Wallpaper selection for Venetian plaster


Wallpaper for Venetian plaster is elegance and refined charm in your home. So the walls were finished, still starting from the 10th century, and so far this method has not lost its popularity due to beauty. On the market you can buy wallpapers for Venetian plaster, which once will be given the opportunity quickly and just make your home beautiful. Here I will tell you about all the advantages of such wallpapers, as well as the stages of pasting and building tricks.

Benefits of Wallpaper for Venetian

Wallpapers imitating Venetian plaster is convenient and aesthetic. Due to the thick vinyl layer, they imitate the appearance and structure of the Venetian. Their composition also includes the basis of paper.

Wallpaper selection for Venetian plaster

Such wallpapers are difficult, so you need to carefully choose glue, which will be able to keep them on the wall. This is the only warning in working with them. The rest of the process goes easily and quickly.

The main advantages of such material are:

  1. High moisture resistance.
  2. Durability.
  3. Well wash off (can be cleaned even with the help of detergents, insteading chlorine).
  4. They do not fade if the direct rays of the Sun and have good resistance to light.
  5. Does not attract dust.
  6. The joints of the canvases are well customized to each other and have smooth edges, which contributes to the illusion of a solid coating.
  7. Easy to work.
  8. Affordable price (if compared, then 6 wall rolls will be 3 times cheaper than plaster).
  9. Environmentally friendly material.
  10. Pubs on paper reflect electric and daylight. This makes it possible to look at visually increasing. Due to this, it seems that spaces are much more than in fact. Experts are especially advised to use such a finishing material for case-penalties.

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Imitation in the interior

A wide range allows you to purchase wallpapers that will perfectly imitate any interior.

It can be:

  1. Imitation of bas-relief
  2. Imitation of stucco
  3. Metal imitation
  4. Imitation glass

In addition, there are still many options.


Wallpaper selection for Venetian plaster

As I already said above, the wallpaper under the Venetian plaster can be glued along the same technology as vinyl. I remind you to choose suitable glue.

You should not miss the moment of preparatory work that your walls will put in order by making them perfectly smooth. From the irregularities of the walls directly depends on how much the finishing material of this type will last. But who wants to do repair more often than the possibilities allow, and requires the need? If you want the apartment to have a presentable view of more than one year, you need to take care of the preparatory stage - much depends on it.

You will need such tools and materials:

  1. Tray
  2. Plastic spatula
  3. Stair-ladder
  4. Roller narrow
  5. Roller wide
  6. Glue
  7. Wallpaper

Wallpaper selection for Venetian plaster

Casting consists of such steps:

  1. Preparation of the wall. Treat the wall with antibacterial special impregnation.
  2. Best if you work at a temperature of 20 degrees. In this case, the result will be released almost perfect.
  3. Cut the cloth to the band you need.
  4. Special glue Apply evenly on the wall using a roller. Wait for a while: the glue must have time to take, but not dry.
  5. Stick the first strip strictly vertically. It is not necessary to navigate the corners, because they are far from always exemplary perpendicular. Optimum option: Using a plumbing, draw a vertical flat line and work with it.
  6. Although this material is a huge plus, acting in the role of very smooth edges, still do not be neglected by such advice: the gloves, moving from the window to the door. This will help make seams with almost imperceptible.
  7. Sticking wallpaper with a pattern, be sure to smooth them from the middle to the sides using a plastic spatula. If you have one-photon, then you need to smooth down from top to bottom. For bands need to make an average of 3-4 cm, and leave not more than 1.5 cm near the ceiling.
  8. During the process you may notice not very pleasant thing. Wallpaper under the influence of special glue can simply stretch, and then break. The striking, they are tightened and acquired the original appearance. To avoid trouble, remember these features, carefully following the big gaps between the strips.
  9. Without air intake, vinyl wallpaper will dry very well. Given the fact that the drafts are extremely contraindicated, after stickers, close the doors and windows.

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Wallpaper selection for Venetian plaster

Special attention is paid to the preparation of special glue. Working with him happens like this:

  1. Fall asleep dry glue into a suitable container.
  2. Carefully examining the instructions on the package, add warm water in the desired proportions.
  3. Mix well to form a spinning funnel. During this process, glue will gradually swell.
  4. Wait three minutes and you can safely work with finished glue.

Important! During the work, drive the wallpaper as you need, moving directly on the wall. Due to the fact that there are no lumps in the glue, such a procedure can be done once.

Usually, 6-8 wallpaper rolls are enough single glue packing.

Summing up, I will say that the wallpaper for Venetian plaster is a beautiful and decent replacement for the coverage of the most Venetian plaster. With their help in your house there will be a feeling of elegance and luxury. Their big plus is that any newcomer can cope with such a finishing material.

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