How to mount siding on the wall. Montaja technology


Siding fastening is a good decorative course for the design of the veranda, houses, cutting and other designs. In addition to the excellent appearance, the profile has a large number of positive qualities, from which it is possible to allocate a high level:

  • low temperatures;
  • moisture resistance;
  • Durability.

Montage Siding on the wall

If the was the beauty of your home, a cut or veranda was lost, and you do not know how to return to the construction of the former beauty, insulation and lining of the walls of the house, cut or veranda, made with your own hands - a wonderful way out of this situation. You will be pleasantly surprised by the fact that cladding and insulation will be for you under the power and do not have to hire experienced finishers, all work you will easily do on your own.

Further in the article we will describe in more detail about how to fix siding correctly and how to see the cottage siding with your own hands.

In cleaning, siding is not whimsical - no painting and use of specialized impregnations are required. For care, you can simply occasionally clean the profile from pollution with water.

Siding can be made from a different material, but the highest quality and popular is considered metallic. Metal siding is made of galvanized steel, and is processed by a special polymer composition. It is metal siding is considered the most durable material that can be used at different temperatures.

The technical features of the panel are shown in the table.

Length 1 sheetFrom 50cm
Lay limit600cm
Overall width22.5cm
Mounting width22.8cm
Panel height1,4cm
Metal siding has a thickness


Weight 1 panel5kg

What do you need to know before starting work?

How to fix siding on the wall?

Before fixing the profile, you need to buy it suitable size and color. To sow a wall with your own hands, siding is best suited, the length of which is 6m. Such length of the canvas is most popular, since after working with it there remains less than all waste.

I would like to draw your attention that the color of the siding plays a far from the last role, and the cost of 1m2 canvas varies within 150-200 rubles.

Regarding colors and textures, the profile has no restrictions. Today, in the market, Siding is represented in all sorts of color scheme and in different invoice, which you can simulate a tree, brick, stone, and so on.

Many newbies are very interested in the mounting of siding, which can be performed with their own hands in two variations. If the material is fixed, as the technology reads, then before the installation starts, you will have to install and align guide rails. In another case, the siding can be attached to the old trim, and in such a situation there will be no need to install guide rails.

How to correctly calculate the amount of material and the frontoth?

Krepim Siding on the wall alone

When you finally decide on the type of siding, you will have to make a calculation of its quantity. The easiest way to make calculation using the drawing. To do this, you can depict the construction schematically and measure all the walls by the formula S = AXB, where A is the horizontal length of the wall, B is a vertical length. The area is calculated for each wall separately, and the sum of the surfaces of all surfaces is found. So simple, you will correctly calculate the total area of ​​the surfaces of the whole house, cut or veranda.

Pay special attention to the fact that the walls of the walls are calculated minus all windows and doors. You also need to take away all the decorative elements. You do not plan to lay them siding, right?

If you are interested in how to shelter the frontoth siding, then for this you need to correctly calculate its area. To do this, it is possible to submit a fronton in the form of an equally chained triangle, in which the parties A and B are equal, and the base can be denoted by the letter C. Now the following formula comes into effect: p = (a + b + c) / 2, in which p is a half-meter.

After that, it will be necessary to use another formula that looks like this: S = P (P-a) (P-b) (P-C).

If you substitute the data for the perimeter, then the following will be:

  • a and b = 8m;
  • c = 6m;
  • According to the first formula, it turns out: p = (8 + 8 + 6) / 2 = 11m (this is a half-version);
  • Area expect: s = 11 (11-8) (11-8) (11-6);
  • As a result, we obtain the following data: S = 495 = 22,25m2.

Thus, despite the fact that there was a few mathematical computing, we got the desired area. Such simple actions can significantly save the material and will not allow its recalculation when you decide to strover the frontoth siding.

Surface preparation

Montage siding with your own hands

If you still solved with your own hands to sow the surface of the house, cutting or veranda siding, you need to know what you can be attached to, and what tools and materials will be useful for this. You also need to know which installation technology will help you.

And so, here is a list of tools that you need to get before the start of work:

  • Circular Pillet;
  • metal line;
  • roulette;
  • hammer, pliers and passage;
  • Square (better from metal or wood);
  • Small-raised wooden hacksaw;
  • a screwdriver with a flat and cruciform cloth;
  • knife cutter;
  • Thin rope;
  • a piece of chalk;
  • level;
  • screwdriver.

First of all, it is necessary to remove all sorts of plants and weeds from the walls. If there is drainage or other decorative elements on the construction, they will have to be dismantled. In general, you need to remove all the elements that will be able to prevent high-quality work.

If there are rotten elements on the wall, they will have to either delete, or replace new, because putrefactive deformations and changes on the tree will not work. The rest of the surface is better to be treated with antiseptic means.

After decorative elements are removed, take the level and make sure the walls are fixed.

Wall insulation and lamp

Independent wall cladding siding

Before you have a conversation about Siding's fasteners, let's talk about the concept of the crate. The new structure of the structure can be avoided only when the old walls of the walls are in a decent state.

If you plan to facing the old house, cut or veranda, then work here a little complicates the fact that on the time of the walls could be deformed or "sailing." In such a situation, you will have to purchase the necessary tools and install forests, because if you do with your own hands without third-party help - without them you will not hurt.

The "floating" or concrete walls requires the installation of the crate of boards or rails. The rails are fixed to the surface of the walls by ordinary nails, the length of which is 10 cm. Reiki is worth navigating the width of the step in 30-40cm. Please note that they must be installed around the window or doorway, as well as all the corners of the veranda, house or cut.

During the constructions of the structure, it is also possible to engage in insulation, for which you can choose a foam, mineral wool, glass gamble or ordinary polyethylene.

Now it will be the most important question: how can you consolidate the profile as possible to ensure subsequent insulation? All manufacturers indicate the instructions that the profile can be fixed with galvanized or aluminum nails. But, if you think about, it will become clear that the easiest way to consolidate siding profile by self-draws. Ask why so? Imagine that you perform insulation with your own hands, balancing on the stairs, holding a siding profile in one hand, and in another - a hammer and nails. In such a "pose" you will need to manage to score a nail. Not very convenient, right? And the self-tapping screw has a magnetic hat, it is easily held on the drilling of the screwdriver and easily enters the cloth.

Siding Montage Technology

We produce the installation of siding panels themselves

And so how to fix siding we talked, now you can start the installation of the canvas with your own hands and begin the insulation of the structure.

First of all, you need to talk about fixing the starting strip:

  • Find the lower point of the old cladding;
  • Draw a smooth vertical, which will be higher than the lowest mark by 3-4 cm;
  • Fix the starting bar in such a way that its upper edge was at the level of the fascinated line, attach it with self-draws.

Please note that it is very important not to start mounting siding before the starting rail will be installed over the entire area of ​​the veranda, a cut or at home, or in the particular place you wanted to arrange.

When installing work, you need to follow several rules, namely:

  1. Facing and insulation siding must be carried out with their own hands so that there is no barriers to its thermal expansion and compression;
  2. Do not install the panel very close to the surface of the walls of the veranda, at home or cut.
  3. Do not screw the screws too deep. This will not allow the surface to deform with sharp temperature fluctuations.
  4. Drive nails or screw the screws in the middle of the oblong fastening hole, but not in the corners. The step with which it is best to drive the nails - 30-40 cm.
  5. Facing and insulation of the walls of the house, a cut or veranda should begin from the bottom, and then you need to push the panel to a little, until you hear the click "Castle".

We hope that after reading the article you have no more questions regarding the fastener of siding with your own hands.

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