Device veranda with balcony in the house


Improve the appearance of a private house and at the same time purchase a useful area allows a balcony over the veranda attached from the selected side. This type of extension immediately contributes to the project or erected years later. The arrangement of the terrace with a balcony is more than a summer version, but has its own architectural advantages and universal use.

Selection of space and design

Device veranda with balcony in the house

The veranda and the balcony are destined, as a rule, by the courtyard

If the house is located near the facade close to the street, then the veranda with a balcony is delivered with his own hands, as a rule, from the side of the yard, garden. Planning the building simultaneously with the main building facilitates the task of how to make a balcony, allows you to build on a general foundation, make a protruding visor from the slab overlap.

Separate construction implies first to determine the type of foundation of the veranda with a balcony, its location to the house with the possibility of passing from the rooms. If there is no need to pierce the opening in the capital walls, the rise to the balcony occurs on the outer staircase.

Device veranda with balcony in the house

Open terraces are equipped with a platform on any of the house levels (porch, second floor, roof). It can be located under the balcony at the level of the earth's surface (plate) or rise above it on a specially equipped foundation. The main questions are the designer questions of the supports of the supports under the balcony in combination with the house itself.

In order to the an extension in which the veranda with a balcony to the house with one of the parties did not consider the illegal construction, according to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation (Art. 25) "On Architectural Activities in the Russian Federation":
  1. send a project to the chief architect of the city / district;
  2. apply with the application of documents of land ownership;
  3. Register a house with changes in architectural forms.

Article on the topic: Decorate the crib with your own hands: Pipe and canopy

Device veranda with balcony in the house

What is the foundation

The type of foundation will depend on the two principal moments:

  • structural weight;
  • The state of the soil under the selected platform.

Most often, the verandas are light frame structures made of wood. This is due to such reasons:

  • relatively low weight;
  • Small deformation on provisis, which allows you to put less support points than steel beam;
  • Small temperature extensions;
  • Long service life (when processing protective compositions).

The massive extension sometimes put on a ribbon foundation, but the optimal option will be one of the types of pile base.

Packed supports

Device veranda with balcony in the house

On the steady dry ground, the local area, which is pre-coated with concrete, is cooled by adjustable supports that put under the lags of the veranda. Their carrying ability (1 T), the design adapted to the adjustment makes it possible to set a horizontal plane even if there are some soil irregularities.

On the same basis, it is used to raise the platform to the desired level of ceramzite-concrete blocks, concrete pillows. They are positioned in support points in increments of 0.4 - 0.5 m. Condition - the unit must be full, concrete with moisture-resistant additives.

If the soil is poured or movable, apply the pile and column type of foundation. The pile can be screwed (easy way) or laid out of bricks, blocks, boob stone, asbetic pipes with fill with concrete.

Given the ease of the construction of the terrace and the balcony over it, the number of columns can be reduced due to the platform support for the foundation of the main building. This solution must be confirmed by the calculation. Otherwise, the distance is withstanding at least 3 cm.

Raise above

Device veranda with balcony in the house

The framework of the future veranda floors are placed on the prepared ground. At this stage, the balcony support columns above the terrace (brick, wooden, steel) are erected. Steel beams are connected to the poles on the piles, or poured concrete along with the foundation. Brick columns are laid out as a continuation of the underground part of the pillar.

In concrete structures, the installation location of the necessary mortgage elements are determined in advance before the start of work.

The bar is placed on piles and fasten anchor bolts. The lower belt must be firmly held on the basis. A frame design can directly go to the supports, and it may be necessary to additional pile strapping (at a considerable height or area). Tips on how to make a veranda with your own hands, see here:

The remaining vertical elements of the sheath will be easier, not performing carrier functions. They will get a wind load on glazing and its own weight. Wood, aluminum, plastic, glass are chosen materials for casing. Bashed together for stiffness with metal corners.

Device veranda with balcony in the house

The support pillars are fixed with self-drawing (nails) of rafters. For the strapping on the wall of the building fasten a run. From it, the roofs are driven with a decrease in the level of 0.15 cm to the cut. Racks for balcony railings are released above. Roofing material is laid.

The balcony railing makes a height of 0.9 m. The lags are attached under the flooring. They laid the floorboard. From above, the railing is covered by handrails. This may be other than wood, modern weather-resistant materials (plastic, anodized aluminum, stainless steel).

Materials light design

The budget version of the balcony can be made like an openwork wooden veranda with a roof used. To do this, it is necessary:
  • Frame timber 4m long with a face of 10 × 10 cm;
  • Floor lags and balconies - 10 × 50 cm rear, 4 m;
  • The board of the floor, thickness 4 cm;
  • Bar on a railing of 5 × 5 cm;
  • The material that will go to the roof device (professional flooring, metal tile, ondulin);
  • impregnation for wood.

First, it is necessary to attach a longitudinal bar to the wall of the house so that it is below the top edge of the floor by 5 - 10 cm, it will protect it from water to the house during the rain or melting of snow. It is necessary to mount hard, because there will be a major load. The support beams are parallel to the wall at the desired distance. The transverse timber is fastened on top. Between 2, the longitudinal bars perform the laying of a transverse board with a thickness of 5 cm, the distance between them does not exceed 0.5 m. Making such a framework of the frame, begin to output all sides, and, if necessary, the roof. See for details in this video:

Backway council

Device veranda with balcony in the house

For the roof over the balcony, it is better to use that material that lies on the main part of the building. If for some reason it is impossible to do this, a good solution will be a visor from light polycarbonate. It will not require the manufacture of capital supporting structures and will not create a large load.

Modern and stylishly there is a veranda with an indoor glazed inner area. For this produce glass sliding panels. If necessary, they are easily shifted to the side, opening access to air and light.

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