What can make a ball for Topiaria and for decoration


Needlewomen, starting their new product, prepare for work. It is often thoroughly and explored, how different elements of the subject are made. So, for example, in such art, like the creation of Topiaria, it is important to be able to make it the basis - a ball. This article will tell how and from what you can make a ball, which can be used as the basis of Topiary or just in the decor.

What can make a ball for Topiaria and for decoration

For Topiaria, special base balls can be purchased in stores, but if you have a desire, it is very easy to do it yourself. On this basis, the entire crown of decorative wood is formed.

What can make a ball for Topiaria and for decoration

A little about Topiari

What can make a ball for Topiaria and for decoration

Topiary is a whole branch of the art of needlework, in which there are no rules and limitations. Art is as creative as possible, only some tips should be taken into account, such as the fact that the crown size is one and a half or twice in diameter should exceed the size of the pot. When it takes time to choose a pot, it is worth considering this advice. With the rest of small nuances you will get acquainted in the course of the article.

What can make a ball for Topiaria and for decoration

Let's start with the most elementary balls that can be made with your own hands, and then we will show more complex ways to create them.

Newspaper ball

What can make a ball for Topiaria and for decoration

One of the most simple ways to create a ball is the press of ordinary newspapers. To do this, we harvest old, unnecessary newspapers or magazines, can approach the notebook and in general the waste paper that you were going to throw away.

What can make a ball for Topiaria and for decoration

Now it must be gradually licking and lay the ball in the likeness, and that the paper keeps the form, it is enough to fix it with glue, and after scotch. If you are planning a crown with a diameter of more than 20 cm, the base from such a material is perfect.

The Master Council: if you have no big paper sheets and you are pressed small segments, then fold them all in the package, and already after windscreen.

Singisterboarding option

What can make a ball for Topiaria and for decoration

For small topiaries, very small balls are needed, simply make them from a synthet board. Of course, it can be replaced on any other similar material, but since it is cheap and often lying around somewhere at home, take it for example.

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In the kapron sock we impose the amount of sinteration on the eyes, how much we need for the ball, and, squeezing from this number the desired shape, we begin to wipe with any threads. As a result, the basis will be durable, but starting to do this ball, keep in mind that it is not worth exceeding the size with a diameter of 10 cm.

What can make a ball for Topiaria and for decoration

Again paper

Another paper technique, but this time is a little more difficult - it is a papier-mache technique. We will need a balloon, paper or newspaper, PVA glue. To begin with, the ball of the desired size is inflated and well all over the perimeter is washed with glue. Now paper sheets begin to stick on this sticky surface.

What can make a ball for Topiaria and for decoration

After each layer, the surface of the ball is covered again with glue, so we do, until it reaches at least 10 mm in the thickness. Leave the ball until complete drying, the time that will go to it depends on the thickness of the glued paper. Gently blow and pull the ball through the small hole done. Such a bowl of fragile, make it harder than previous balls, but it is very original.

We continue the experiment

More air balloons can be used in such an interesting method as creating a frame from threads for knitting. This method is very similar to a papier-mache technique. A glue is applied to an inflatable ball, and then it is winding with threads, as well as after several layers, rebuilding. After complete drying of the thread, the ball is blown away and pulls out. The ball base from this technique is suitable for luminous from the inside of Topiaria.

What can make a ball for Topiaria and for decoration

When using balls, it is not purposeful for the Topiaria crown, but simply for the decor, we provide a classification of similar balls that can be done or purchased in the store.

What can make a ball for Topiaria and for decoration

Classification of balls

  1. Ball from foam. This type of ball is very hard to do on your own and better acquire the workpiece and store. Its dimensions vary from the smallest to the largest.

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What can make a ball for Topiaria and for decoration

  1. Rubber ball. Rubber balls are massive in weight and suitable only for durable, solid topiaries that are attached with the help of complex tools and materials.

What can make a ball for Topiaria and for decoration

  1. Balls from threads. An example of creating such balls was shown below, simply create them, and they are suitable for the addition of the ball illuminated.

What can make a ball for Topiaria and for decoration

  1. Synthetic or fabric balls. Such bases are very easy by weight, are easily manufactured and not whimsical use.

What can make a ball for Topiaria and for decoration

  1. Ball for tennis. Even the ball for tennis will be a full-fledged ball for Topiaria or another decor.

What can make a ball for Topiaria and for decoration

Here are the main types of balls that can be used in needlework. There is enough targeted desire, a little fantasy and can easily create interesting things.

When creating a Topiaria for each part of it, you need to use minimum basic knowledge, read them:

  1. Begins to create a product from a choice of pot. In order for the finished item to be stable, make sure that the stability is in itself ensured by a good bottom.
  2. Choose a ball depending on the final size. So in the examples described above it is said that some materials will not be able to provide a large size of the bottom of the crown.
  3. In the trunk, most importantly is strength, because it has to withstand the whole crown. There is also an emphasis on a suitable material.
  4. Well, on the creation of the crown you can completely rely on your fantasy, without considering any rules.

What can make a ball for Topiaria and for decoration

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