Feeder for birds with her own hands


Feeder for birds with her own hands

Feeder for birds is relevant at any time of the year. This useful thing can be installed in the garden either on the balcony of the apartment, it all depends on the terrain in which you live.

Big feeders are best installed at high altitude, because many large birds are supplied. It is not necessary to think that a big bird is capable of finding food in the winter, it is also difficult for them to extract food, like small birds.

The middle feeders are suitable for accommodation at the height of human growth, and small better put on the ground, because some species of birds in another feeder will not fly.

Bird feeders

What you can make a feeder:

  • from bottles;
  • from a cup;
  • Feeder for birds from the box.

Feeders made with their own hands are very beautiful and modern. Many materials can be sent for a good cause, especially when this business brings not only benefit, but also pleasure.

Feeder for birds from the bottle with your own hands

To make a bottle feeder, you do not need to apply a lot of effort. Plastic is much longer lasting you than, for example, a tree or box. However, with sharp drops of temperature when the winter comes, the plastic feeder will need to be replaced, but all this time you will not need to worry.

The use of bottles in creating feeders does not require special skills, it is enough to have such materials with you:

  • plastic bottle of any size and shape;
  • Knife for making bird feeders;
  • scissors;
  • awl;
  • Something for the decor.

How to make a simple bird feeder from the bottle

So, everything is simple: With the help of a knife, we start to make a cut, and then scissors to protect yourself from injury, we continue to cut the circle carefully. The carved area itself should be in such a place so that the feed, which you put in the bottle, did not fall out of it.

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Now about the decor ... If you want to place a balcony with the help of a plastic feeder, it is quite possible to decorate it. For example, take ordinary nail polishes of several colors and take pictures or ornaments on the surface of plastic surface.

Tip: If you cut out the hole and it has inhomogeneous edges, in order to use it, you can save it with a tape or tape. It will protect you first of all, because the birds on the legs are very dense skin, but you can be injured in the feed.

Feeder for birds with her own hands

Bird feeder from plastic bottle with their own hands

As a decor for the garden, you can make a more original version of the feeder from the bottle. To do this, you will need:

  • Color bottle for feeders;
  • Food or construction bulk mix;
  • awl;
  • scissors;
  • Disposable spoons (2 pcs).

How to make an original feeder with your own plastic bottle

First, you should make small holes in the bottle, where the spoon will be done. For each spoon you need two holes so that they passed through the bottle completely. One hole will be located just above the other, and the spoons themselves at different distances from each other and in different sides of the bottle.

Such a feeder for birds with her hands from the bottle needs more time and attention, but it is worth it. After you sell a spoon, they must be fixed with good glue. Holes should be started to make a selection so as not to miss and do not make whole holes. Spoons should fit tightly to the body of the bottle so that the bulk mixture, which you want to pour at the last stage, did not fall out through them.

What is also useful for such a device, this is the fact that birds will not climb inside the feeders to bounce food, and they will be easier for them to observe children who, as a rule, experience immense joy from observing birds.

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Feeder for birds with her own hands

Ceramic Bird Feeder

If your house has a beautiful, but a slightly pitched cup with a saucer, you can invite birds to yourself "on tea". This option is especially relevant in cases where the room on the attic needs aesthetic interior decoration.

To make a feeder for birds from the cup with their own hands, it is enough to glue with good glue, which copes with ceramics, a cup to a saucer, and then think over the accommodation option. It looks very beautiful and originally a feeder of a cup on a solid home tree twig, which is on many attic.

However, it is worth helping the fastening of a saucer, in which you need to drill holes and attach the suspension. It's easier, of course, just put the feeder on the windowsill.

Feeder for birds with her own hands

Feeder out of the box with your own hands

Now consider how to make a feeder from a regular box. You will need:

  • Box itself (from shoes, milk, juice, household appliances, etc.);
  • scissors;
  • rope for feeders;
  • Pencil or smooth wand.

How to make a feeder for birds do it yourself out of the box

Making such a feeder is very easy: it is enough just to cut a hole in the box so that there is a side of a height of about 3 cm. Next, you can decorate the box or gear the original stickers.

For the convenience of the birds below the holes, you can cover a pencil or a wand, playing it well. Upon completion of work at the top of the feeders, holes are done to which ropes are connected to fix the feeders on the branch.

However, it is worth remembering that such an option of the feeder will not last long, because the cardboard has a property to get into the rain. If you see that cloudy weather is planned, bring the box to the room for the rain time so that it serves longer.

Feeder for birds with her own hands

How to make a feeder from girlfriend

Many things that are in your hand can save birds in the hungry season. In winter, it is very difficult to extract yourself food, so the birds have all the hope of us.

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You can build a feeder from sticks from under ice cream. This requires only glue and sticks. So quickly, simple and beautiful.

Feeder for birds with her own hands

It is also unusual and you can simply make a feeder for birds from coconut using a milling all-metal disk.

Feeder for birds with her own hands

If you have wood thread skills, then only your fantasy is required. Feeders for birds in the form of fruits, animals, flowers and other things will not only help survive hunger, but also become a real decoration of your yard or plot.

Feeder for birds with her own hands

Take care of our birds, because nature is our wealth and heritage!

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