Ideas for giving with your own hands: Flower beds


Plastic bottles are not only a liquid container, as well as a good basis for creativity and needlework. Some masters are surprised by unusual crafts, which are difficult to imagine, made of old things, plastic, rubber residues from wheels. For all this it will takes the material, scissors, paint, glue and some free time. Do not forget to connect creative thinking. Let's look at ideas for giving with your own hands from a variety of materials.

Crafts from plastic

How often do you get water in plastic bottles? If the answer is positive, then for sure you have accumulated a lot of unnecessary tanks, you can create unusual and useful products to give.

Let's start with a strange version of the product on "What can be created from a huge bottle" - Polyvalka for new technologies:

Ideas for giving with your own hands: Flower beds

Ideas for giving with your own hands: Flower beds

The following option is used by the usual packaging for good watering of vegetables loving moisture:

Ideas for giving with your own hands: Flower beds

For your country house or cottage, which is fenced with an inconspicuous and simple fence - it is possible to cheap and very beautifully decorate with flowers, as in the photo:

Ideas for giving with your own hands: Flower beds

Ideas for giving with your own hands: Flower beds

There is also no need to hang the vase, it is possible to still create outdoor flower beds in the form of different animals from the container of large size:

Ideas for giving with your own hands: Flower beds

Ideas for giving with your own hands: Flower beds

Such unusual animals, people, houses, candlesticks and other figures from plastic bottles will serve for you as a good garden decor:

Ideas for giving with your own hands: Flower beds

Ideas for giving with your own hands: Flower beds

Ideas for giving with your own hands: Flower beds

Ideas for giving with your own hands: Flower beds

Ideas for giving with your own hands: Flower beds

Ideas for giving with your own hands: Flower beds

Ideas for giving with your own hands: Flower beds

Ideas for giving with your own hands: Flower beds

Ideas for giving with your own hands: Flower beds

Ideas for giving with your own hands: Flower beds

Ideas for giving with your own hands: Flower beds

Ideas for giving with your own hands: Flower beds

Ideas for giving with your own hands: Flower beds

Ideas for giving with your own hands: Flower beds

Also directly flowers can be made of plastic containers, take a look at this beauty - it can make any fence very beautiful, and it seems that it would seem from unnecessary things:

Ideas for giving with your own hands: Flower beds

Ideas for giving with your own hands: Flower beds

Ideas for giving with your own hands: Flower beds

Ideas for giving with your own hands: Flower beds

Even if the container is not made of plastic, it is possible to create very beautiful crafts from it:

Ideas for giving with your own hands: Flower beds

Game from small plastic bottles - Bowling, made by hand made of well-made materials.

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Ideas for giving with your own hands: Flower beds

As well as a cool basket:

Ideas for giving with your own hands: Flower beds

Products from rubber

The first place in our list takes not a moving road from the tires. To begin with, you will not need to suffer with ever-growing grass on paths. Then, the tread protector will not let you slide on the track. In addition, they allow you not to put the dirt home.

Ideas for giving with your own hands: Flower beds

The roads from the tires will serve for a very long time and are not complex in the manufacture: you only need to cut the drawing on the tires and with the help of nails or screws to attach them to the pair of transverse beams.

Ground vases. From the surface of the tire you can cut chamomile. After that turn it out. Now it will remain coloring, and the place for flowers will be performed. And if the tire is left on the basis, it turns out to perform a romp on the leg.

The most difficult procedure is to turn the tire. But there is a small trick: at the moment, when about half will be turned out, it should be pressed for it to obtain an oval, then it will be easier to work.

Ideas for giving with your own hands: Flower beds

Use different tires, show creativity in the form of petals and coloring, then your products - tire vases - will be original.

Ideas for giving with your own hands: Flower beds

Ideas for giving with your own hands: Flower beds

Ideas for giving with your own hands: Flower beds

Swans are a classic of tire products. The procedure is practically the same. On the photos-instructions for this product from tires for giving can be seen how to make it my own.

Ideas for giving with your own hands: Flower beds

Progress of work:

  1. On the tire, depict the scheme of cutting.
  2. Candle it according to the scheme (to start the head, then tail and feathers).
  3. Remove the tire.
  4. Perform the beak and color it in red.
  5. Fold two half of the head together, insert the beaks bonded with screws between them.
  6. Raise your head and sustate it. The resulting fold will fasten with screws.
  7. Rush the swan, re-adjust the eyes so that the tapping screw is not noticeable.

There are several swan cutting options. Choose the one that you want to taste.

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Ideas for giving with your own hands: Flower beds

Ideas for giving with your own hands: Flower beds

Exotic birds from tires. It is also a flowerbed, only they can be suspended. Created by analogy with swans, perhaps, a much greater variety of paints. When you paint the parrot, keep a photo before your eyes, the coloring will turn out more realistic. This idea can be used as unusual swing for children.

Ideas for giving with your own hands: Flower beds

Ideas for giving with your own hands: Flower beds

Second Life

Those things with which we conducted some part of our lives are hard to part. They are addictive and the impression is that they can still come in handy. Perhaps with some things that are the roads to you, and do not say goodbye? Delaying the decision about their fate, you send them on garages or gives. In order for them to not become a place to store different trash, we recommend that you give them a second life. Some options offer for your attention.

Jeans come into disrepair very unexpectedly, despite the fact that their main part may look very nice. But small loss or other defects say that their application is already impossible.

A lot of unnecessary couples had certainly accumulated at the fan of this thing. The first option of the further life of this subject is to create a hammock.

Ideas for giving with your own hands: Flower beds

A good option will be the update of the already existing hammock. But remember that very strong things will be needed, it's very sorry from which rags. Fasteners, ropes and other items apply from old hammock, just they wear less than the canvas itself. We sew a few pairs with a thick and sufficient strong thread. Guides and ropes are required to attach exactly as it was at the old product. The remains of the pants can be applied by creating something in the form of a pocket or bags. Pluging them on the sides, they will share a bottle with a water, a book, glasses, a cream from the Sun and a number of other little things that will be useful for vacationers in a hammock.

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After repair in your apartment, it was decided that an old bath no longer would be useful. But as it turns out, it can be applied as an excellent decoration for your country area. It will only remain to determine the option, as it is possible to apply it. And also, if you want to create a small pond on the plot, thereby diverse the landscape, the bathroom is suitable as it is impossible. Choose your favorite place, make markup, depending on the size of the bath, and dig a place for it. Drain in the bath can be sealed with a tube of wood wrapped into the fabric.

Ideas for giving with your own hands: Flower beds

Many covers the inner part of the dark paint bath for greater similarity with a real pond. The edges of the pond can be decorated with different stones, lanterns, figures and flowers. Ferns, bells, iris and others fit well.

Ideas for giving with your own hands: Flower beds

Video on the topic

In conclusion, we present a few videos with ideas made with your own hands for giving.

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