Ribbons bracelet with your own hands: Schemes with photos and videos


There are many varieties of bright accessories, among them bracelets occupy a leading position. From the assortment offered by the sellers of jewelry, eyes are running out, but needlewomen prefer to make such items with their own hands. In this case, the product is obtained unique. Multicolored bracelets under the power to create not only masters, even young needlewomen capable of making something beautiful and original. In school years, many of you certainly selected for themselves and friends are different feathers who have given in friendship. Let's try to repeat the creation of such an accessory, because to make a bracelet from ribbons with your own hands simpler. From this article, you will learn what way the path was done and what allowed them to keep the pedestal of glory among the lovers of original jewelry. And the proposed master classes on weaving will help to plunge into the past and make some bright bracelets.

Ribbons bracelet with your own hands: Schemes with photos and videos

Path of Fenusheki

Such an imperious accessory like Fuenus, has much deeper roots than you think. The first bracelets people learned to do in the Stone Age. These items were worn as decorations and used for magical purposes. Wearing massive metal bracelets could only men, they gave additional protection in battle.

The ancestors of modern phenoles are not as ancient, but they have an interesting story. The tribes of the North American Indians have long owned nodular magic. They attached great importance to wicker bracelets and used them as a gift for all occasions. It was believed that each tied knot consists of a particle of the soul of its creator. These components were to protect the owner. Each nodule, weave the thread, its color - all this had a sacred meaning.

Ribbons bracelet with your own hands: Schemes with photos and videos

On the peak of popularity woven baubles climbed in the 60s. This contributed to the birth of the hippie subculture. Pacifists made wicker bracelets with their symbol. They adopted traditions from the Indians and added their own philosophy. Fuenches were given in friendship with special wishes. Each representative of the subculture knew the subtlety of the bracelet weaving and knew how to interpret the secrets of the canvas.

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A surge of subculture is gradually UGAS, and Benchka was accustomed as a beautiful and original accessory. Nowadays, weaving bracelets has become a fascinating occupation, and the abundance of materials from which they can be created, made a decoration with a welcome guest on the wrist of Modnitz.

Ribbons bracelet with your own hands: Schemes with photos and videos

Interpretation of color gamma

Going to give to someone's handmade bracelet, do not neglect traditions. We suggest you find out what they mean certain colors in the canvas of Benches:

  • White is the color of innocence, wisdom, new undertakings.
  • Red - the symbol of passion and love, helped in defense against the negative, the evil eye.
  • Yellow and orange - they wrapped in bane to enhance the mood, attracting fortune to their side.
  • Pink - shade of a romantic personality.
  • Black and gray tones - symbol of independence and modesty.
  • Blue shades - were intended to obtain internal harmony, designation with nature, symbolized friendship, kindness and wisdom.
  • Brown - symbol of stability, well-being, support from loved ones.
  • Purple - woven to emphasize the ability of a person to arts, magic, designate an extraordinary person.

The closest friends were given the so-called rainbow - a bracelet, symbolizing the relationship of the soul, joy, wish to live full life.

You can use symbolism and combine colors, giving them a certain meaning, the main thing is that the product obtained pleases your master.

Ribbons bracelet with your own hands: Schemes with photos and videos

Interesting harness

We suggest you try to evan an interesting bracelet.

For its manufacture, two tapes of contrasting shades will be required (2.5 meters), pin and scissors. So that the hartus turned out to be dense and did not lose his kind from constant socks, the nodes in the product must be tightly tightened.

Place the ribbons with the cross and secure in the center of the pin.

Ribbons bracelet with your own hands: Schemes with photos and videos

The following 4 photos illustrate the process of creating the Chinese Lotus node.

Ribbons bracelet with your own hands: Schemes with photos and videos

Ribbons bracelet with your own hands: Schemes with photos and videos

Ribbons bracelet with your own hands: Schemes with photos and videos

Ribbons bracelet with your own hands: Schemes with photos and videos

Gently pull the tails tapes, and you will have such a square.

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Ribbons bracelet with your own hands: Schemes with photos and videos

It needs to be much strung, passing the ribbons.

Ribbons bracelet with your own hands: Schemes with photos and videos

Holding to the described scheme, inlets the required number of rows. At the end of the weaving, tie the tails tape by a node. You can sew a fastener or arrange a bracelet with strings.

Ribbons bracelet with your own hands: Schemes with photos and videos

Ribbons bracelet with your own hands: Schemes with photos and videos

Ribbons bracelet with your own hands: Schemes with photos and videos

Original decoration

Having learned to weave the Chinese knot, you can make another interesting feathers. The scheme of weaving will remain the same. So, watch photo instructions.

Ribbons bracelet with your own hands: Schemes with photos and videos

Ribbons bracelet with your own hands: Schemes with photos and videos

Ribbons bracelet with your own hands: Schemes with photos and videos

Ribbons bracelet with your own hands: Schemes with photos and videos

Ribbons bracelet with your own hands: Schemes with photos and videos

Having reached the square stage, you must smoothly distribute ribbons.

Ribbons bracelet with your own hands: Schemes with photos and videos

The next square is made in the reverse order, that is, the ribbons must be uploaded counterclockwise.

Ribbons bracelet with your own hands: Schemes with photos and videos

Ribbons bracelet with your own hands: Schemes with photos and videos

Ribbons bracelet with your own hands: Schemes with photos and videos

Tapes should only be pulled before the formation of a smooth square. Continue weaving until the fuzhechka reaches the desired length. Very interesting bracelet from satin ribbons is ready!

Ribbons bracelet with your own hands: Schemes with photos and videos

If there is a slight flag of such a badge, you can use it as the original keyfob.

Ribbons bracelet with your own hands: Schemes with photos and videos

Simple bracelet

We offer you to evil a rather simple bracelet of 2 ribbons.

To fulfill it, you will need two segments of tape length 1 meter, scissors, pin.

Select the edges of the tape length 15 cm. Fold the blanks to each other.

Ribbons bracelet with your own hands: Schemes with photos and videos

Bend the upper tape, as shown in the photo.

Ribbons bracelet with your own hands: Schemes with photos and videos

Fully wrap a light ribbon, and go back at the starting point. Must get a small loop.

Ribbons bracelet with your own hands: Schemes with photos and videos

Shoot through it the fold of the light ribbon.

Ribbons bracelet with your own hands: Schemes with photos and videos

Carefully pull the short-tail of the loops and do not tight angle.

Ribbons bracelet with your own hands: Schemes with photos and videos

Bend again to the tape and pull it through the remaining loop.

Ribbons bracelet with your own hands: Schemes with photos and videos

Continue to form loops and stretch them into each other.

Ribbons bracelet with your own hands: Schemes with photos and videos

Ribbons bracelet with your own hands: Schemes with photos and videos

Ribbons bracelet with your own hands: Schemes with photos and videos

Ribbons bracelet with your own hands: Schemes with photos and videos

Ribbons bracelet with your own hands: Schemes with photos and videos

Take the resulting fucecake with a fastener or use the edges of the tape for tying on the wrist.

Interesting ideas

The combination of satin ribbon and beads looks very gently. Try to make a bracelet from the nodules.

Ribbons bracelet with your own hands: Schemes with photos and videos

It is enough to associate neat nodules on the tape, and in between them insert large beads.

Ribbons bracelet with your own hands: Schemes with photos and videos

Another interesting version of the phenoschki is made using a needle and fishing line.

Ribbons bracelet with your own hands: Schemes with photos and videos

Generate the edge of the ribbon by 15 cm, evenly enter to the base of the beads. Having finished, pull the fishing line. Finished bracelet tying along the edges of the knots.

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Ribbons bracelet with your own hands: Schemes with photos and videos

Ribbons bracelet with your own hands: Schemes with photos and videos

Video on the topic

We bring to your attention a selection of useful videos, which will teach you to create bracelets from satin ribbons.

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