Choose siding under the tree: what is the block house


The use of plaster for the design of the facade of the house goes into the past and new building materials come to replace it. Siding for the house plays not only the role of beautiful external design, but serves the protection of the construction from the unfavorable influence of external conditions. The use of siding under the tree allows you to beautifully bind the house and spend less money at the same time than when using natural wood. There are several types of siding and each of them has its advantages and disadvantages. Today we will try to disassemble how important the use of such material as a metal siding under the tree.

Choose siding under the tree: what is the block house

Siding under a tree

Types of siding under the tree and its properties

Choose siding under the tree: what is the block house

Wall decoration Siding under the tree

Before you choose the most suitable siding for me under the tree, I decided to consider all the options and found out that the panels of acrylic, vinyl and metal are the most common. In order to be slightly clear, I compiled a table of properties and advantages of these varieties:

Benefits and type of siding
Maximum accurate imitation of tree breedsIt has the same properties as vinyl siding, but it has greater durabilityAbility to choose any shades imitating expensive wood breeds
Large color palette, allowing you to choose the required shadeMaterial is somewhat more than its predecessorSize selection is a special advantage. You can purchase siding panels from 0.5 m to 6 m
Material is able to withstand sharp drops of temperature and do not deformThanks to improved polymers, siding imitating wood is more resistant to ultravioletSiding is environmentally friendly and does not harm human health
Not afraid of mechanical exposureFireproof is a huge advantage of a facing element
Siding is protected from ultraviolet rays and does not fade under themEasy installation is possible with their own hands.
Not affected by mold and fungus. But the natural material on the contrary is afraid of the effects of microbiological floraMetal: cheaper than its predecessors

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Of all the options specified in the table, I realized that I like metal trees for a tree. After that, I began to consider all the nuances of application and installation of such a cladding.

Features of metal siding under the tree

Choose siding under the tree: what is the block house

Facing siding

Siding under the metal tree got its popularity due to the huge number of positive properties. After independent installation of these panels, I found a few more positive sides of this material:

  • Having a small weight, metal rings carries the minimum load on the foundation part of the building
  • With the help of the material, the curves of the walls of the house are equal, while there is no need to pre-level the surface
  • Mounting is allowed for any weather and air temperature. Of course, at -20 you will not do a lot, but at +5 it is quite possible to accompany the facade of your house
  • No special preparation of surfaces for lining

Important! If your housing is built of brick, then it is recommended that the facade is recommended to use a metal panel imitating wood. Thanks to this design, the structure extends its service life.

Metal itself is an inexpensive and good material that is used for various purposes. Metal: wood applies not only for residential buildings, but also for industrial structures. Being more practical than natural material, siding is increasingly conquering the construction market.

Metal itself is an inexpensive and good material that is used for various purposes. Metal: wood applies not only for residential buildings, but also for industrial structures. Being more practical than natural material, siding is increasingly conquering the construction market.

Montage with your own hands

Choose siding under the tree: what is the block house

Independently carry out the installation of siding

From all the materials I liked the siding panel under the tree Block House. Having excellent characteristics, siding stands out among other cladding, besides its appearance, in my opinion, is flawless. Most of all I liked the fact that there was an opportunity to choose the length of the strips. Many masters advise choosing a four meter long panel. They are the most convenient not only for self-installation, but also for transportation.

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Let's consider the preparation sequence for mounting siding under the tree Block House:

  1. From the surfaces you need to remove the old cladding. On the walls of my house, the old plaster was blocked, and I removed all peeling and rapid pieces with spatulas
  2. Installation of crates can occur with two materials: wooden bars or metal profiles. I chose a second option, as I think that even the protection of various impregnations does not compare with the resistance of the metal to mold. Step between profiles should be from 40 to 60 cm
  3. All the processes on the insulation of the building pass at this stage. Therefore, think about the opportunity to additionally protect your home from strong frosts. Layer of insulation and windproof film must be put under the crate
  4. Do not forget to start installing a block house you need from below. Installation of the first strip occurs using a level and thus sets a step for all subsequent rows. Conducting independent work, you will need to prepare or buy a certain list of tools. Under hand there must be a screwdriver, roulette, drill, metal scissors, hammer, stepladder, level
  5. There should be a certain time between the transportation of the material and installation. Block House should be adapted for 2 days. Typically panels are placed horizontally, since such an option mimic the cutter of the tree
  6. By purchasing Block House Do not forget what you need to buy an average of 10% more required quantity. During installation, in any case, waste and trimming will appear - it is inevitable for uneven walls and old buildings
  7. Typically panels Block House has special fastening holes. But there are cases when you need to do with your own hands and here the drill will come to the rescue. Having putting the first row in terms of the level, all other planks will go, relying exactly on the previous row. Do not make the gap between fasteners less than 0.4 m
  8. You should not forget about the gaps. Siding Block House and other panels must have a small gap, which will not give all the facing to deform with sharp temperature differences. If the facing of the structure is carried out in the summer, then leave the gap of about 4.5 mm, and in the winter - about 9 mm
  9. At the very end, the installation of additional elements under the tree is the finish plan, the J-profile, as well as internal and outer corners. The use of such elements will give the finishes to the appearance of the facade

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Choose siding under the tree: what is the block house

Montage siding with your own hands

Do not be afraid to deal with something new. Conducting repair work with your own hands inside the house, you will succeed well and make out your accommodation outside. The main thing to adhere to all instructions and tips for the acquisition, preparation and installation of siding under the tree Block House

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