How to make a leather bracelet with your own hands: master class with schemes


A large selection of style items offers us a market of accessories, but how to make a bracelet from the skin with your own hands? Both skin and its substitutes occupy a large place in the modern choice of material. It does not require difficulty processing and effectively complements the image. The skin is used in bracelets for both men and women.

Styles of bracelets

We offer to consider several examples of bracelets and instructions for their manufacture.

Leather thin stripes and wax cords made of leather are sold in in stores on a lot. Take the right amount and select colors. Strips cut into pieces and secure cords. Collect different types of cords in one bracelet. Add metal decorations or beads.

How to make a leather bracelet with your own hands: master class with schemes

How to make a leather bracelet with your own hands: master class with schemes

How to make a leather bracelet with your own hands: master class with schemes

How to make a leather bracelet with your own hands: master class with schemes

Take a long cord so that it cut your hand several times and secure special clasp at the ends.

Note! Caps can be glued with super-glue or hot glue from the thermopystole.

How to make a leather bracelet with your own hands: master class with schemes

Several blanks of metal bracelets will fly away with a leather cord as a braid basket. The work scheme is very simple, the master class does not take much time.

How to make a leather bracelet with your own hands: master class with schemes

How to make a leather bracelet with your own hands: master class with schemes

How to make a leather bracelet with your own hands: master class with schemes

How to make a leather bracelet with your own hands: master class with schemes

How to make a leather bracelet with your own hands: master class with schemes

The easiest view of wicker leather bracelets is the way "pigtail". You can goss out different types of shoelaces and strips. Conventional brown and black colors are suitable for various clothing styles, more motley chosen on summer bright images.

How to make a leather bracelet with your own hands: master class with schemes

How to make a leather bracelet with your own hands: master class with schemes

How to make a leather bracelet with your own hands: master class with schemes

An interesting version of weaving with a leather cord and beads recently became fashionable. For such bracelets, a fantasy road is opened in terms of combining thread colors and beads.

Elegant cute lacing in weave with bead thread are associated with dense bright denim threads.

How to make a leather bracelet with your own hands: master class with schemes

How to make a leather bracelet with your own hands: master class with schemes

Take beads from 4-6 mm and twist thread among two leather cords. It will take a needle to help.

How to make a leather bracelet with your own hands: master class with schemes

How to make a leather bracelet with your own hands: master class with schemes

How to make a leather bracelet with your own hands: master class with schemes

How to make a leather bracelet with your own hands: master class with schemes

Wide model

A more complicated, but still affordable way to create your own individual accessory is the manufacture of a wide bracelet on the type of strap or a swelling.

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Clips can serve buckles or buttons. On a dense piece of leather, the spikes and rivets are glued or fasten, the holes are done through which cords can be returned for decor.

How to make a leather bracelet with your own hands: master class with schemes

How to make a leather bracelet with your own hands: master class with schemes

How to make a leather bracelet with your own hands: master class with schemes

How to make a leather bracelet with your own hands: master class with schemes

We find a suitable material in the form of pieces from the old jacket, bags or boots. Clasp buckles can also be taken from the straps of old bags, the buttons acquire new ones.

It is enough to fasten the thick skin with the buttons, displace the drawing, paint with the paints, enclose semi-masses, embroider with threads.

How to make a leather bracelet with your own hands: master class with schemes

How to make a leather bracelet with your own hands: master class with schemes

Thin skin and suede glued to steel or plastic blanks for bracelets. They are sold in fittings and can be different widths and sizes.

Most often, needlewomen use such material for embroidery beads. It is not necessary to make bracelets from solid canvas, small skin pieces can also serve as material to create decoration. Create geometric figures or carved leaves with leather glue. The flower of leather, fixed with the button on the strip, becomes a glamorous detail in your appearance.

How to make a leather bracelet with your own hands: master class with schemes

How to make a leather bracelet with your own hands: master class with schemes

Men's options

Common associations of a male bracelet as rock attributes or addition to the sustained image of bikers. However, accessories are still relevant to add accessories, metal inserts with engraving name, club or ornament, spikes and rivets. But in contrast to informal movement, leather bracelets entered the style of a city man. Many stars wear such jewelry, and they look no less on male.

How to make a leather bracelet with your own hands: master class with schemes

How to make a leather bracelet with your own hands: master class with schemes

How to make a leather bracelet with your own hands: master class with schemes

Some types of bracelets turn into a discharge of purely male work. From the thick calf leather, the girl's hand is difficult to cut any detail. But but such bracelets will very effectively look at some folk ornaments, which is very fashionable. Although the task is simplified, if you can glue the embroidery on top of the skin, and the material itself will play the role of a strong base.

How to make a leather bracelet with your own hands: master class with schemes

How to make a leather bracelet with your own hands: master class with schemes

How to make a leather bracelet with your own hands: master class with schemes

If there are sharp special tools make openwork bracelets. And such a job requires skill and skill. For some ideas there may be special holes of various shapes, circles, asterisks.

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How to make a leather bracelet with your own hands: master class with schemes

How to make a leather bracelet with your own hands: master class with schemes

How to make a leather bracelet with your own hands: master class with schemes

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