Elimination of the gas column breakdown


Elimination of the gas column breakdown

The gas column is a fairly reliable device and, with proper use and proper care, will serve for a long time. However, everything requires repair and fails. Problems with a gas column may appear unexpectedly. However, we will consider today typical examples of breakdowns that are not related to the defect device, and learn how to determine the specific breakdown before the arrival of the experts, find out why it turns off, does not light up or flies the flame.

Elimination of the gas column breakdown

Gas column device.

Malfunction: Gas column does not turn on

  1. The first reason for the fading of the flame during the ignition is the absence in the ventilation channel of thrust. If a foreign object falls into the chimney or it will be bored with combustion products, a protective system will work in the water heater and the gas is automatically overlapped in the device. It is enough to check if there is a thrust in your chimney: with an open window, you need to apply a lit match or palm to the chimney hole. If the thrust is good, the flame will deviate strongly or you will feel your breath. Troubleshooting: You need to clean the ventilation channel. To do this, you need to call the control firm and cause chipper. Then everything should be turned on.
  2. Another reason for the lack of flame in the column is the discharge of the supply elements. This reason only concerns columns with automatic incitement from batteries (generators or batteries). Manufacturers convince that the batteries will have to be minimized in a year, but practice shows that the operational term is much shorter. Troubleshooting: Check the off / switching key, purchase and swap batteries.
  3. The column is not ignited due to the weak water pressure. You can establish the cause by opening a crane with cold water. If the pressure of cold water is still insufficient, as well as with hot water, the cause is in the water supply, in the supply of water by centralized water supply.

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Elimination of the gas column breakdown

The location of the elements of the gas column.

If the pressure is much stronger than cold water than in the hot water crane, it means that the cause in the water node of the column. The membrane was deformed or filters were clogged at the entrance of the water node. Can be clogged and directly hot water pipes. The reason for the lack of water pressure may also be in the filters of deep water purification, installed additionally in the system.

  • Troubleshooting: Replace filter in a mixer or rinse water purification filters;
  • contact the utility service to find out the cause of the absence of water pressure;
  • Leave in utilities a statement on flushing of hot water pipes;
  • Clear column from combustion and soot products;
  • Replace the membrane on the water node.

There are cases when the column is lit and immediately goes out. At the same time, it is necessary to adjust the flow of cold and hot water. There is no need to dilute hot water cold - it leads to a fading of the flame, and at the same time is the incorrect operation of the gas device.

Troubleshooting: Reduce cold water in the crane.

Malfunction: Gas column turns on with cotton

Micro-sized or cotton or when turned on, due to insufficient thrust in the ventilation channel, the discharge of the batteries for inciteting the column, zero of the gibber and other elements, an abundant gas flow.


  • call the utilities and call chimney systems to clean the chimney;
  • change batteries;
  • If it did not help, call an expert to troubleshoot.

Elimination of the gas column breakdown

Scheme of the gas column.

Malfunction: smells gas when the column is turned on

It should never smell the gas when the column is turned on! If there is a smell, you must immediately block the gas valve, air the room and cause gas.


  • Call immediate gas service (unified reference 104).

Malfunction: no gas is supplied

At the time of ignition, the sound of the outgoing gas should be heard. It is worth listening if the column does not ignite. If there is no sound, the gas does not come.

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  • clarify in utility services, repair work is carried out on your site;
  • Cause otherwise cause gas.

Malfunction: The column is lit, but heats the water badly

Elimination of the gas column breakdown

Gas column with Piezorozhig.

There may be several causes of insufficient heating of water. One species is the situation when the flame lights up, then it turns and turns off. Or the flame can sometimes be unstable: it lights up, it swings. First, due to insufficient power column. To find out the reason, you need to refer to the passport of the equipment and learn in detail the properties of the column.

Secondly, insufficient water heating can cause column blockage. Signs of a cloud: soot under the device and an uncharacteristic yellow flame color. Thirdly, low pressure in the gas system can also affect the temperature of hot water.


  • adjust the crane of hot water;
  • call to clean the wizard;
  • Specify with gas, whether repair work is carried out on your site.

Elimination of the gas column breakdown

Gas column device.

It is always necessary to do when when the flame lights up, then the column turns off and turns off. Some reasons have already been voiced, but sometimes there are other reasons that do not give the column to start. For example, problems with gas supply valves, protective valves, by naigar on various nozzles, clogging of the heat exchanger tubes may appear. Find the answer to the question "Why" is the most important thing in this matter.

With such faults, of course, you can cope on your own, but any gas equipment needs a professional approach. Therefore, if the gas column does not ignite, and the reason is not clear, it is necessary to call experts from the gas service.

If you have a question how to adjust the gas column, it is better to contact the specialists. They will not only help customize equipment, but also explain why the gas column does not work, will show, as turned on and off, will explain why it turns off, fades or turns off the equipment.

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