the 2nd method.

Seeling junctions

Formed when mounting the joints between plasterboard sheets, it is necessary to close with a putty with a gasket of a special reinforcing grid. After drying, the putty of the seams are stitched with fine-grained sandpaper.

Useful advice beginners

Always choose high-quality materials from proven manufacturers.

Mix the adhesive manually cannot be mixed, because it is quickly grasped, and you will not have time to use them for its intended purpose. Use for kneading drill with a nozzle or building mixer.

Plasterboard sticking can be started from anywhere, but always from below.

As guides, use drywall trimming.

The glue handhes can not be applied to drywall, but immediately on the wall with the same interval, but this method seems not too comfortable.

Video "Installation of plasterboard for glue"

A video on how to correctly carry out the installation of plasterboard sheets on glue: how to prepare the surface, how to output the right level and much more.

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