How to say a putty or putty? Is there any difference in this


I can not say that is not familiar with the technological processes that are performed using a putty. I independently insulated the facade of my house, and helped me in this plaster, I aligned the walls inside the house under painting, but I didn't know how the term, shtlocking or spatlement sounds correctly, and what is the difference, if any. But okay, and if a newcomer will take for work, who did not even knead the solution, as he would understand where it is right, but where not? It was this thought that I would like to write me everything that I learned about the plaster and the difference between the word putty and the shtatlevania.

How to say a putty or putty? Is there any difference in this

Wall decoration

Why two terms appeared

How to say a putty or putty? Is there any difference in this

The putty happens for the preliminary shtpocking of surfaces (starting) and for finishing works (finish)

I do not want to return during the Roman Empire, because it was then that this term appeared, and I will immediately say that it is necessary to repel us from the derivative. What does not cause issues in the whole process and terminology? - That's right, the tool that is applied plaster, putty and putty - spatula. It is them caused by an action, to put out, which means that the putty would correctly say, however, the explanatory dictionary recognizes the Word of the shtlock.

Interesting! If you deepen into the study of dictionaries, you can see that Dahl has a major term in general, there was a word "putty", but the shtialovka and putty were synonymous with this action. But in the dictionary of Ozhegov, the words "putty" are no longer there, but other options are present, so how to write and tell you correctly.

How to say a putty or putty? Is there any difference in this

Wall putty under the wallpaper

I, for example, closer to the shtlock, but in the documentation, it is still properly used to use the first option, and in conversational speech it is no longer important. By the way, you have already managed to pay attention to that putty is not only the type of finishing material, but also the effect on applying it to the surface!

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How to say a putty or putty? Is there any difference in this

The putty is designed to close the cracks, aligning separately taken areas, as well as creating a perfectly smooth surface.

But now you can return to the construction and understand what the difference between shtclothesia from plastering? So:

  • Plaster is a mixture where large mineral fractions are filler. If the mortar is cement, then it is a major sand. And if there is a plaster tracking, then it is a grinding alabaster
  • Also, the difference in areas of use - plaster can correct major surface defects, but the putty is suitable for finishing finish. Here I, for example, prepared the walls under painting, and first the plaster removed all the pits and the differences, and then the shtatleviation helped get rid of small defects, pores and chips
  • And the most important difference between them is a layer of applied material. If the putty layer does not exceed 5 mm, then the plastering solution can be overlapped with a thickness of 5-7 cm - you see, impressive. By the way, if the layer of plaster is large enough, then it is necessary to reinforce the surface with steel or fiberglass grids

How to say a putty or putty? Is there any difference in this

Splice wall

Now it becomes clear why the same action has two names. And in fact, everything is very simple - the size of the grain they are filled and is the main factor. Let's look at the practice:

  1. The price of plastering a certain volume is always less than a putty - is due to larger fractions that are cheaper
  2. Stucco mix more durable
  3. The solution is placed in a layer much thicker than the layer of putty

Choose the best putty

How to say a putty or putty? Is there any difference in this

Putty plasterboard under painting and wallpaper

And of course, when we found out the correctness of the pronunciation and writing of the term and the action, you can talk about what mixture is better. And let's start with such putty:

  • Gypsum and polymer - putty on a plaster basis applied to the interior of the surface of the drywall and cement. Gypsum putty helps to get rid of irregularities and block joints, thanks to her, the surface becomes smooth and smooth. Puttles are used for decorative work - finishing rock and columns, for example. Polymer putty, as part of which there is a plasticizer and polymers are used in rooms with a small percentage of moisture. Its feature is the rapid frozen after applying on the surface. If the polymer putty is used in the room with a large level of humidity, it can break the microclimate and contribute to the detention of moisture, but the solutions on the plaster basis support the correct percentage of humidity. The polymer is just as less vapor permeable and not so plastic as plaster based plaster, and it is also much more expensive at cost. Therefore, which one is better, polymer or gypsum to solve you, because it all depends on the task

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How to say a putty or putty? Is there any difference in this

Putty knife

  • Latex or acrylic putty - professionals are very fond of latex putty due to its excellent technical characteristics. The hardener and polymers protect the finished surfaces from humidity. The latex mixture can be applied even a very thin layer and at the same time not to lose its properties and strength, and a wide range of color palette makes it more sought-after. Acrylic putty applies in external and in the internal work, but more as the finish finish under the ideal. The layer is better to do thicker, otherwise the strength will decrease to a minimum, but thanks to it, it is possible to achieve a mirror effect of the separated surface. The acrylic mixture is not afraid of moisture and it is better or worse than latex as it depends on where the solution will be used and what is his goal. You can even meet an acrylic latex putty, which contains silicone

How to say a putty or putty? Is there any difference in this

Spike wall

  • Silicate plaster is used to align the brick surface, concrete or plastered and can be used both outside the house and in the indoor room. Such a process is to prepare for staining of silicate paint. Silicate spacure is characterized by good adhesion, resistance to moisture, resistance to sharp temperature drops. And in this plus it is also environmentally safe. If a silicate putty is selected, then it is better to use the brand of the Tavern - it is sold in the finished form and is suitable for internal works. It is easy to fill the cracks and joints, because it is plus in elasticity. Such elasticity creates a solid surface that can make different loads. By the way, if you decide to carry out work with your own hands, then you can make a putty yourself, it is enough to determine the components correctly.

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