Advantages and disadvantages of porolone wallpaper


Poropolone wallpaper not so long ago appeared in the Russian market. Despite the fact that the range is still relatively small, and in most cases, wallpapers are manufactured to order, they become popular.

Advantages and disadvantages of porolone wallpaper

Foorbone wallpapers consist of two layers: base - foam, front side - textile canvas. Due to the foam layer, a certain thickness is achieved, which, as a rule, does not exceed 0.5 cm. Roll length is 770 cm, width - 90 or 95 cm.


  • Porous and elastic base of the web allows you to make stack of walls with irregularities, small cracks. It does not require careful leveling, finishing surfaces. Wallpaper mask all the shortcomings and flaws, visually creating a smooth surface effect. In addition, the joints of the canvas are not visible after drying the glue.
  • Wallpapers from the foam rubber perform sound insulated . The thickness and porosity of the material prevents the propagation of the sound, which allows them to be used in the design of the interior of recording studios or, if necessary, bevelled from noisy neighbors.
  • The porous structure saves delays not only the sound, but also maintains heat. Apply to the insulation of outdoor walls of apartments and in private construction. Allows you to save on heating and no additional thermal insulation is required.
  • To the touch, the textile surface is soft and warm, which allows them to be used in children's rooms.
  • Do not require additional care - it is enough to hold a wet cleaning with a wet cloth or spelling.
  • Allow to create an unusual interior, especially if made to order. If necessary, rolls make different widths and lengths.
  • Long service life.

Advantages and disadvantages of porolone wallpaper


The main disadvantage today is considered a small range of porolone wallpaper, which is presented in the market in free access . It is difficult to choose the necessary shade and design and immediately begin work. This is due to the fact that the production of porolone wallpaper has not been established so long ago. There is constant monitoring of the market and buying demand, therefore large batch products are not released.

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Advantages and disadvantages of porolone wallpaper

The search for foam wallpapers corresponding to the interior solution will require the attraction of a designer and design an individual order and subsequent manufacture. Such webs differ in high cost and take time.

Increased sound insulation and thermal insulation have the opposite direction - low air permeability indoors with foam walls.

Advantages and disadvantages of porolone wallpaper

IMPORTANT: In the bedroom or children's required, the installation of an air conditioner, additional ventilation, or will have to be resolved with a frequent air ventilation.

For the same reason, wallpaper with a foam basis is not recommended to use for pasting walls in kitchens, bathrooms and other facilities with high humidity. Moisture will accumulate under the canvas, which will lead to the appearance of dampness and fungus.

Advantages and disadvantages of porolone wallpaper

Like all wall coverings, foam wallpapers are afraid of mechanical damage, sharp and cutting items. Walls should be protected from pets - traces of claws leave irregularities.

Foam wallpaper will help to give an interesting designer solution to the rooms, will retain heat and peace in the apartment. Noisy neighbors and street sounds will not deliver inconvenience, do not have to overpay for electricity spent on heating rooms. The ability to order rolls of the required color, size and length makes them comfortable in operation, allows you to avoid large waste. When pasting, it is important to follow the instructions of the manufacturer and use the recommended glue for synthetic canvases.

Advantages and disadvantages of porolone wallpaper

Sound-absorbing wallpapers (1 video)

Advantages and disadvantages of porolone wallpaper (6 photos)

Advantages and disadvantages of porolone wallpaper

Advantages and disadvantages of porolone wallpaper

Advantages and disadvantages of porolone wallpaper

Advantages and disadvantages of porolone wallpaper

Advantages and disadvantages of porolone wallpaper

Advantages and disadvantages of porolone wallpaper

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