Beautiful studio apartment interiors: 40 photos of open space


Beautiful studio apartment interiors: 40 photos of open space

Studios have now become a fairly popular phenomenon when choosing and buying a home, but how to create a beautiful interior of such a studio apartment?. Plus or minus such apartments is one area to all possible zones. Therefore, the issue of proper planning and combining space is sufficiently important in this option.

Beautiful studio apartment interiors: 40 photos of open space

So, how to make the furniture as comfortable as possible, what color decision to choose? All these questions now try to reveal.

Design and Interior Studio Apartment

Basically, such options are suitable for young people or couples, or lonely people. Of course, sometimes families and families are set there, but to be honest, it is quite uncomfortable.

Beautiful studio apartment interiors: 40 photos of open space

Considering the main directions in the design of the apartment design - Studios, we will provide:

  • Uniquely bright color solutions of walls, furniture and various finishes. This visually will make the space space anymore and will be much more comfortable to be in such a room.
  • Furniture is best taken mobile and functional. The largest popularity in this direction will be the option of transformer furniture.
  • The room zoning is best to use mirror surfaces or partitions.

Categorically invalid points will be:

  • Dominance of dark shades above light. This visually reduces the space and make it more compact.
  • It is impossible to use massive furniture, as it occupies a lot of space. It is better to take something less dimensional, but functional.
  • It is not recommended to use heavy or massive curtains on the windows.
  • And the most important point of all there will be the absence of small things or trash, which would climb your apartment. This applies to oversaturation with decor. In a word, than you will be more inclined to the style of minimalism, the more comfortable and the cozy will be on your territory.

Apartment - Studio do it yourself and her design

It is not necessary to resort to the help of specialists, because the complete arrangement and design of the apartment can be made with their own hands. The main thing is to adhere to some rules and recommendations, as well as to have a desire and mood.

One of the first points in the work will be the zoning of the room on separate parts (kitchen, bedroom, living room). Here the most important key to the secret will be on the one hand the correct zoning and decoration of these parts, on the other hand it will be necessary to achieve the maximum harmony of the entire picture as a whole.

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Important rules in the interior of the studio apartment

  1. The most popular and most optimal styles in the design of the interior of such apartments are the directions of High-tech, minimalism and a Scandinavian style.
  2. Beautiful studio apartment interiors: 40 photos of open space

  3. Shades that are recommended for use are dairy, light beige, sandy and all close combinations of flowers. You can also use white tone that decorate several bright accents and accessories.
  4. If you prefer contrasting combinations of colors, options are suitable: black with white, white and brown, gray with white. They can be beautifully beat the main thing so that the dark color does not dominate.
  5. Beautiful studio apartment interiors: 40 photos of open space

  6. Do not buy large massive chandeliers. They take the space in the room and mostly dissipate the light. It is best to make point lighting in the interior of the studio apartment, which could be turned on and illuminating separate zones. An excellent addition to it will be backlight (monophonic or color if desired).

    You need to place point lights around the perimeter, you can even quickly be built into furniture. Remember that correctly selected lighting can visually expand the size of the room.

  7. Do not use lamps, it is worth abandoning from outdoor VAZ, figurines and other similar decor elements. These are the privileges of large apartments in the square, although if your quadrature allows you to make an exception.
  8. Speaking about the furniture, namely the closet, it is recommended to make it a wardrobe compartment of high and narrow dimensions. Excellent if the doors are mirrored, which will also expand the space.
  9. Beautiful studio apartment interiors: 40 photos of open space

  10. If you plan to buy a countertop or a coffee table - take the glass option.
  11. For zoning the room, use not only different color shades of the floor and walls, as well as the right furniture (bar stand, rack, wardrobe).

Layout and zoning in Studio apartment

Now go to the most interesting task, namely "how to properly divide the apartment-studio to zones?".

Beautiful studio apartment interiors: 40 photos of open space

Beautiful studio apartment interiors: 40 photos of open space

It is logical that the main premises will be kitchen, living room and bedroom. But you need to combine the space and furniture so that the work area is still released, a recreation area and a children's corner (if you have a child), so it may be difficult to deal with zoning.

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Beautiful studio apartment interiors: 40 photos of open space

Beautiful studio apartment interiors: 40 photos of open space

Beautiful studio apartment interiors: 40 photos of open space

Beautiful studio apartment interiors: 40 photos of open space

As you can see, the task is not from the lungs, but we will try to cope with it.

Living room and bedroom in Studio apartment

These two zones in the studio apartment can be combined into one, and it will look like this. Bed in the "bedroom" replace a comfortable sofa, which is folded. It turns out that we already have a sleeping place and the "living room" is also present.

Beautiful studio apartment interiors: 40 photos of open space

Of course, not everyone will want to use this option, because the bedroom still must be a separate zone. In fact, you need to take into account the exceptionally square of your apartment, and if it allows you to put a bed and a small sofa for guests - it will be the most optimal option. Then we simply separate the sleeping zone from the guest with a small partition, rack or transparent canopy.

With such versions, the workplace can be placed using the windowsill. Either (if you allow quadrature studio), put a small table in the corner.

Sometimes they even make such a combination that the sleeping place is made under the ceiling, and the operating area is placed below. This option is possible exclusively in cases where the height of your ceiling is at least three meters.

If you have a child, he also needs to make a separate bed. Here the furniture transformer can come to the rescue when the bed easily turns into a closet - also a good solution for the design of the studio apartment.

Kitchen and dining area in Studio apartment

The kitchen on the square should take less space than the living room, while being as comfortable and cozy. Here, probably, it is worth a preference to the built-in home appliance, which respectively get rid of the problem of the workload of space. Therefore, we can replace the slab for four comforts two, and separately purchase a small brave locker. For the studio apartment, the kitchen is better located along the long wall, and the dining table is separated by a rack or back of the sofa.

Beautiful studio apartment interiors: 40 photos of open space

Some things hang on the wall, for example, it will refer to the microwave. It can be mounted using brackets.

To household appliances be less, you need to replace it with more progressive. For example, you should not buy a separate double boiler, but take a good multicooker, which has much more interesting and useful features. Also applies to the juicer, blender, etc. Purchase a good combine that will already accommodate the necessary options and modes of operation.

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Beautiful studio apartment interiors: 40 photos of open space

Beautiful studio apartment interiors: 40 photos of open space

Beautiful studio apartment interiors: 40 photos of open space

Beautiful studio apartment interiors: 40 photos of open space

Remember that since the studio apartments do not have separate rooms, all you will cook in the kitchen will smell on the entire apartment. Think about a powerful hood that will eliminate such inconvenience.

When choosing materials for walls and floor, consider the practicality and method of removing dirt. Therefore, for the floor it is better to take a high-quality expensive linoleum or tile, but for walls - washable wallpaper or any other option that is easy to care for cooking and opportunities to get fat. By the way, in this case, the ceramic tile will be simply out of competition.

The dining area in the studio apartment can be behind a bar counter, which would separate the kitchen and living room. Ideally, of course, get a small table that could be folded.

An additional working area can be made from the windowsill. Then best if it is made of the same material as the countertop.

Ideas for the beautiful interior of the Studio apartment

Here are a few ideas so that you can inspire the interior design in your apartment - Studios.

  1. Using cold shades. If you make a living area in cold and bright colors - visually it will become more. Supplement to such an idea will be fur capes and several homemade wooden shelves.
  2. Beautiful studio apartment interiors: 40 photos of open space

  3. Brick. Decoration using bricks and a small brown sofa will make your interior uniquely cozy and interesting.
  4. Beautiful studio apartment interiors: 40 photos of open space

  5. Shada gray. The apartment performed in such a color does not overload the atmosphere of the room, and in its own way there will be quite colorful.
  6. Beautiful studio apartment interiors: 40 photos of open space

  7. Glass. Not only expands the room, but you can also successfully beat, for example, making a conditional separation between zones using transparent or stained glass.
  8. Beautiful studio apartment interiors: 40 photos of open space

  9. Minimalism. This style is perfect for small studios. This is a kind of classic that minimizes all things and furniture, using only basic items (sofa, table, carpet).
  10. Beautiful studio apartment interiors: 40 photos of open space

  11. Curtains instead of walls. Now a popularly popular option, which many uses for separating one room from the other.
  12. Beautiful studio apartment interiors: 40 photos of open space

  13. Colored accents. This is all your favorite things that will play the designer idea in the overall interior. Mostly accents are made on pillows, bedspreads and curtains.
  14. Beautiful studio apartment interiors: 40 photos of open space

Beautiful studio apartment interiors - Photo

And finally, for inspiration, see some more photos of the beautiful interiors of the studio apartment to learn from them a few ideas for the design of our own dwelling.

Beautiful studio apartment interiors: 40 photos of open space

Beautiful studio apartment interiors: 40 photos of open space

Beautiful studio apartment interiors: 40 photos of open space

Beautiful studio apartment interiors: 40 photos of open space

Beautiful studio apartment interiors: 40 photos of open space

Beautiful studio apartment interiors: 40 photos of open space

Beautiful studio apartment interiors: 40 photos of open space

Beautiful studio apartment interiors: 40 photos of open space

Beautiful studio apartment interiors: 40 photos of open space

Beautiful studio apartment interiors: 40 photos of open space

Beautiful studio apartment interiors: 40 photos of open space

Beautiful studio apartment interiors: 40 photos of open space

Beautiful studio apartment interiors: 40 photos of open space

Beautiful studio apartment interiors: 40 photos of open space

Beautiful studio apartment interiors: 40 photos of open space

Beautiful studio apartment interiors: 40 photos of open space

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