Motanka do it yourself from threads: master class with photos and video


It is believed that Motanka is the long-standing body chambers of Ukrainians, but in fact, different variations of such dolls met in many world cultures. They obtained such a name at the expense of the manufacturing process, as such dolls are made of pieces of tissue wound on each other. Usually they have the shape of a woman or child and personify good, prosperity and well-being. In general, the wubble of Motanka dolls is a very powerful energy defender from all diseases and troubles. And make such a shop with your own hands quite simple, the main thing is to determine what it will be with you - a faith for home and family or just an interesting souvenir for loved ones and relatives.

You ask, what is the difference between souvenir and guard? And there is a difference. In those distant times, when the Motanka was done as a charm for home and family from evil spell and people, there was such a belief that in no case it was impossible to use scissors and needles - the fabric was removed solely manually. There are also several rules that cannot be neglected if you want to get a real positive charm. Consider these rules in more detail:

  • When creating the overawe, you must have a corresponding positive attitude;
  • It is necessary to clearly know what you want from this charm - health, good luck, well-being, protection against dark forces or ill-wishers. And in the process of winding, you need to think exclusively about this, thereby charging your doll;
  • It is not recommended to engage in the manufacture of the guard on days as Friday and Sunday;
  • If you charge a doll to an increase in something (money, health, well-being), it is worthwhile to make it making on a growing moon, if on a decrease (illness, inclues), then do it in the days of despair of the moon;
  • Also, the manufacture of the Motanka should last no more than one day, otherwise, otherwise, the charm will not work;
  • There should be no many nodules on the facing, so take a thread of a harder, only one nodule is allowed - in the navel area.

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Embroidery for Motanka

Each detail made in this doll has its meaning, so, for example, embroidery on skirts and the aprons was not just done so, each sign has a certain meaning:

  • Rhombus with a point in the midst - attracts wealth and well-being in the house;
  • Eight-pointed star - establishes a strong connection with the ancestors;
  • Vasilek Krestik - to improve sight;
  • Hop crossed - protects against various diseases;
  • Cross - protection against the evil eye, envy, damage, curses;
  • Oak leaflets adds forces, courage and endurance.

Embroidery on the face of the doll, was also with meaning. At the same time, notice, her eyes, lips and nose were never embroidered on the face of Motanka, it was believed that in a faceless doll, it would never arouse an evil spirit. And it was accepted to embroider the face with symbols that also had their meaning.

There are several types of Motannings aimed at certain benefits:

  1. Motanka-bride. This charm used young, unmarried girl. It was believed that if the Motanka was made in all the rules, it is very soon she will meet his narrowed and marry. Different these are theirs from others with their long necks, wrapped in many multi-colored scarves. Shawls and all the outfit as a whole was very bright to attract their second half as quickly as possible.

Motanka do it yourself from threads: master class with photos and video

Motanka do it yourself from threads: master class with photos and video

Motanka do it yourself from threads: master class with photos and video

  1. Motanka-pelleling. Such charms did children to protect them from unclean strength and evil spirits. Also, such dolls were made in the case when the child had a very bad thing, it was believed that the Motanka is capable of absorbing his illness. As soon as the child recovered, the doll was burned.

Motanka do it yourself from threads: master class with photos and video

  1. Motanka-Bereginy. This is the most common type of overag.

Motanka do it yourself from threads: master class with photos and video

Motanka do it yourself from threads: master class with photos and video

Motanka do it yourself from threads: master class with photos and video

At present, when the demand for various souvenir dolls has increased and similar dolls are used more as a subject of interior, the masters are resorted to the use and scissors, and needles, in order to make it a beautiful, neat, embroidered threads and beaded doll.

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Motanka do it yourself from threads: master class with photos and video

Motanka do it yourself from threads: master class with photos and video

Secrets of manufacture

Another common type of charm is a motanka of threads.

Motanka do it yourself from threads: master class with photos and video

Motanka do it yourself from threads: master class with photos and video

Make such a doll very simple. We will need the following material:

  • yarn of two colors;
  • hard cardboard;
  • ribbons and beads for decor;
  • Pieces of fabric for tailoring doll.

Note! Cardboard cuts exactly the length of which you want your doll.

Wash the yarn of one color on it.

Motanka do it yourself from threads: master class with photos and video

Mottling a sufficient amount of threads, cut them around.

T. K. The hair of our doll will be long, then we will also need a base of cardboard. We wind the threads of another color and cut on one side.

Motanka do it yourself from threads: master class with photos and video

Motanka do it yourself from threads: master class with photos and video

Motanka do it yourself from threads: master class with photos and video

Motanka do it yourself from threads: master class with photos and video

We connect the two of our beam, distribute and tightly wind the thread.

Motanka do it yourself from threads: master class with photos and video

Motanka do it yourself from threads: master class with photos and video

We turn over and separate our hair from the body.

Motanka do it yourself from threads: master class with photos and video

We proceed to the formation of the head and torso.

Motanka do it yourself from threads: master class with photos and video

In the same way, like a torso, we make beams for hands. We braid them in braids.

Motanka do it yourself from threads: master class with photos and video

In order for our doll to stand firmly, you need to make a solid foundation. We make it from the cardboard in the form of a cone.

Motanka do it yourself from threads: master class with photos and video

And with the help of glue, both our items. Doll is ready, it remains only to wear it and decorate with ribbons and beads.

Motanka do it yourself from threads: master class with photos and video

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