5 Lifehas for carpeting care that exactly work


In winter, the carpet in the house largely saves from the cold and contributes to the heating of the premises and maintain heat in them. In the summer time, the carpet is nice to walk with bare feet and enjoy a soft pile or sit on it, playing with a pet or just reading a book. The presence of carpets creates a comfort in the house, and therefore it is important to maintain them in a clean, fresh state. The article presents 5 lifehakov that will help you simplify carpet care in the house.

5 Lifehas for carpeting care that exactly work

Using a roller for clothes

All housewives familiar to all housewives that no matter how powerful the vacuum cleaner is used, it still cannot cope with a large number of accumulated dust, garbage, crumbs, hair on the carpet. It is especially difficult cleaning if the pile of carpet is long. The solution is to buy a cleansing adhesive roller for clothes and use it for hard-to-reach places. Regardless of the type of carpet, you can spend less than five minutes on cleaning the whole carpet.

5 Lifehas for carpeting care that exactly work

Tip! For rugs with a short pile, it is convenient to use the wiper. It perfectly copes with hair removal and small garbage. And to remove odor, use enzymatic commercial cleaners. This is especially true for pet owners.

Removal of stains

To begin with, spending dirty areas to get rid of solid particles, which can interfere with the removal of stains. Use a mixture of water and vinegar in a 3: 1 ratio, allow it to absorb the carpet within 5 minutes. After placing a towel or a sufficiently dense fabric on top of the painted area and join the iron. Under pressure and air temperature, a chemical reaction will occur and the stain will go down with acetic solution on the towel.

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5 Lifehas for carpeting care that exactly work

Plant shots

Oh, this instinct rubbing dirty stains! We do it when we are polishing the shoes, my dishes, we wash the stain on the sheets, but with carpets such a focus will not pass. Rubbing spots on them does not help get rid of them, but, on the contrary, contributes to their distribution. There is also a high probability that the stain can get inside the tissue - then to get rid of it without harm to the carpet will be almost impossible. So, what kind of cleaning solution you would not use, you should always remember that the stain must be groaning, and not rub . Also also pay attention to the direction of the sponge movement: blotting the stains involved ensures that the stain will not spread further.

5 Lifehas for carpeting care that exactly work

Homemade carpet cleaner

Yes, you can buy all detergents that only wish for cleaning your favorite carpet. But if you do not have time to go to the store, and the dirty carpet does not give rest, or if you try to minimize the negative environmental impact, then you can make an environmentally friendly homemade carpet cleaner. Ingredients: ¾ Glass of hydrogen peroxide, ¼ cup of white vinegar, 5 drops of essential oils, 2 tablespoons for washing products for dishes, 2 tablespoons softener for fabric and 1 gallon hot, but not boiling water.

5 Lifehas for carpeting care that exactly work

Soda for cleaning from oil spots

The oil is one of the most difficult substances output, sometimes it is simply impossible to handle the stain of the oil with hot water and bring it from the carpet. Need a special way of cleaning, and here an ordinary soda comes to the rescue. Abundantly apply soda on a stain until it absorbs all the dirt and does not turn into a dry crust. Then simply speaking the soda, and you will see that only an easy track remained from the old spot. After most of the oil is absorbed, you can proceed to wiping the stains.

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5 Lifehas for carpeting care that exactly work

Tip! The surest solution when buying a carpet will read the instructions from the manufacturer. As a rule, it is there that contains tips on what the purchased product can be cleaned. The most common and convenient option is dry cleaning.

5 Lifehas for carpeting care that exactly work

Tips for a good mistress. Correct carpet care (1 video)

How to care for the carpet (7 photos)

5 Lifehas for carpeting care that exactly work

5 Lifehas for carpeting care that exactly work

5 Lifehas for carpeting care that exactly work

5 Lifehas for carpeting care that exactly work

5 Lifehas for carpeting care that exactly work

5 Lifehas for carpeting care that exactly work

5 Lifehas for carpeting care that exactly work

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