Air plants: what it is, care and ideas of the house decor (50 photos)


Air plants: what it is, care and ideas of the house decor (50 photos)

Air plants or Tillandia are plants that do not need to plant in the ground, as in nature they are attached to other plants. And today we offer to look at 50 creative ideas, how to place these air colors in the interior are the most impressive way. Do you know that there are more than 400 kinds of aerial plants and can be created by stunning compositions?

Air plants: what it is, care and ideas of the house decor (50 photos)

They can be placed in a variety of ways - one single plant, in a group of different types of colors, in a miniature glass bowl or in an exciting terrarium, in snag, plugs from wine, vases, in the picture in the frame and in other ways.

Air plants: what it is, care and ideas of the house decor (50 photos)

Air plants can be placed in containers that are suspended, wall and desktops, elegantly placed on the console table or are located in a glass aquarium along with other natural elements to create an original home decor. There are, of course, some basic rules for care, and we will give you useful and practical advice for competent care for your air plants.

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Video: Aerial plants in the decoration of the room, cottages and garden

How to care for aerial plants?

Air plants: what it is, care and ideas of the house decor (50 photos)

Air plants or Tillandia, as they are also called, are very different from other indoor plants and grow quite differently. The biggest advantage is that Tillandia requires much less care and attention than other plants, but this does not mean that they do not need care. Like any other living plant, airflowers need watering, light, air circulation, the desired temperature, the right container for them and suitable fertilizers.

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How to water aerial plants?

Air plants: what it is, care and ideas of the house decor (50 photos)

Watering is of great importance for Tillandia. The name "air plants" is misleading, and many people think that these plants do not need watering at all or that they need very little water. Do not make mistakes - airflowers still need water, despite the fact that they may well survive and two weeks of drought. The longer you keep them dry, the greater the chances that your adorable plants perish. Tillandia feeds on water through the leaves, and in nature they get it with dew, fog and rain.

Air plants: what it is, care and ideas of the house decor (50 photos)

Indoor plants must be carefully moistened at least twice a week. An important note - your tillandsia will not survive standing in the water, they just rotate and die. This means that air circulation is as important for air plants, like watering. Make sure your plants get enough light and fresh air for at least four hours after watering to dry. It is convenient to water them with a sprayer, spraying water, creating imitation of rain and dew on these indoor plants

Suitable lighting and temperature for air plants

Air plants: what it is, care and ideas of the house decor (50 photos)

Sufficient lighting and suitable temperature are important when leaving these plants, like watering them. The bright light is not recommended, so it is not worth placing them on the windowsill or somewhere else under the right sunlight. These are tropical plants, they are familiar to the shadow and high humidity - therefore it is also at home to create similar conditions to them. If you grow a tilland in the outdoors, make sure it is under the tree and on a shady spot. Direct sunlight within an hour is normal, but you must avoid direct sunlight for a whole day.

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If you grow air plants indoors, then you should know that they will feel very well away from the window. Artificial light is also well suited for bottom, but remember that you should not post them closer than 90 centimeters from an artificial light source, whether the upper light or some lamp or backlight. What is the most suitable temperature for air plants? Tillandia will feel better at a temperature of about 10-15 degrees Celsius.

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Airplane fertilizer

Air plants: what it is, care and ideas of the house decor (50 photos)

Use water-soluble fertilizers by spreading them to 1/4 from the value specified on the label. It is enough to fertilize them only once a month. Bromelia is the most recommended fertilizer for air plants. Remember that these plants are very thin and tiny, so fertilizer should not be too concentrated. Aerial plants in the pond or aquarium do not need feeding, as they get a sufficient amount of natural fertilizer.

How to decorate with air plants house

Air plants: what it is, care and ideas of the house decor (50 photos)

Air plants will be an excellent decoration for those areas of the apartment, where you just can't find a place for high and bulk plants. Air plants are an ideal solution for internal landscaping, being not only a decorative design element, but also an environmentally friendly decor, which will allow you to create an eco-decor in your home. The advantage of air plants is also the fact that they do not accumulate excess water containers and pots, which helps maintain a normal environment.

Council : In order to attach a tillandation on a snag, a stone, a crystal, a bark or somewhere else, it is enough just to apply glue to the base and plant a plant to the right place, Holding a little, so that the glue grabbing.

Air plants can be placed in decorative plates, transparent vessels, cups, or placed directly on furniture. Unique, amazing and attractive, they will look great in any interior. There is no limit for creativity and ways to decorate an apartment with air colors. Tillandia can grow anywhere - on the rocks, shell, in ceramic pots, attached to the tree, wine stopper, squiggle or stone.

Read also : Eco-décor of the house with the help of corporate, twigs and rods.

Terrariums and aquariums with compositions made of aerial plants and pebbles are a stunningly beautiful element of the house decor, and you will find several magnificent ideas in the gallery below. Get inspiration for your own attractive miniature garden and charming home decor.

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Air plants and decor: photo

Air plants: what it is, care and ideas of the house decor (50 photos)

Air plants: what it is, care and ideas of the house decor (50 photos)

Air plants: what it is, care and ideas of the house decor (50 photos)

Air plants: what it is, care and ideas of the house decor (50 photos)

Air plants: what it is, care and ideas of the house decor (50 photos)

Air plants: what it is, care and ideas of the house decor (50 photos)

Air plants: what it is, care and ideas of the house decor (50 photos)

Air plants: what it is, care and ideas of the house decor (50 photos)

Air plants: what it is, care and ideas of the house decor (50 photos)

Air plants: what it is, care and ideas of the house decor (50 photos)

Air plants: what it is, care and ideas of the house decor (50 photos)

Air plants: what it is, care and ideas of the house decor (50 photos)

Air plants: what it is, care and ideas of the house decor (50 photos)

Air plants: what it is, care and ideas of the house decor (50 photos)

Air plants: what it is, care and ideas of the house decor (50 photos)

Air plants: what it is, care and ideas of the house decor (50 photos)

Air plants: what it is, care and ideas of the house decor (50 photos)

Air plants: what it is, care and ideas of the house decor (50 photos)

Air plants: what it is, care and ideas of the house decor (50 photos)

Air plants: what it is, care and ideas of the house decor (50 photos)

Air plants: what it is, care and ideas of the house decor (50 photos)

Air plants: what it is, care and ideas of the house decor (50 photos)

Air plants: what it is, care and ideas of the house decor (50 photos)

Air plants: what it is, care and ideas of the house decor (50 photos)

Air plants: what it is, care and ideas of the house decor (50 photos)

Air plants: what it is, care and ideas of the house decor (50 photos)

Air plants: what it is, care and ideas of the house decor (50 photos)

Air plants: what it is, care and ideas of the house decor (50 photos)

Air plants: what it is, care and ideas of the house decor (50 photos)

Air plants: what it is, care and ideas of the house decor (50 photos)

Air plants: what it is, care and ideas of the house decor (50 photos)

Air plants: what it is, care and ideas of the house decor (50 photos)

Air plants: what it is, care and ideas of the house decor (50 photos)

Air plants: what it is, care and ideas of the house decor (50 photos)

Air plants: what it is, care and ideas of the house decor (50 photos)

Air plants: what it is, care and ideas of the house decor (50 photos)

Air plants: what it is, care and ideas of the house decor (50 photos)

Air plants: what it is, care and ideas of the house decor (50 photos)

Air plants: what it is, care and ideas of the house decor (50 photos)

Air plants: what it is, care and ideas of the house decor (50 photos)

Air plants: what it is, care and ideas of the house decor (50 photos)

Air plants: what it is, care and ideas of the house decor (50 photos)

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