Interior doors coupe Single-holder photos and prices


Interior single-door coupes allow you to save space and look stylish and concise. Special attention when choosing needs to be given to the opening mechanism and its details.

Design of interroom blocks and coupe in the modern interior

Interior doors coupe Single-holder photos and prices

The compartment doors are a kind of retractable doors that have only one, more often - upper rail. In addition, the compartment doors are revealed in a simpler scheme "pushed - closed", or "pulled - discovered", while most of the skating doors are similar to opening on the mechanism of the junction door of the minibus, which first should be pulled out again . Of course, this simplicity also attracts the attention of those who want to buy interroom bivalve doors of this type.

Like any sliding doors, they significantly save space. After all, in order to open a swollen door, especially double-minded, it will take space ahead of at least a meter. Not in all cases can be calculated. For example, for small rooms, where every square centimeter of the useful area on the account, the use of the door-coupe is a way out of a predicament, when there is a place for an extremely important unit of furniture headset.

Interior doors coupe Single-holder photos and prices

Interior doors coupe have another important advantage. These are the ease of their use of people with disabilities: no threshold for such doors - a significant security guarantee.

By installing such doors as interroom, it is necessary to remember that, like any other type of retractable doors, the door coupe has reduced noise and sound absorption. Therefore, they are not suitable for installation in bedrooms or children's rooms. In the remaining cases, their use is advisable and practical. However, this deficiency will fully correct if it is possible to install the product in a wall opening. Prepared for a special niche, as in the photo, in the interior partition (even suitable drywall), the sound insulation characteristics of the door coupe can be significantly improved.

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Interior doors coupe Single-holder photos and prices


The design of interroom doors is determined mainly by the material of the door canvase, from which prices depend. Cloths are used more often:

  • From a solid wood massif (mostly valuable tree breeds: nut, oak);
  • veneered by the same valuable rocks, with the basis of pine or ate;
  • laminated;
  • Glass completely, or with glass (or mirror) inserts:
  • from MDF panels.

Plastic as the material of the interior door coupe is unacceptable due to its low rigidity. When opening / closing such a door, transverse cutting loads act on it, which would gradually divide the landing places of the opening mechanism (and they also would have to be made from plastic), as a result of which durability would be extremely low. Sometimes coming on a cheap plastic door-compartment comes, mainly from Chinese firms with a dubious reputation.

Bivalve coupe dials from a solid massif, as in the photo, are coming relatively rarely. The reasons for this are the high mass of the product (which increases the bulky of the opening mechanism) and significant cost. Psychologists argue that the main consumers of interior doors from a solid massif are wealthy people, but conservative in their convictions. They want to have in their apartments interior doors of traditional execution, which would not remind them of railway wagons. Yes, and it is unlikely that these hosts have a living room, where in account every centimeter.

Interior doors coupe Single-holder photos and prices

With glazed

Interior doors-coupe with glazing - universal element of the modern interior. They can be used not only for separating space between individual rooms, but also as an element of built-in wardrobes, wardrobes, etc. If the built-in furniture is already provided in the design of the living room, a dining room or another room, then the interroom door-compartment made in such a stylistic solution will give the interior desired completion and harmony. For example, the vertical insertion on the canvas, as in the photo, will allow you to increase the height of the room, and the horizontal is to make the room deeper or wider. Of course, glass can be matte, opaque. Then the color of the matting should be selected by the prevailing color of the interior of this room, as in the photo.

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Opening mechanisms

Interior doors coupe Single-holder photos and prices


Single door coupe can be manufactured in two versions of mechanisms depending on whether the product will move into the wall or slide along the guides along one of the walls. Each of the options has one shortcoming. In the first case, it will take a serious redevelopment of the room, because in the door niche it is necessary to insert a special cassette in which the whole design will be leaving. In the second case, it is necessary to provide some (about 1 meter) space on the left either to the right of the doorway, where the installation of the opening mechanism is to be installed. Subsequently, this mechanism is hidden behind the decorative plank, which is included in the delivery package (if not, is purchased simultaneously with the product itself). Note that bivalve doors need a more cumbersome opening mechanism.

In turn, the mechanisms for opening the door-coupe with the outer arrangement of the opening mechanism are divided into mechanisms with the upper or lower guide. In the first case, the door is actually suspended to the upper plane. It should be clearly installed and centered, since the slightest deviation from the horizontal direction will lead to a breakdown and increasing the required opening effort. Naturally, for heavy door webs, this option is not suitable.

Interior doors coupe Single-holder photos and prices

Opening mechanism

At the bottom location of the guide and roller, as in the photo, the door design becomes more reliable. In the process of choosing the opening mechanism, you must pay attention to the constructive execution of the rollers. Reliable are considered guide rollers on bearings: they are more silent, almost insensitive to pollution, require smaller effort to open. True, such mechanisms need in more careful service. The price of opening mechanisms is practically independent of their execution.

Summarizing, it should be noted that for the door webs of the interior door coupe from MDF, as well as veneered and glass, more appropriate is the option with the upper guides.

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Interior doors coupe Single-holder photos and prices

Dimensions of Flats and Block

Single interior door coupe with a closed opening mechanism requires a preliminary arrangement of a niche, the size of which should be 3-5 cm more than the corresponding size of the door canvase. It should be noted that the door canvas in such products is double-sided. That is, if on the one side you can laminate laminate, then on the other hand, it is possible to provide a mirror setting. It is very convenient if the hallway is separated from the living room or dining room, as can be seen in the photo in the interior.

The overall dimensions of the doorways under the installation of single-door doors-coupe are regulated by GOST 6629-88. In accordance with this starter, such structures can be manufactured in the sizes specified in the table.

ExecutionHeight, mm.Width. MM.Depth of opening, mm
With the top opening mechanism1900, 2000.600, 700, 80040-80
With lower opening mechanism1900, 2000, 2100600, 700, 800, 900
In niche1900, 2000.700, 800.40-60

Single door coupe - more optimal (compared to double) variant of the separation of interior space. It saves a place and less time consuming in the installation. Prices for such products are also noticeable below.

Interior doors coupe Single-holder photos and prices

Interior doors coupe Single-holder photos and prices

Interior doors coupe Single-holder photos and prices

Interior doors coupe Single-holder photos and prices

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Interior doors coupe Single-holder photos and prices


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