Countertop for kitchen with your own hands


Countertop for kitchen with your own hands

The tabletop from the ceramic tile or from any other material made by your own hands will look exclusively, you can be calm, because you are not exactly the same countertop you will not meet any of your friends. However, there is in the process of manufacturing table tops for the kitchen and their difficulties. The fact is that it should be not only beautiful, but also reliable. It is important that any kitchen surface responds with all technological requirements. Below we will analyze several options for creating kitchen countertops in all the rules.

Material options

Countertops for the kitchen can be made from various materials:

  1. Concrete table tops are massive, reliable and, at the same time, beautiful, because there are plenty of dyes for this material.
  2. With the finished artificial stone, it is very easy to work, because it is sold in the stoves. You can only cut the necessary form. However, this material does not allow to show creativity.
  3. Ceramic tile - beautiful material. First, it is affordable, secondly, reliable, and thirdly, very aesthetic, since there are a huge variety of colors, drawings and patterns on ceramic tiles.
  4. The tree is a very aesthetic material, but not completely reliable. It is extremely easy to spoil.
  5. MDF is also very easy to spoil, because this material is afraid of moisture and from contact with water it will quickly swell. However, now manufacturing MDF plates, covered with special protective films that carry practical and aesthetic meaning.

Countertop for kitchen with your own hands

Ceramic tile

The process of working with ceramic tiles is quite time consuming. It consists of ten stages. However, moving along the steps, you can easily create a real designer masterpiece. Before you start creating countertops for the kitchen, you need to prepare all the necessary inventory. In addition to the ceramic tile itself, you will need a chipboard (necessarily waterproof), screws, screwdriver, line, pencil, electric lobby, spatula, stovetur, seaterury, silicone sealant, glue, rapid mass. When everything you need assembled, you can safely begin the transformation of your kitchen.

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Countertop for kitchen with your own hands

  1. We start working with dismantling old kitchen countertops.
  2. Now it is necessary inside the framework of the table to build a carriage frame from the chipboard. It is necessary so that the future design for the kitchen is reliable and withstood any impact.
  3. We will fix the chipboard in two starts: first with the help of mounting glue, and when it dries - with screws.
  4. Now you can do directly the most countertop for the kitchen. The basis for it cut out from the second piece of chipboard. During this stage of the work, I am very strictly follow all the measurements made to make the product exactly in the framework. If you want you to have not only the working surface, but also a washing or cooking stove, then immediately do in the blank of the hole for washing and the cooking surface.
  5. The workpiece is bonded with the supporting structure again in two stages - mounting glue and screws.
  6. It is now important to carefully seal all the sleeves to protect them from the water contact. To do this, use silicone sealant, which is convenient to work with a special pistol.
  7. One of the most difficult steps is the preparation of tiles. It is important to spread the countertop for the kitchen and distribute tiles on it. Especially neat need to be if you plan to lay out from a ceramic tile any pattern or pattern. If necessary, you need to cut the tiles with a stoveturis. Be sure to take a tile with a margin, because while working can always go something wrong.
  8. Tile must be laid on a special tile glue. When purchasing it, be sure to check it for working with chipboard.
  9. When all tiles are pasted, the table must be left alone alone. Let the glue fighter.
  10. The final stage is the wigging of the seams with a special grout and aligning them using a conventional sponge. As soon as the grout sinks, the table will be ready for operation.

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Countertop for kitchen with your own hands

At exactly the same principle can be made and the tabletop from the mosaic with their own hands. To create it, you will need a multicolored tile and a little fantasy. Such a designer move will be able to decorate many interiors styles.

Countertop for kitchen with your own hands


The tabletop from concrete is a reliable and durable material. For some reason, many of it underestimate, considering not attractive enough. In fact, the concrete has long been used by many designers to create all sorts of kitchen products and other premises. Make a tabletop from concrete is not so difficult.

Countertop for kitchen with your own hands

Preparation of the base for concrete countertops is the same as for the tiles countertops. For this purpose, the usual sheet of chipboard is suitable. The main thing is that it is reliable, moisture-resistant and withstand enough weight.

Prepared form should be pouring a grade 400 or higher cement. To make the table for the kitchen is beautiful and original, add dyes to the cement solution to their taste or decorative particles, for example, burned with glass. This will create a unique picture on the worktop. Please note that it will dry cement mortar for quite a long time - at least two days, but it is better to give it to stand untouched by three days.

After the time, the shape with concrete needs to be carefully turned over and get almost ready tolerance. Next, you need to remove the upper millimeter of concrete with the help of grinders. Now the product needs to be washed, dried, spending and rub the cement mortar again. This will make it possible to fill even the smallest pores.

When the product dry again, it needs to be redesigned with different grinding machines. Now the tabletop is fully ready, it can be installed in the frame and operate.

Countertop for kitchen with your own hands

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