The ideas of the New Year trees do it yourself


The ideas of the New Year trees do it yourself

Already traditionally in most families, the main decoration of the New Year holidays is spruce. It can be artificial or alive, very often it is replaced with a pine or simply branches of spruce trees, in case there are not so many places for the installation of a tree. And what if you do not go traditional and as the main symbol of the new year to build a fir with your hands from the priests? It looks like a similar homemade unusually and original, after such trees it is not necessary to collect on the room raging coniferous needles, and, in the end, such a fret will you, than surprising guests. We offer your attention a whole list of new year trees with your own hands, to build that will be very easy.

Tree of glass bottles

The ideas of the New Year trees do it yourself

Easier to build a Christmas tree with your own hands, if you have a large collection of glass bottles from under wine or champagne. The main requirement for starting materials is the same height and preferably the form.


To create a Christmas tree of glass bottles you will need:

  • bottles;
  • cardboard;
  • stationery knife;
  • pencil;
  • garland.

Step 1 . Bottles themselves before work stands to slip inside and wipe off the outside of dust. You can delete labels. So the tree will look aesthetically.

Step 2. . The first tier of bottles in the form of a circle can be exposed directly on the floor.

Step 3. . On top of the first tier, put a dense cardboard, carved in the form of a circle. By diameter, it should be a bit less than a circle of bottles. On cardboard exhibit the second tier of bottles. So continue until your tree does not reach the desired size.

Step 4. . To the tree looked really festive, you can decorate it with a garland.

Tree from bottles ready!

Christmas tree from cardboard boxes

The ideas of the New Year trees do it yourself

Recycling and various packaging, which, according to us, are thrown into garbage, can become an excellent source material for creating a New Year tree.

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To make a Christmas tree from cardboard boxes with your own hands, prepare:

  • identical boxes from under juice, milk, eggs, etc.;
  • green paint;
  • brush;
  • glue;
  • Star, toys and garland for decoration.

Step 1 . Prepare boxes for work. If necessary, clean them from dust, remove the remains of juice, milk and other things, rinse them inside with water.

Step 2. . Color your starting materials of paint green. You can use the usual gouache paint if it lies badly on the packaging, mix the paint with PVA glue. Leave materials to complete paint drying.

Step 3. . Lay out the Christmas tree out of the boxes. Need them need tiers. For reliability, all the details of the Christmas tree are sicking among themselves.

Step 4. . At the top of the homemade Christmas tree, fasten the star. You can decorate an artificial tree with christmas toys and garland.

Fir from recycling is ready!

New Year tree from books with your own hands

The ideas of the New Year trees do it yourself

A large library can also become an excellent source material for creating a Christmas tree. Now, that immediately at the end of the holidays, you just have to remove books on the shelf and no garbage from home does not have to.


To make a New Year tree from books with your own hands, prepare:

  • books;
  • toys;
  • garland;
  • Star or bow.

Step 1 . Books sort the size and lay out them with tiers, forming the Christmas tree. If you want a big fir, lay books in a closed form. If the fir is small, you can put instances on each other, open them in the form of a house.

Step 2. . Decorate your Christmas tree. Place the star or bow. Decorate a symbolic tree toys, beads, rain or garland.

Spruce from books ready!

New Year tree from branches

The ideas of the New Year trees do it yourself

Very eco-friendly it turns out the velie variant, created from the branches of the tree. For forests, the authentic notes should not handle branches.


For the manufacture of a New Year tree from the branches, you will be needed:

  • branches of trees;
  • twine;
  • self-tapping screw and dowel;
  • hacksaw;
  • rag;
  • ring drill;
  • Wooden rod.

Step 1 . The main source material for the eco-friendly fir will be a tree twigs. They need to be cleaned from knots and smaller branches and cut into parts. Considering the shape of the tree, the branches should be cut into pieces of different lengths. You will need to spread them or secure from the long to the short bottom up. The branches themselves after wipe with a cloth to remove dust and chips.

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Step 2. . You can create a Christmas tree from a similar material in several ways: consolidating the branches on the wall or putting them on the rod. With the decoration of the Christmas tree wall, it will be necessary to fix with self-draws and dowels upper twig, and the rest to bind to it at an equal distance using a twine. If you wish to build a spruce that you can move, take a tree paved along into two parts as a stand. Drill the hole in it and insert a wooden rod into it. After each of the twigs, drill the hole in the middle and drive them into the rod.

Step 3. . Decorate the Christmas tree from the branches with garland, star, balls and other things.

Christmas tree made of twigs ready!

New Year's fir tree

The ideas of the New Year trees do it yourself

Especially they can be assessed by such a version of the New Year's beauties, in whose house there are small children. The pillow is obtained as safe as possible and even if the child will be poured, it will be possible to collect it in a matter of minutes.


For the construction of a New Year's ate from pillows you will need:

  • pillows of different sizes;
  • Stuffed Toys;
  • needle with thread.

Step 1 . Take the pillows, they should be different in size, but preferably the same in shape and color. Put the pillows on each other with a pile: from big to small. You can bind them between the stitches of the thread.

Step 2. . In fact, the Christmas tree is ready. You can decorate it with soft toys. To do this, just enter them on the corners of the pillows.

Soft and cozy fir for your home is ready.

New Year tree from toys do it yourself

The ideas of the New Year trees do it yourself

Depending on which toys are in your home in excess, you can build a variety of spruce options.


To create a New Year tree from toys, you will need toys themselves.

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Step 1 . You have to have toys you will need to give the form of ate. To do this, lay out them with tiers. If parts from the designer were made as the starting material - simply secure them with each other. If you make a fir tree from the Christmas tree toys, you will need a foam or cardboard base of suitable size. Fastening materials to it will need to be glue. Soft toys You can bind over the stitches of threads.

In a word, the final appearance of your spruce will depend on the source material and your imagination. Often such ate themselves are very bright and do not require additional decorations in the form of garlands and balls.

New Year tree made of tires and disks with their own hands

The ideas of the New Year trees do it yourself

Lovers of cars like a Christmas tree will be able to decorate the courtyard or auto repair shop.


For the construction of a Christmas tree from tires and disks you will need:

  • Tires themselves different sizes;
  • rims;
  • garland;
  • green cable;
  • paint green;
  • Christmas decorations.

Step 1 . To give ate the desired form, simply fold the tires side part of each other. If you wish, you can wind through their green cable so that the spruce is natural. To the top of the Christmas tree instead of a star can waters a car disk.

Step 2. . Wood you can lay out from old disks, as desired, painting them with green paint from the can.

Step 3. . Decorate the Christmas tree star, balls and garland.

Spruce ready.

New Year's spruce from the stairs do it yourself

The ideas of the New Year trees do it yourself

Among the household items, which in shape go to the Christmas tree - stairs in the form of a stepladder. If you have the opportunity or desire to buy a fir you, no, boldly take the staircase.


To create a New Year's ate from the stairs, with their own hands, in addition to the stepladder itself, will be needed:

  • fishing line;
  • Christmas balls;
  • Garlands.

Step 1 . Install the stepladder in the room you need.

Step 2. . Ladder to the staircase. There should be a decent distance between the turns.

Step 3. . On the stretched fishing line, fasten the Christmas toys.

Step 4. . Decorate the improvised Christmas tree with a garland.

Spruce from the stairs is ready!

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