Master class on weaving from newspaper tubes with photos and video


Newspapers, old magazines - all this we call unnecessary waste paper, which is dusting at home, and throw it out a pity, there is nowhere to say. No one used to even think that such a homemade "Macultural garbage" can be turned into the necessary things that else can be stylish in the interior. That is, give things to the second life. There are many varieties of weaving: spiral, "pigtail", "roller". And these are the most popular species, in fact, there are a lot of them. And everyone chooses what he likes more. In this article, from the master class on weaving from newspaper tubes, you can find out all the main points for this type of creativity.

Look at how beautiful and necessary things come out of newspaper weaving. You should not spend money on the purchase, because you can do something interesting with your own hands.

Master class on weaving from newspaper tubes with photos and video

In the 19th century, such an unusual needlework began. But in those days, they did not leave newsprint, only vine, rods, straw were used. In addition, things have not been made so much, and now you can always weave anything. But now a new technology has appeared - this paper is, very cheap and angry.

Master class on weaving from newspaper tubes with photos and video

From such a simple and affordable material, you can make a lot of necessary things. For example, you can weigh the laundry basket, because you agree, this is a pretty necessary thing in life. You can also risk a chest in which it is so convenient to store jewelry or other things.

Master class on weaving from newspaper tubes with photos and video

Now many people make things with their own hands for the house. Everything else, you can make money on this matter. Weave and sell. Or become a teacher for other creative natures, who are just like you, want to create useful things.

Master class on weaving from newspaper tubes with photos and video

This article will talk about spiral weaving, and you will also learn about the rope method. Even the smallest little things you can learn from the explanation of the master class.

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Spiral appliances

Watching this name, you might think that weaving can be very difficult, but in fact, all the masters who know their work will prove to you the opposite. Weaving this kind looks very unusual. Wonderful looks of overwhelmed vases and wreaths with such a weaving technique.

Master class on weaving from newspaper tubes with photos and video

One of the main rules that you must learn is that the consecutive bending of all tubes should tightly touch the form. But you will also learn about it from video lessons.

Many people might think that the tools will need much more, but in fact very little. So, consider the tools we need. What we need for spiral weaving:

  • Spoke. If you do not have it, you can take a skewer. These tools are needed to twist the newspaper in the tube. The thicker it is the needker or sinking, the thicker will be the pipes themselves;
  • PVA glue for fixing the tubes;
  • Acrylic paint, but you can replace it with food paint. Paint is needed for decorating the product;
  • Line. It is necessary for our tubes to be smooth;
  • It is necessary "Form", which will be tired. You can take the same vase or jar.

With the help of the video provided below, it will be clear to you, whereby getting better work. In the meantime, look at the master class with the photo.

Master class on weaving from newspaper tubes with photos and video

Master class on weaving from newspaper tubes with photos and video

Master class on weaving from newspaper tubes with photos and video

To proceed, you need to wind the tubes, do it on this video.

After you made a large number of tubes, boldly proceed to the beginning of work.

And this video is a two-color spiral weaving. It looks very unusual.

Rope weaving

Rope weaving is slightly denser than spiral. It is performed on the principle of the mesh, alternately the working tubes are becoming one for one. In this way, namely the rope, fences are wearing. It can be said that this is a traditional way of weaving.

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Master class on weaving from newspaper tubes with photos and video

This weaving is suitable for wide baskets, an unusual shape of the casket, perfectly suitable for vases.


  • booklet or newspaper with thin pages;
  • The knitting needles of 2.5-4.5 mm (the thinner of the needker, the thinner there will be tubes);
  • PVA glue for fastening the tubes;
  • sharp stationery scissors;
  • Prayer, varnish or acrylic paint, you can still use the food dye;
  • Tassels;
  • Material you go to decorate a basket.

Do not worry if you will not get to the "excellent" from the first time. Before doing something good, you need to practice. At first you can spoil a couple of products, but as soon as the hand is trained, wonderful things will come out.

Master class on weaving from newspaper tubes with photos and video

Master class on weaving from newspaper tubes with photos and video

Master class on weaving from newspaper tubes with photos and video

Video on the topic

Materials are at hand, which means you can safely begin weaving. In this you will help you video. Look and pick up what will happen more in spirit.

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