Beaded bracelet and beads do it yourself: Master class with video


Bracelet - subject with a centuries-old history. Nowadays, he also occupies a leading position among jewelry. They are worn by men, women and children of all ages. So that the accessory is unique, the craftsmen make it with their own hands. Materials can be used absolutely any, the decoration will be only better and more interesting. We offer you a bracelet from beads and beads with simple workshops from this article. They are equipped with a colorful photo instruction, thanks to which even beginner needlewomen can cope with the work.

Beaded bracelet and beads do it yourself: Master class with video

History of material

If the bracelets people learned how to do during the time of Paleolithic (stone century), the history of bead began much later. The first beads were created from stones, wood and animal fangs. Ancient people diligently sudged them with prudial means and made unique decorations with their own hands. They were given to loved people with wishes of health, happiness and longevity. Shamans used decorations to harmonize with nature and attract her magical forces.

Beaded bracelet and beads do it yourself: Master class with video

Let's go back to Bead. His story began more than 5.5 thousand years ago in ancient Egypt. The masters opened the secret of this material thanks to the team of navigators who transported the goods of soda. Not knowing about sand properties to melt with soda, sailors installed the boiler with food into the slices of mineral, using it instead of stones. In the morning they found a new material - glass. In those days it was muddy and had a greenish tint due to impurities in the main component. After some time, the first beads appeared, and then beads. Egyptologists have discovered this eternal material in the tombs of the ancient kings. The tiny beads were the same muddy and green as glass, had an uneven surface, but was valued very high. They were often used in the barter and changed the valuable items.

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Special glory beads conquered in the XIII century, when the Italians managed to make colored glass. The plant was located on Murano distant from the shore. The service personnel was forbidden to issue secrets of production. But gradually the secret leaked over the walls of the state and became the property of all of Europe. The greatest success was achieved by Bohemian masters from the Czech Republic.

Beaded bracelet and beads do it yourself: Master class with video

Modern production produces beads and beads of the highest quality. Among manufacturers leads the Czech Republic, Japan and Italy. Material for creativity is distinguished by bright and resistant paints, perfect shape and size, smooth surface and inlets. The Japanese stand out on the market with their beads of various forms.

By purchasing material for your handicraft, give preference to the high quality product. Pay attention to the labeling - small beads have a large number, and the major on the contrary. All weaving tools must match the label.

Interesting Mix for Men

Men are very picky in choosing decorations. Not every representative of the strong gender is able to choose a suitable accessory. For men, the beauty of the subject is not important, but its meaning load. They would like to fully express their nature through a stylish accessory so that it was immediately clear who, who before you is a romantic, a brutal personality, an amateur of rock or a supporter of a certain type of hobbies.

Beaded bracelet and beads do it yourself: Master class with video

Beaded bracelet and beads do it yourself: Master class with video

Beaded bracelet and beads do it yourself: Master class with video

If you want to make a male bracelet, pay attention to all the details. Highlight prefers natural materials: stones, bone, wood, skin, metal. Each of them carries a certain meaning and communication with nature. Approaching the selection of suspension or decorative insert, listen to the preferences of a strong floor. Natural stones, small medallions and plates made of metal can be in their quality. Male jewelry combines quality, style and mandatory completion. In the choice of beads, it is better to give preference to cylindrical or cubic materials from natural materials.

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Beaded bracelet and beads do it yourself: Master class with video

We offer you to create a stylish bracelet for men. For its manufacture you will need:

  • Bale (an element for connecting with a suspension, which is a bead with a small ear);
  • leather cords 25 cm long;
  • End clips - 4 pieces;
  • Connecting rings - 4 pieces;
  • Beads from natural materials, in this case are used wooden;
  • Carabin fastener;
  • Suspension (in this master class is used as a starfish). Choose it, based on the preferences of the future owner.

Beaded bracelet and beads do it yourself: Master class with video

Use the terminats to close the edges of the shoelaces. Place the lark accessories inside and exhaust the metal pliers.

Beaded bracelet and beads do it yourself: Master class with video

Hinges on the connecting ring.

Beaded bracelet and beads do it yourself: Master class with video

Place the beads on the lace so that in the middle was Bale.

Beaded bracelet and beads do it yourself: Master class with video

Mock the second edge of the cords and connect their ring. Install the fastener.

Beaded bracelet and beads do it yourself: Master class with video

It remains only to attach the suspension and a stylish bracelet from beads and cords ready!

Beaded bracelet and beads do it yourself: Master class with video

And you can create and here such a men's bracelet consisting of natural stones (shungite, lava) and cylindrical bead inserts. It is quite simple to apply them according to the following scheme.

Beaded bracelet and beads do it yourself: Master class with video

Create details about the help of special pins and connect with a chain equipped with a fastener. Assembly steps can be seen on photo instructions.

Beaded bracelet and beads do it yourself: Master class with video

Beaded bracelet and beads do it yourself: Master class with video

Beaded bracelet and beads do it yourself: Master class with video

Tender combination

Split gently decoration for the girl is very simple. In its manufacture you will help you a small master class with a photo. To create a bracelet you will need:

  • 10 mm beads pink;
  • beads 3 mm pink shade;
  • Beaded fishing line 0.3 mm;
  • comfortable clasp;
  • connecting rings - 2 pieces;
  • Pliers and scissors.

Cut from the fishing line 60 cm long. Place 1 beads and 6 beads on it. Hang another bead and drag through the ends of the fishing line in opposite directions.

Beaded bracelet and beads do it yourself: Master class with video

On the left tail of the fishing line, ride a bead and beads, and on the right 4 beads. Add a bead again, through which stretch the tailings of the lesion cross-cross.

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Beaded bracelet and beads do it yourself: Master class with video

Continue to weave according to the scheme, changing the sequence of nose. That is, the next time the bead bead should be on the right tail, and 4 bispers on the left. With the help of connecting rings, strengthen the fastener at the ends of the finished bracelet.

Beaded bracelet and beads do it yourself: Master class with video

Bright decision

We offer you to make another bracelet, characterized by an interesting design. In its creation will help the master class with photo instructions for weaving. For the manufacture of the accessory you will need:

  • Bright beads with a diameter of 6-8 mm;
  • beads number 10;
  • Books 3 mm;
  • Beaded fishing line and 2 needles;
  • Furnitura.

Far times wrap your wrist and cut off the resulting piece. In his center strengthen the fastener.

Beaded bracelet and beads do it yourself: Master class with video

Secure bead needles at the ends of the fishing ends. Place the 5 beads on one tilt, and on the second 4. Stretch the tail with 4 beads crosswise across the fifth base of the second end. Formed a ring.

Beaded bracelet and beads do it yourself: Master class with video

Place on the tails of 4 beads and spend the ends through the red bead.

Beaded bracelet and beads do it yourself: Master class with video

Add bikouses to weaving, fix.

Beaded bracelet and beads do it yourself: Master class with video

Continue to weave to teach the required product length.

Beaded bracelet and beads do it yourself: Master class with video

At the end, also strengthen the rings of 3 and 4 beads and fasten the fastener.

Beaded bracelet and beads do it yourself: Master class with video

Beaded bracelet and beads do it yourself: Master class with video

To give the bracelet more originality, leave only one tailing line. Place a few biserin on it and stretch them through the bead like this.

Beaded bracelet and beads do it yourself: Master class with video

Beaded bracelet and beads do it yourself: Master class with video

A unique decoration is ready!

Beaded bracelet and beads do it yourself: Master class with video

20 variations of one bracelet

Using the bispers of an unusual form, you can get a great result. In this case, the superdouo or twin beads has been used, having a rice grain form. Your bracelet will be distinguished by beauty and grace.

Beaded bracelet and beads do it yourself: Master class with video

We offer you to use simple schemes for weaving to get a whole collection of unique jewelry.

Beaded bracelet and beads do it yourself: Master class with video

Beaded bracelet and beads do it yourself: Master class with video

Beaded bracelet and beads do it yourself: Master class with video

Beaded bracelet and beads do it yourself: Master class with video

Video on the topic

In this section of the articles you will find several detailed master classes on weaving bracelets from beads and beads taken by craftswomen on video.

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