What is the lesser composition and where it is possible to use it


For those who have long been dealing with wood and wooden products, it is imperative to familiarize the expression "lesing composition", but for newcomers using wood as interior parts or coatings it is very important to know what it is and how this material is used. After all, the lescing formulations allow the tree to maintain its original appearance and extend the service life.

Lesseing composition

What you need to know before starting work with the material

Finishing with lustering composition

Fasteling implies a tree processing with certain compositions that are able to give glossy wood, extend its service life, to reject it a bit, as well as if necessary, muffle the texture of the surface treated. In the people, such compositions are called lesing paints that protect the tree from such adverse effects as:

  1. If the lesser is performed outside the house, it protects from various atmospheric phenomena
  2. Protects from adverse ultraviolet rays and sharp temperature difference
  3. Protects from the appearance of mold and fungus

Important! In addition to protective functions, lescing attractive and impeccable appearance.

Since it has already become clear that such compositions can be used not only for internal, but also for external work, let's consider the properties of this application:

  • Since the lesing paints for outdoor and internal work differ in the composition, then the properties will have different
  • Paints for external work are characterized by increased moisture resistance
  • Sufficiently resistant to sharp temperature differences
  • Usage on the street involves the frost resistance of the compositions

Important! For use on the street, acquire synthetic lesing formulations. These can be polyurethane or alkyd-urethane paints. Having a property cannot be dissolved in water, they have excellent water resistance.

Do not forget that the compositions for outdoor use should not be used inside the house, as they are not environmentally friendly. And the use of them in children's rooms and bedrooms is not forbidden! But inside the house, the lesing can be made with the help of acrylic or oil paints. In addition, they are environmentally friendly, they also do not have an unpleasant smell. If we talk about the properties of such paints, then:

  • Resistant to moisture and also not afraid of ultraviolet
  • Dust does not sit down on such finishes and the dirt accumulates less
  • Does not leave implications
  • After time, the shade of wood does not change
  • Quickly dry and emphasize wood texture

Important! Drying such lescing paints usually occurs in 2-4 hours. This is a very high drying rate, if we talk about the extension.

Lasuring antiseptics

What is the lesser composition and where it is possible to use it

Application of lustering composition

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So, working with a tree involves his protection against fungi, mold, harmful bugs and other different formations, then it is necessary to use antiseptics for it. The lesing antiseptic is perfectly struggling with microbial pests and even insects.

As part of such an antiseptic, alkyd and modified resins are located, as well as various oils that make it possible to achieve an antiseptic properties. Lesseed using such an antiseptic is possible only after considering the species of this composition. Signs Differences Antiseptics:

  • Diluted - so called water and organic compositions, as they are produced with enhanced environmental standards
  • The degree of brilliance - the group of such lesing compositions includes, matte and semi-adhesive substances. It is also possible to use satin antiseptics. The properties of the matte material lies in the fact that it is completely absorbed when applied. Cultural elements are different in that the gloss level is responsible for the covering ability.

In order to properly use the lesing antiseptic need to know some tricks and nuances of its use. For example, to be as efficient as possible, apply it immediately after the construction of housing. Also, applying is necessary for a thin layer, which, if necessary, is applied several times - it protects the coating from the formation of sublishes.

What is the lesser composition and where it is possible to use it

Lustering what it is

Before purchasing material, you must read for what purpose it is used. Since there are lesing compositions for exterior and internal works, there are various indicators of ecology. And if the lesser occurs on the street, the use of such a composition in the house is categorically prohibited. If the lesing mixtures are used for old wooden coatings, then before applying the antiseptic, it is necessary to clean the surface from old paint and other elements, as well as remove dirt dust and fat stains. The validity period of lesing paints on average 5-7 years, but for this it is important to comply with all conditions and technologies for applying to the surface. Perform all finishing work at temperatures above five degrees Celsius, and percentage humidity is no more than 80%.

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Also, do not forget that such antiseptics become wear-resistant only after 4 weeks. During this time, it is not necessary to thoroughly clean the surface from the accumulated dust, it is enough easy cleaning without the use of detergents.

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