How to make Roman curtains from wallpaper on the windows


If you just finished making repairs in your apartment, do not hurry to get rid of all the remaining materials. They can still come in handy in the decoration of an updated room. For example, from pieces of wallpaper you can easily build curtains. If such an idea never came to your mind, then we will tell how to make Roman curtains from wallpapers on the windows.

How to make Roman curtains from wallpaper on the windows

Choose Roman Curtains from Wallpaper

So, you decided to create curtains from wallpaper with your own hands. They can be made of many options: Roman, rolled, blinds. Decide which kind of the most harmonious will look at your room, select the design, view the available photos and videos on the network on the request "Master Class Curtains from Wallpaper" and proceed to work.

How to make Roman curtains from wallpaper on the windows

Tools and materials

To implement the idea of ​​such wallpapers, you will need to have the next arsenal of materials and devices at hand:

  • wax;
  • small saucepan;
  • painting brush;
  • cardboard;
  • threads, twine;
  • glue;
  • hole puncher.

How to make Roman curtains from wallpaper on the windows


Next, perform the following actions to achieve the desired result:

  • Spread cardboard;
  • Heat the paraffin, apply with the brushes to sheets;
  • While the paraffin is liquid and the surface of the adhesive, apply the wallpaper sheet to the cardboard;
  • Apply paraffin once again and add another layer of wallpaper;
  • Finding the workpiece Introduce the iron. Thanks to this, paraffin reliably captures paper layers and evenly distribute along their surface;

How to make Roman curtains from wallpaper on the windows

  • Repeat the same processes on the other side of the cardboard;
  • Then cut the circles. It is possible to do it with a hole punch, or in the old manner - scissors;
  • Test mugs on the prepared thread, distributing evenly and fastened with glue;
  • Cut the garland from the circles on the thread, considering the dimensions of your window opening;
  • Attach the thread to one common basis, eternity or pipe, so that they have a finished curtain type.

If you want to make curtains from wallpaper on windows more decorative, or pick up a few colors so that they are well harmonized with the rest of the interior, use colored paper.

How to make Roman curtains from wallpaper on the windows

Tight Material

If in the decoration of the walls you used dense vinyl wallpapers, from their remnants of mastering stylish curtains, no worse than curtains from wallpaper in the photo in the magazine.

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How to make Roman curtains from wallpaper on the windows

To do this, harvest scissors, ruler, glue, double-sided tape, thread and sewer.

The work plan is scheduled:

  • Fold the remaining cloth of wallpaper in the harmonica. To be smooth, use the markup with a pencil or make the ruler. Uneven folds will ugly look;
  • The first folds glue together to give strength;
  • If the window is wide, and one canvase is not enough, gently glue the desired amount of cloths among themselves, so that the rolled curtains from wallpaper closed it completely;

How to make Roman curtains from wallpaper on the windows

  • In order for the design to be easily folded and laying, do special holes in the wallpaper folds through which you can skip the cord. So that they are on the same line and have not dragged the product, use markup. As a cord limiter, you can use some decorative element or buttons;
  • Secure the curtains on the cornily and enjoy the result of your work.

How to make Roman curtains from wallpaper on the windows


Another popular view of the curtains is Roman. And to make the Roman cloth from wallpaper as simple as in previous versions. It is enough to show a little fantasy and have time to implement your idea.

The procedure in this case will be:

  1. Using a ruler or centimeter tape, measure the dimensions of the window. In order to calculate the amount of the required material, add a 25 percent reserve to the resulting length, which will hide in the curtains folds;
  2. According to the parameters, cut a piece of rectangular shape;
  3. Fold a sheet into a large harmonicker so that the width of one fold was at least 3 -4 centimeters;
  4. In the middle with a selection or hole punching, do the holes that are equidistant from each other. So that they do not spread, strengthen them with scotch;
  5. Through all the obtained holes, the trained decorative cord or rope, knotting at the upper end of the nodule;
  6. Secure the Roman curtains from wallpaper with your own hands on the window using double-sided tape;
  7. The bottom of the curtains bend in half and glue, forming a semblance of a fluffy peacock of the tail;
  8. Test the cord on the outer side, fix it, so that the Roman curtains from wallpaper can be adjusted in height.

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How to make Roman curtains from wallpaper on the windows

Making curtains panels

Another interesting offer for those who like to create things and interior items with their own hands, and maybe conduct master classes. To make curtains panels, you must first prepare wooden bars, 3 * 3 centimeters. Their length and width will depend on the size of the window, and the bruises can be made with each other with the help of corners or suitable screws.

Next, adhere to such a plan:

  • Cut the sheets of wallpaper on smooth ribbons, so that their length was larger than 4 or more centimeters;
  • I fix these strips on the framework, at a distance of 3-4 centimeters one of the other. Fix them with glue;
  • In the upper part of the panel, screw the self-tapping screws, but not to the end, we leave about 5-10 mm self-proof over the surface of the frame;
  • We attach a cornice to the ceiling, preferably a bipolar, we make holes in it, identical to the sizes of the hats of the screws;
  • Fix the screws in the holes and take a bit of the panel to the side.

Thus, make curtains from wallpaper with your own hands - this is not only very economical, because your repair will be practically waste-free, but also exciting. Such a non-standard solution for designing windows can be a highlight of the interior, and also gives a large field for fantasy and the development of design abilities.

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