Openwork stuffing knitting needles: Schemes and descriptions with photos


Openwork stuffing knitting needles - a very trendy and elegant accessory, a mandatory attribute of the wardrobe of the most stylish woman. There is a big myth that the palatine can only be associated with crochet. In fact, it is not so, it is easily and without much time you can connect with the needles. Such wonderful Palants will complement any image, create warmth and comfort. This article includes diagrams and description of the best patterns for Palantines.

Openwork stuffing knitting needles: Schemes and descriptions with photos

Openwork stuffing knitting needles: Schemes and descriptions with photos

Cute pattern "Hearts"

For this pattern, you must dial 27 kettles on the knitting needles, not forgetting two edges.

At the beginning of the first row to plunge two loops facial together, the slope to the right. To make a tilt, you need to enter the needle from left to right. Next, 4 facial, nakid, facial, nakid, 4 facial, then two hinges remove, as when knitting facial. The resulting loop to stretch through the two shots taken before this.

Next, continue four facial, then a nakid, facial, four facial, two together facial in the slope to the left side. To come out left-sided tilt, you need to remove the first loop and the second, as in the face knitting, put on the needle left and penetrate the face loop. The needle should move right to left.

Openwork stuffing knitting needles: Schemes and descriptions with photos

Knitted rows continue. Now in the second row all the even rows to lie with hinges. Row 3. Two together slope to the right, 3 facial, nakid, again 3 facial, nakid, 3 facial, two remove, then penetrate the next and stretching two removed, 3 facial, nakid, again 3 facial, nakid, another 3 facial and two together slope left.

In the fifth row, two together the slope to the right, two facial, nakid, again 2 facial, nakid, 2 together slope to the left, facial, nakid, 2 facial, remove two peels in the same way as in past rows, 2 facial, nakid, two facial, Nakid, two together slope left, left, nakid, two facial, together slope to the left.

Article on the topic: Knitting knitting: Bolero scheme for children with description

Seventh row. Two together slope to the right, facial, nakid, facial, nakid, 2 together slope to the left, facial, 2 together slope to the right, nakid, face again, nakid, facial, 2 Remove both in past rows, facial, nakid, facial, nakid, again Facial and nakid, two together slope to the left, facial, 2 together slope to the right, nakid, facial, nakid, facial, 2 together slope to the left.

Openwork stuffing knitting needles: Schemes and descriptions with photos

In the ninth row, two together the slope to the right, Nakid, 3 facial, Nakid, then two to remove the face knitting, the next front, which is to stretch through the removed loops, nakid, 3 facial, Nakid, 2 remove the way as previous, Nakid, 3 facial, Nakda, 2 Remove the way as previous, nakid, 3 facial, nakid, two to remove the already known way, Nakid, 3 facial, nakid, two together slope to the left.

Starting with 11 rows, repeat patterns from the first row.

Towned region

This model is much easier for the one that is presented above. Even the most elementary knitting skills will rise for it. Here Rapport 11 p. In the height of 10 rows.

In order to leave the palatine size of 160 × 40, it is necessary to type approximately 101 loop in the width, and in length it will be 430 rows - 43 rapport. Yarn 145 meters per 50 grams (70% wool, viscose 30%). Knit with knitting number 3.5.

After the loops are typed, proceed to knitting the pattern.

First, third and fifth row: to remove the edge loop, * 2 Facial loops to lie together, tilting to the right, then 2 front loops decline together to the right, Nakid, LP, Nakid, PL, Nakid, LP, 2 facial hinges with a slope left, Again, 2 LPs with a slope left *. From * to * Knit to the end of a row edge knit to the withdrawal loop. The second, fourth, sixth row: knit the wrong loop. From 7 to 10 row knit facial loops. On the pattern to repeat from the first row to knit to the desired length of the product.

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Scheme of such a palatine in the photo:

Openwork stuffing knitting needles: Schemes and descriptions with photos

Product made of mohair

To knit capes a length of 190 cm, and 50 cm wide, you need to cook: 100 g of mohair yarn, knitting needles and hook for edge strapping.

Knitted sample is this: 15 kettops in 25 p. 10 x 10 cm knitted on the spokes number 3. To begin with to dial 82 loops and penetrate the 308 row scheme. All loops close in 309 row, do not delay.

In the width of the product, we bind with a crochet according to the scheme below so that the edges do not roll in the future.

Openwork stuffing knitting needles: Schemes and descriptions with photos

Video on the topic

Video lessons for openwork palatines knitting needles:

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