Tire crafts for garden


Tire crafts for garden

Figures made of tires especially often can be found in the territories of dacha and household plots. And this is not at all because it is possible to make an interesting piece of decor from the tire almost free.

Tires are easily amenable to variations, you can make almost any shape, which is quite suitable for use as a flower, elements for children's games, docks, tracks.

And, most amazing, even furniture can be created from the tires!

Figures made of tires

DIY Tires for the garden can be made in different versions, including in the form of animals. So, the most easy to make a donkey, on which only two tires will be spent. You will also need the most acute knife, which you have, and rigid wire. With the help of wire, we drag the place of placement of the face of our donkey, but before that you should cut the tire into two parts.

One of the parts will not be much shorter than the other, this part is used as a torso, it must be placed down. A longer part with a bend is upward, and its edge is made in a pre-prepared hole-cut hole on the shape of a tire, which you need to pre-cut into a part that will be a torso.

Tire crafts for garden

If you have the irrepustable creative potential, as well as paint, which can be punched with tires, you can make such figures like a bear, suspended parrot, sunshine. However, what your fantasy will turn on - to this option and contact.

Tire crafts for garden

Tire crafts for garden

What can be made of tires in the garden:

  • Flowers and tire figures;
  • pool;
  • tracks;
  • Tire fake for garden furniture.

All shapes of old tires look amazing and confident, they will definitely like you and your loved ones.

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Flowers from Tires

DIY for the garden in the form of flower beds will become not only aesthetic and original solution, but also a functional addition.

Flowers can be left by flower beds, and it is possible to turn into vases. To create a flower, you need to have the same tools: a sharp knife, wire, paint. Actions are performed in such a sequence:

  • Without removing the tire from the disks, go to the ground;
  • Follow the chalk on the tire in the form of field circles to be cut;
  • The form can be modified if the circles, for example, a difficult figure for you and you are not sure that it will be possible to make them smooth;
  • Cut the marked fields;
  • Remove inside out the upper and lower parts;
  • Color the flower in some color you like;
  • Also, it is also possible to make an interesting species to attach some pebbles, seashells and even large beads, if you are in excess.

It is possible with the same ease of creating a flowerbed in the form of cups, parrots, butterflies and ladybugs. As they say, everything is your heart.

Tire crafts for garden

Tire Pool for Garden

If you have a big tire from the tractor or loader, you can make a pool from it. The main thing is that it is especially important in this business - a place to install our future pool. This place should be a flat surface that is not aslertained with a dense basis. Such a base will be well a clay on which a very dense fabric can be seal.

Now you do not need a knife, because you don't have to cut anything. It is necessary to make sure that the tire is completely whole, and then with the help of glue, put it on a skimmed awning surface that we have prepared to install the pool.

So that the tire served for a long time and missed water, you need to wait two days. Then, when all the works are already produced, you can paint the tire, but then you will have to wait for at least 1 day.

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The pool of a tire is decorated with a main stone or decorative brick, so the pool will serve you much longer.

Tire crafts for garden

Tire tracks

Not only pools and garden figures can be done with their own hands, but also entire tracks. This is especially true if there is a bias or a small ravine in your site, in which you can pick up the most suitable place and proceed the track, which is subsequent and placed with tires.

Tire crafts for garden

The main thing is to pay attention to, is a good fastening of the tires. They do not need to prepare in advance, you can only paint, but when installing, it is worth very tightly fall asleep their cavity soil, as well as planted directly to the ground, falling asleep and strengthening a small segment of each ground tire.

Tire garden furniture

If there is an evergreen male, the garden furniture produced from the tires will look at your site. It can be issued as you like, painting into one or more colors. So, to create a table, it is enough to find two tires of different sizes, glue them to each other, placing in a horizontal position. At the same time, a smaller tire must be lower, and the upper above. To make a worktop, it is enough to cut a circle from a wooden board, which will correspond to the size of the top tire.

Tire crafts for garden

Figures from the tires can be decorate any landscape design: the main thing is to use suitable colors, and it is quite possible to combine them. So, bright green, yellow, red and blue flower beds will create a pleasant and cheerful atmosphere in the country, and unusual placement on each other adjacent on top of the side parts will give a highlight of a large and original flowerbed with flowers and wood rutaries in the garden.

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