How to connect two different floor coverings?


In addition to the visual creation of several functional zones in a single space, a combination of different floor coatings may pursue practical purposes . In particular, the space near the furnace or the fireplace should be protected from heating, sparks and coals, there is an optimal tile of porcelain stoneware. In the zone of sleep and recreation, they are introducing "warm" materials, the kitchen is separated by ceramics.

How to connect two different floor coverings?

The method of connecting coatings is chosen depending on which the goal is pursued. If a smooth visual transition from laminate to the tile is expected, materials close to the shade and ornament are used. When I want to focus on the dividing line, it is better to use contrastful colors and invoices.

Attention! An important stage here is a neat docking - defects will be very noticeable. Seam should be protected from external influence: intensive friction will lead to its rapid destruction, the moisture will negatively affect the wooden floor covering.

Subtleties of use of the thoroughtle

The method is optimal for a compound in different combinations:

  • tiles
  • porcelain stoneware
  • laminate.

With the help of the thoring, it is easier to disguise uneven seams, smooth out a slight difference in height. If the laying of the laminate was made by the floating method, the only way to "continue" from the tile is the installation of the threshold.

Wooden products attract aesthetics and presentability, but only smooth seams can be equipped with such threshings. In priority, there must be models with a longitudinal feeder at the bottom side - it provides a proper level of depreciation.

How to connect two different floor coverings?

The basis of metal variations is laid by stainless steel and aluminum, the variety of their shades is achieved due to the surface polymer film. Aluminum models may be bend, they are convenient for creating curvilinear seams. For fixing, liquid nails, screws, mounting profiles are used.

On a note! The essence of laminated thresholds is similar to laminate, they can be performed in an identical color scheme. Usually, the products have a hidden type of installation.

Flexible profiles, strains and moldings from PVC are used to design curvilinear seams. The main advantages of such solutions are the elasticity and diverse color scheme. Plastic profiles have T-shaped execution, liquid nails will be needed for fixing them.

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How to connect two different floor coverings?

Registration of a unobistant seam

In cases where there are no butchers, laminate and tiles are accurately cut according to the desired form, you can refuse the use of the clad.

How to connect two different floor coverings?

The intended curved line is drawn on the floor and the cardboard pattern is cut on it. First, they laid the tile, when approaching the connection site with laminate, it is not glued, folded along the line and, applying the pattern, cut. To obtain a smooth cut, a burgrage is useful equipped with a diamond circle. Next, the blanks are glued, by observing the initial line.

How to connect two different floor coverings?

Laminate is placed towards the place of the joint, in close proximity to it lay the dies without fixing, tolerate the line and cut the blanks . To create an even transition in the joint zone, extract the substrate, when assembling, the laminate should be slightly entering the tile. For gluing dies, silicone composition is used, following him, he does not speak from the junction. When the seam dry, it needs to be lured with a mixture of tile.

To avoid the introduction of the clad, also use the cork compensator - it is glued into the joint . Due to this solution, changes in the parameters of wood under the influence of temperature and humidity oscillations are leveled. The width of the cork liner must accurately comply with the thickness of the seam.

How to connect two different floor coverings?

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How to connect two different floor coverings?

How to connect two different floor coverings?

How to connect two different floor coverings?

How to connect two different floor coverings?

How to connect two different floor coverings?

How to connect two different floor coverings?

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