How to choose curtains on doors from flies and mosquitoes


Probably, everyone already knows that a new product has appeared on the market - magnetic curtains (curtains "magnets"), protecting the home from flies and mosquitoes. Now we will try to figure it out that this product is and how it should be chosen, so that it worked as much as possible.

How to choose curtains on doors from flies and mosquitoes

Mosquito curtain at the entrance door

The photo shows such curtains.

What it is?

"Magnites", intended to hold and eliminate the possibility of penetrating into the premises of such insects, like flies and mosquitoes, are a small transparent mesh. This product is fastened with a scotch or special buttons and allows you to leave the doors open during the day or even in the evening when the light is turned on in the room. By and large, "Magnitis" are the same mosquito nets.

How to choose curtains on doors from flies and mosquitoes

These most mosquito nets have special sewn magnets in their design. Thanks to these items, the products are constantly in a closed state, and after passing through the manner of the person, they slam themselves alone. Below is also there are magnets that hold the product in a vertical position.

How to choose curtains on doors from flies and mosquitoes

The photo shows products equipped with magnetic ribbons and retainers.


When choosing this invention, you need to pay attention to the advantages that it possesses.

    1. First of all, we note the ease of installation of these products. "Magnites" are attached quickly and easily. In addition, such mosquito nets can be taken with them, going to the cottage - there they will be very useful.
    2. Doors need to constantly close, so that flies and mosquitoes did not fly into the room. Using similar products, without this you can do. Moreover, the mesh structure of the product allows the air to freely penetrate the dwelling.
    3. Domestic pets have the opportunity to freely pass through these curtains, which the hour will close an animal thanks to the above magnets.
    4. The cost of this product is not enough, why "Magnitis" can afford to acquire almost everyone.
    5. Despite the fact that mosquito nets of this type seemingly very fragile, they are strong enough. This determines the possibility of their frequent use. Even if the product has been subjected to any effect, which will entail his damage, "Magnitis" is easily repaired. Moreover, the low price of the product allows you to update it without a painful strike on the family budget.
    6. Storage and transportation of these curtains do not represent special difficulties due to sufficient compact product.
    7. Through mosquito curtains, not only flies and mosquitoes, but also an annoying poplar fluff, which will be launched warm and pleasant summer days.

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How to choose curtains on doors from flies and mosquitoes

The photo shows the methods of fastening the mesh.


  1. This product also has some drawbacks that should be mentioned in order to choose such curtains, you have been as objective as possible.
  2. "Magnitics" have standard dimensions, because of which their operation is somewhat difficult when the doors are endowed with other parameters. Of course, you can always provide any inserts or additions. But this will lead to a decrease in the efficiency of the use of the product, as well as to its possible damage. As a result, cunning flies and mosquitoes will receive free access to the room.
  3. The order of the product is individually solved by this problem, but this event may cost much more expensive due to quite a large demand for the specified service, as well as the lack of competition from the manufacturer.
  4. Since the main manufacturer of mosquito curtains is China, the quality of the products even in one particular batch varies in fairly wide borders. In addition, there are often shortcomings in the configuration of the goods. Therefore, choosing "Magnites", it is important to carefully check the presence of all necessary structural elements. Carefully make sure that both curtains are present in the package, and magnetic clamps were located in their places and were also in sufficient quantities. In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the polarity of these most fixators - it must be different. Otherwise, magnets will push each other instead of attracting.
  5. Mesh, equipped with magnetic ribbons, have several color solutions - they are pink, blue and neutral gray. Products equipped with retainers are released exclusively in gray.
  6. Special double-sided adhesion and buttons that are included are not always able to keep the product in the doorway. Get ready for the installation of curtains by means of additional fasteners.

The photo shows all possible coloring options.

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How to choose curtains on doors from flies and mosquitoes


As already mentioned, choosing a mesh for the door, it is necessary to be extremely attentive, in order not to become the owner of a defective or impact-filled product. However, many buy mosquito curtains through the Internet, which makes a somewhat difficult to choose and implies the implementation of some important rules:

  1. The product order must be carried out exclusively on specialized sites. These resources are not interested in negative advertising, so they sell sufficiently quality products. In addition, there are such sites around the clock.
  2. Before buying, it is worth carefully examining the curtain data reviews that are published directly on the realizer website. This will give you a general idea of ​​the ordered product, and will also help you understand what should be counted in the case of purchase.
  3. In order for the door of the door to hung a high-quality product, and flies and mosquitoes met an irresistible barrier on their way, do not chase for the cheapness. In addition, these curtains are not so expensive. Moreover, behind the low price there may be disadvantages that are very difficult to fix.

How to choose curtains on doors from flies and mosquitoes

Explore prices and order the product at the cost that meets the average market.

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