How to Evil Unicorn Machine on Machine: Scheme Lumigurum with Video


From color gum you can make a lot of interesting things. We invite you to learn how to weave the unicorn from the rubber. Why is the unicorn? This mythical beast often appears in fairy tales and cartoons. It is the personification of good, purity, mind. Children adore such unusual good characters. And a small key chain or a bulk toy will become an excellent gift, which will certainly delight them.

How to Evil Unicorn Machine on Machine: Scheme Lumigurum with Video

Rainbow History

Iris, or multi-colored rubberry, appeared in 2019 in the United States. They came up with the Malaysian engineer Chong Chun NG. His daughters loved to be labeled with phenushek. Father this occupation interested, and he decided to try to repeat their works. Chongu very badly was given weaving with his hands, then he decided to alleviate his work and made the machine from the board and carnations. He let him easily make many beautiful bracelets in a short period of time. Bright and stylish products really liked the children at school, and Chong Chun NG decided to share his bragging with everyone - he patented a weaving machine. The invention has received the name Rainbow Loom - a rainbow machine for weaving.

How to Evil Unicorn Machine on Machine: Scheme Lumigurum with Video

The idea of ​​the inventor almost insigible failure. The fact is that no one just did not know what sets with colored rubber bands and weaving tools are intended. Then Chong's family shot master classes on a weaving on video and posted them online. This course gave the movement of sales of sets and widespread the new type of needlework. Weaving from rubberry - a fascinating occupation that loved people of all ages. From this material you can make beautiful accessories, small souvenirs and figures, toys, telephone covers and even clothes.

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How to Evil Unicorn Machine on Machine: Scheme Lumigurum with Video

How to Evil Unicorn Machine on Machine: Scheme Lumigurum with Video

How to Evil Unicorn Machine on Machine: Scheme Lumigurum with Video

Working machinery

Sets for weaving consist of a different number of multi-colored rubber bands and tools for weaving - slingshot, rainbow machine, plastic hook. Needlewomen diversified creativity, introducing new tools. This made it possible to create interesting crafts. So, we can weave:

  • On the rainbow machine;
  • On slingshot;
  • On hook;
  • Crochet;
  • On fingers;
  • On table forks;
  • On comb;
  • On pencils.

You probably noticed that the hook in the list is mentioned twice. This tool allows you to work in various weaving techniques. Production of products can occur at the crochet itself and with it. In the first case, the entire craft is inserted on the body of the hook and removes it only at the end of work.

How to Evil Unicorn Machine on Machine: Scheme Lumigurum with Video

The second type of weaving, in which the hook is also used, more like knitting from the rubber. It allows you to create 3D toys and objects.

Technique is called Lumigurumi. It occurred from the similar techniques of circular knitting (amigurumi) with which masters create very cute figures.

How to Evil Unicorn Machine on Machine: Scheme Lumigurum with Video

How to Evil Unicorn Machine on Machine: Scheme Lumigurum with Video

How to Evil Unicorn Machine on Machine: Scheme Lumigurum with Video

As you can see, and without the machine you can create crafts from rubber.

Work with machine

The rainbow machine allows you to create various products. Externally, it is a plastic platform on which removable columns are available. Each column is equipped with a small recess so that it is easier to enter the hook for removing the loops of the lower row. Place the excavation needs to be faced with yourself. You can independently adjust the number of columns to pull the rubber band.

When working on the machine, the quality of the material is very important. The entire cauldron can spoil from one low-quality gum that burst at an inappropriate moment.

How to Evil Unicorn Machine on Machine: Scheme Lumigurum with Video

Weaving on the Rainbow Machine is a process of alternately pulling the elastic bands to the columns and the same consistent transfer and removal. Nothing is difficult in this, the main thing is to clearly follow the scheme.

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A funny small union will become the favorites of your child. To make it a body, you will need white rubber bands. The horn is usually yellow or gold, but the mane and tail can be all the colors of the rainbow. Experiment, because this fabulous creature opens a large scope for your imagination. The outer video on weaving a small unicorn from the gum will help you master the work technique on the Rainbow Loom machine.

We master a circular weaving

Technique Lumigurumi is based on two types of weaving. To master it, you need to learn how to make a ring and a direct chain of loops. Based on these simple types of weaving, all products in the technique of Lumigurumi are manufactured.

Weaving chain loopes

To dial a chain of air loops, you need to take:

  • Rubber required color;
  • Hook.

Screw the iris into three turns around the hook.

How to Evil Unicorn Machine on Machine: Scheme Lumigurum with Video

Remove it onto the second gum and hang both of her tail on the hook.

How to Evil Unicorn Machine on Machine: Scheme Lumigurum with Video

Alternately adding by one elastic band, we penetrate the chain of the required length.

How to Evil Unicorn Machine on Machine: Scheme Lumigurum with Video

Based on such a chain, rectangular products or toys details are made. To do this, the initial chain is fluttered on both sides and continue weaving with circular rows.

How to Evil Unicorn Machine on Machine: Scheme Lumigurum with Video

Ring Lumigurumi

Based on almost every toy made in the technique of Lumigurumi, there is a ring of air loops. To create it, you need to turn the rubber band on the hook three times, then remove it on a separate iris. Thug her left loop through the right, tighten into the nodule.

How to Evil Unicorn Machine on Machine: Scheme Lumigurum with Video

Enter the hook to the initial (triple) loop, add an elastic band.

How to Evil Unicorn Machine on Machine: Scheme Lumigurum with Video

Left loopered through two hinges on the hook. You will receive the first roof air loop.

How to Evil Unicorn Machine on Machine: Scheme Lumigurum with Video

Repeat a set of loops according to the scheme. At the end of the row you need to connect the first and last loop of the ring. In the second row to expand the ring in each loop, two new ones are inserted.

How to Evil Unicorn Machine on Machine: Scheme Lumigurum with Video

How to Evil Unicorn Machine on Machine: Scheme Lumigurum with Video

It remains only to apply the surveyed skills on a particular product. Of course, it will be a bulk toy from the gum in the form of a unicorn. Follow the large number of multicolored rainbowes and patience. The execution of such a toy will require a lot of time. And the video master class will help you to make a big unicorn.

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Video on the topic

We suggest you to see a selection of video from which you learn to make unicorns from the rubber, using various weaving techniques.

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