Ceiling wallpapers: how and why use them?


Against the background of hanging structures from drywall and stretch ceilings, the wallpaper wins in such indicators as low cost, no need for professional skills and specific tools, they do not "eat" useful space - do not reduce the height of the room. Work can be performed independently, the process is relatively clean, it does not need a time-consuming preparation of the foundation.

Ceiling wallpapers: how and why use them?

Ceiling wallpaper options

Domestic manufacturers have developed a special line - ceiling wallpaper - with a width of 53 cm, the canvas are offered in rolls of 10 m . They are made in white color with a relief pattern, are not intended for staining. Abroad to finish the ceiling use conventional wallpapers with further staining.

Ceiling wallpapers: how and why use them?

On a note! For the ceiling, any two-layer wallpapers with a dense structure are suitable. You can use bright or white without pattern or the same on the walls. In this case, the joints of the horizontal and vertical are decorated with a baguette, plinth.

The cheapest are paper variations, but they are not sufficiently durable, during the salary, they can be stretched due to wetting.

Products on a flieslinic basis has a nonwoven base, thanks to which it does not twist and does not change linear dimensions. The canvas are very durable, are not afraid of mechanical impact, durable than and their popularity is explained as the ceiling finish.

Ceiling wallpapers: how and why use them?

Models for painting may have a homogeneous phlizelin base or consist of fliesline in a vinyl tandem. The first option is reliable, safely implemented in a high price segment, the second is noticeable cheaper, but it keeps the paint worse, it is not breathing and faster.

Fliseline wallpaper is offered in a universal light color scheme, for their decor, the compounds that transmit air will be suitable. Using stencils, you can perform a drawing.

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Gymelomes attract the textured surface, they are adapted for disinfection, their service life is calculated by decades.

Ceiling pasta technology

When using products on a flieslinic basis, glue only flashes the ceiling. It must be prepared in advance:

  1. Remove the old finish.
  2. At least minimally align the surface by filling out large cracks plaster.
  3. Get rid of spots and defects.
  4. Protect the finished liquid or diluted glue.

Ceiling wallpapers: how and why use them?

If paper canvases are used, they are covered with glue and leave for 5-7 minutes to absorb. Operating procedure:

  1. Shape the stripes of the desired length of the roll.
  2. Place the ceiling so that the blanks lay down smoothly.
  3. The first canvas need to be recorded from the angle of the room, moreover, you should leave a small battery on the wall, it is later necessary to cut it.
  4. The glued strip must be rolled throughout the roller area to get rid of air clusters and excess glue. Move should be moved towards the center to the periphery.

Tip! For convenience, you should get a long table or build scaffolding, covering the entire length of the room. It will be difficult to do everything alone, it is advisable to attract assistants.

Ceiling wallpapers: how and why use them?

Additional decoration of wallpaper

Ceiling wallpapers have a pretty aesthetic appearance, they are not necessarily painted. Paints based on latex, acrylic, water-emulsion mixtures help to give the surface the desired shade, refresh the drawing. For phliselin wallpaper, water-emulsion formulations are optimal, since they do not violate air exchange, latex options are used in wet rooms.

Ceiling wallpapers: how and why use them?

If you use a short-source roller in operation, only a convex pattern will be painted, the background will not be affected. With each repainting, relief is cloths will be less noticeable.

Ceiling wallpaper sticking and painting with your own hands (1 video)

Ceiling wallpapers (6 photos)

Ceiling wallpapers: how and why use them?

Ceiling wallpapers: how and why use them?

Ceiling wallpapers: how and why use them?

Ceiling wallpapers: how and why use them?

Ceiling wallpapers: how and why use them?

Ceiling wallpapers: how and why use them?

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