Cool ideas for registration and personalization of the teenage room


Any teenager recognizes that its room is a great opportunity to show a personal style. Past children's drawings on the walls, soft toys and bed linen with cats. Now everything should be "adult".

Cool ideas for registration and personalization of the teenage room

For a teenager, his room is similar to the fort, protecting from the outside world. This is the place where it can relax, retire or chat with friends. It seems that creating the perfect space for a teenager is unrealistic, but in fact it is not such a difficult task.

Let the child participate in the design of his dwelling

  • First, it is necessary to discuss his hobbies and hobbies. After all, it can push the main "topic" of design.
  • Secondly, consider with the son or daughter photo of ready-made interiors. Let the teenager, at this stage, will express what I like or interested.
  • Thirdly, try to systematize all the desires of the child. It can express separate preferences on the color of wallpaper, lighting, furniture form, but by combining all this, it may turn out something strange. Your task is to orient him and show how it looks all together. From some desires may have to refuse. But even if from the very beginning it is clear that some things do not combine, do not insist, offer an alternative. Draw a plan, or make it in electronic form with some program, which will help to visually see the whole room. And let the teenager independently make a conclusion.

Cool ideas for registration and personalization of the teenage room

When choosing a teenage housing decoration scheme, keep in mind that the tastes of the young man or girls will change with age, so it is not bad to choose the optimal color of the walls (for several years). Of course, if you are ready to repair every couple of years, or your teenager will be happy to make repair yourself, then choose any colors.

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Cool ideas for registration and personalization of the teenage room

It is important to properly ensure a neat and organized training zone, since the child will have to do homework and prepare for exams. In addition to the comfortable table and chair, there should be enough shelves and boxes for storing textbooks and notebooks.

Cool ideas for registration and personalization of the teenage room

Think about places storage in advance. The wardrobe must contain several shelves and departments. It is also important to put the chest, bedside tables and other storage systems. All this should be easily accessible to a teenager (do not need to hang the shelf under the ceiling, which will have to climb on the stepladder). The easier it is to use the storage, the more likely that the teenager actually uses it.

Cool ideas for registration and personalization of the teenage room

For personalization of the teenage room, various lighting is perfect. You can use LED tapes, floor lamps, wall lamps. In the lighting devices, you can adjust the degree and brightness of the lighting.

Cool ideas for registration and personalization of the teenage room

Several unusual ideas for teenage room

  • Hang a poster with a beautiful inscription written by hand (perhaps it will be an unobtrusive parent reminder)
  • Make an unusual photo album on the whole wall
  • Hang on the wall of the world map with photos of those places where the teenager was already
  • Do not forget the "Corner of Rest" with a mattress, pillows, baffies, a bag with a bag for an excellent holiday with friends
  • If a child has a favorite hobby or a collection of some things, why not include it in the design scheme of his room?
  • Create a convenient organizer with the schedule of all young men or girls
  • The ceiling can be the most unusual part of the interior (abstract paints, posters, glowing stars)
  • Replace the windowsill on a wide one, because it is so nice to sit and look in the window

Cool ideas for registration and personalization of the teenage room

Design such a friend for a teenager, which he proudly call him!

Cool ideas for registration and personalization of the teenage room

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Cool ideas for registration and personalization of the teenage room

Cool ideas for registration and personalization of the teenage room

Cool ideas for registration and personalization of the teenage room

Cool ideas for registration and personalization of the teenage room

Cool ideas for registration and personalization of the teenage room

Cool ideas for registration and personalization of the teenage room

Cool ideas for registration and personalization of the teenage room

Cool ideas for registration and personalization of the teenage room

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