Design of one-bedroom apartment for family with baby


Design of one-bedroom apartment for family with baby

Very often, young families have a sufficient amount of money to buy a spacious apartment, and even a small one-room apartment is a great joy for them. Of course, the first and in the hacola paradise, in this case you can somehow move. But how to be if a young couple has a child? In this situation, you will have to show a considerable smelling and resort to some design tricks so that life in one-room apartment is comfortable.

Registration of small-sized premises

There is a lot of ways to visually or even physically increase even the smallest apartment.

Choose those that are suitable for you:

  1. Minimalism is a real salvation for owners of small housing. Many think minimalism is a complete lack of comfortable furniture and people living in the style of minimalism, it is necessary to be content with the table and sofa. In fact, it is not. In the minimalist interior, each item is very functional. Often, all the furniture takes very little space and can transform.
  2. Glasses, mirrors, translucent fabric will make interior air. It is these materials that need to be used in a small-sized apartment.
  3. The main colors should be exclusively in bright colors. Bright paints visually increase the room, and dark, on the contrary, reduce. If you really want to use bright saturated colors, choose them exclusively for small accessories.
  4. Try to deal with all non-carrier walls. In the apartment with free layout, you can implement much more interior ideas.
  5. In any Khrushchev, there is a storage room. Try not to litter it, as it usually happens, but to transform the storage room into the closet.
  6. If your apartment has very high ceilings, you can arrange a sleeping place under the ceiling. It sounds very strange, but in fact, such a decision is now included in fashion and is gaining momentum. Remember that a reliable suspension bed can only be ordered from professional furniture makers.

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Design of one-bedroom apartment for family with baby

Rules zoning

For a family with a child, the proper zoning of the room is just mandatory. Competently putting partitions and furniture, you can turn your one-room apartment into a full-fledged multifunctional dwelling. To achieve the desired effect in design, it is important to follow certain rules:

  1. So, with how can one share a one-room apartment on the zones? For this you will fit: podiums, screen, sliding partitions, racks, arches. All these elements will not steal the precious space.
  2. Almost every zone use the mirror. With the help of optical illusions, you can increase the room.
  3. Use furniture for visual separation of the room to the zone.
  4. Put the necessary accent using lighting. For example, in the bedroom zone, the light should be muted, in the kitchen - point, with backlit surfaces, and the interior of the living room involves bright lighting.
  5. In each zone, it should be kept different types of flooring. On the floor line immediately will be clear where what kind of zone.

Design of one-bedroom apartment for family with baby

Important zones

Zoning in an apartment with a child involves the presence of certain zones. Some zones are variable, and you can create them at your discretion, but other zones are mandatory. Mandatory zones include:

  1. Dinner Zone. You can use a bar rack as a dining table. This is an indispensable thing in the interior of a small apartment. Stylish bar rack not only separates the kitchen from the living room, but also is a very functional subject.

    Design of one-bedroom apartment for family with baby

  2. Sleeping area. Even in a one-room apartment you can create a full-fledged secluded bedroom. To do this, use a sliding screen. For the bedroom zone it is best to choose a non-massive bed, but a folding sofa.
  3. Guest area. Sooner or later you will want to call friends to visit, which is why it is so important to equip a comfortable guest area. And, moreover, it can be used as a gaming space for a child. The interior of the improvised living room should include puffs (which are much more compacting traditional chairs) and a soft fluffy carpet. In addition, in this zone you can place the TV, attaching it to the wall using brackets.
  4. Work zone. The design of your window sill should be wide, because this particular part of the interior is best used as desktop. Thus, the useless windowsill will perform a very important role. Directly under the windowsill, you can arrange retractable boxes. And do not forget to make several outlets near him.

    Design of one-bedroom apartment for family with baby

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Children's Corner

As you notice, the zoning described above does not include any kind of corner for the child. But even the baby dreams of his own inviolable space. So, if your apartment has a loggia - wonderful! It is on it that we will create a children's corner design.

First of all, when such zoning was carried out, the loggia should be carefully insulated. In such a tiny room, each centimeter is important, so think over the design very carefully. The design should include in itself, first, bed, and secondly, a small chest of drawers for things and toys. Other objects of furniture loggia should not overload. It is better to focus on a fun finish. Use bright children's photo wallpapers on loggias - let it just turn into a real paradise for your baby.

Design of one-bedroom apartment for family with baby

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