Interior finds: Decorative shelves and embroidered tablecloths


A large number of people take care of the design of their dwelling and the constant is looking for any interesting design techniques, which will help you decorate . This article is devoted to a couple of similar solutions that will be able to change the design of the house for the better with their proper use.

Decorative shelves

In each second modern and not very homes there are wall shelves, but in many cases they look boring and are outdated. There is a great way to fix this drawback - the choice of decorative shelves.

Corner shelves

Modern furniture stores offer a variety of options that differ in form, color solutions and materials. Recently, the angular wall shelves have begun to gain popularity.

Interior finds: Decorative shelves and embroidered tablecloths

Often the place in the corner of the wall is always empty, as it is hard for him to find use in view of its impracticality. Fill this space an angular shelf is a good idea that will help diversify the design of the room.

Interior finds: Decorative shelves and embroidered tablecloths

This solution looks very unusual and boring it exactly. Often, such shelves are used for storage of books, domestic floors or domestic items if the shelves are in the bathroom or storage room.

Suspended shelves

The main difference of such shelves is the lack of attachment to the wall. They keep on the rope on which they are suspended to the beam or ceiling. This solution looks very interesting and boldly, but I can't call it stable.

Interior finds: Decorative shelves and embroidered tablecloths

Note! It is recommended to store the shelves of a similar format of things that can withstand falls, for example, books or durable souvenirs. It should be refracted from placing crystal vases on them or expensive statuettes.

Glass or mirror shelves

Not always wall shelves are distinguished by their shape or method of fastening, sometimes even material becomes their feature.

Article on the topic: Accent Wall: Its function and design options

Interior finds: Decorative shelves and embroidered tablecloths

Glass or mirror allows you to create an interesting solution, but again it suffers the strength of the foundation, as it is extremely fragile . A strong blow or a sharp push will be able to harm the surface, but if only light items are stored on it, there will be no such situations.

It is worth noting! Glass looks very thin and elegant, but the mirror surface is considered more glamorous. These materials are capable of making the feeling of weightlessness.

Interior finds: Decorative shelves and embroidered tablecloths

Embroidered tablecloths

Embroidered tablecloths are an interesting souvenir, they are widespread in the territory of all CIS countries. Often they are acquired or embroidered independently when they make a house in a rustic style.

Interior finds: Decorative shelves and embroidered tablecloths

Advantages of such products:

  1. Qualitatively similar materials
  2. Unique and interesting patterns
  3. Practicality and wide scope of application
  4. Variety in plots embroidered pictures

Embroidered tablecloth can not only decorate a festive table, as many other souvenirs make, but also dilute everyday life. The main advantage of such souvenirs is practicality.

Interior finds: Decorative shelves and embroidered tablecloths

The tablecloths always have a place in the kitchen, and a tablecloth having an interesting embroidery can also be used in other rooms as an element of decor. Such products are sold both on the Internet and in ground stores.

Many of them are produced by hand by professional needlewomen. Buying such a tablecloth, you can be confident not only in its quality, but also uniqueness. It is nice to realize that anyone else has the same subject.

Interior finds: Decorative shelves and embroidered tablecloths

In most cases, embroidery is made on natural materials. Often use flax, cotton or silk. The most exquisite, but also expensive material is silk. It provides a tablecloth not only a smooth and brilliant surface, but also makes it more wear-resistant and durable.

Wall shelves who drive your imagination crazy (1 video)

Decorative shelves and embroidered tablecloths in the interior (8 photos)

Interior finds: Decorative shelves and embroidered tablecloths

Interior finds: Decorative shelves and embroidered tablecloths

Interior finds: Decorative shelves and embroidered tablecloths

Interior finds: Decorative shelves and embroidered tablecloths

Interior finds: Decorative shelves and embroidered tablecloths

Interior finds: Decorative shelves and embroidered tablecloths

Interior finds: Decorative shelves and embroidered tablecloths

Interior finds: Decorative shelves and embroidered tablecloths

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