What to paint the lining indoors and emphasize the interior style


Environmentally friendly lining is used to cover the walls and ceiling. It is the main element of the interior in ethno and eco styles. You wish to keep the unique drawing of natural lines or make the walls inside the smooth, original color, you will need impregnation and painting of the lining. Transparent varnish will emphasize the solar shade of pine and create a unique mood of the south of France - the style of Provence. Braching will make wood and make a convex pattern.

What to paint the lining indoors and emphasize the interior style

Praying the lining

Lining in the interior of eco and ethno styles

My friend became interested in wooden lining wall. He came to know what paint for the lining will fit. How to separate the bedroom and the nursery. At the same time, Vadik wanted to build a bath and clarify me which tree to order and harmless materials to protect it from moisture.

What to paint the lining indoors and emphasize the interior style

Pray the lining in the apartment

The sheltered room gives the feeling of comfort and restores the strength. This ability of wood is used in many modern styles. Painting of the clan in Scandinavian style is made in white matte varnish, does not require complex works. Bright furniture objects and decor are distinguished on a light background. Country topics prefers to leave the wood pattern natural, painted preferably with varnishes.

Eco styles are distinguished by natural materials painted in natural colors. Internal works use water-based paints. Each ethno style has its own characteristics and before painting the lining, it is necessary to decide on the subject:

  • Rustic - Russian;
  • cottage;
  • colonial;
  • Scandinavian;
  • Provence;
  • Country;
  • natural.

The most popular interiors in the style of Provence. They are collected warm and uniqueness of the village south of France. The room radiates the golden colors of the Sun and Sea Beach. To create an atmosphere of the style of Provence, you need to make a number of works, bringing a tree to a gentle state to paint it:

  • Clear surface;
  • make aging;
  • impregnate protective compositions;
  • Covered varnish in several layers.

For external work, water-repellent materials are resistant to solar radiation. Wear-resistant paint and alkyd varnishes are selected for the floor. For work indoors, natural impregnation and paints without smell are preferable.

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Why soep and paint lining

What to paint the lining indoors and emphasize the interior style

What to paint lining indoors

The fibrous texture of the tree is well holding heat, absorbs the noise and breathes. It loves to shave insects and rodents. Natural material absorbs moisture, creating conditions for the development of fungal pores. When wetting he swells, changing his sizes.

Dry wood is not afraid of temperature drops. But it burns out and darkens from sunlight. The most important enemy of the tree is a fire. Inside the placement of the furnace and fireplaces are planted by a stone without giving them to concern the tree.

To preserve all the qualities of wood and protection against the effects of destructive factors, impregnation and painting of the lining are made. To do this, created:

  • Antipirens - increase fire resistance;
  • Antiseptics are distilled off insects and do not develop fungus;
  • Wax, oils, varnishes, paints do not let moisture.

Formulations can be mixed and combine several functions. Antipirens and antistics are applied on all surfaces of the board before working on the walls of the walls and the ceiling. They can be used in turn and be in paint.

The lesing compositions emphasize the texture of the selected wood lining

What to paint the lining indoors and emphasize the interior style

Prayes lining indoors

Solving the question than to paint the lining, it is necessary to take into account the features of various materials. The lesing compositions of translucent with a matte surface emphasize the beauty and uniqueness of natural pattern. They make dark loose areas, giving a certain shade of wood. In the style of Provence, yellow and white paints are used. To simulate cherries, light deciduous boards are covered with a pink tone. Oak floors are created by chocolate lesing impregnations.

Wax and oils create a glossy surface and retain the natural colors of wood. They protect from moisture. Apply for internal work. Paint the lining by them when creating inside the style of the style:

  • Provence;
  • cottage;
  • rustic.

The surfaces of the walls pre-make artificial aging with the help of fire, brash and bleaching.

Oil and acrylate paints used for internal works on wood hide drawing. They create a smooth surface of any selected color. The texture of them can be glossy and matte. The floor for strength is painted on top of alkyd varnishes.

Preparation of the surface of lining under painting

What to paint the lining indoors and emphasize the interior style

Cracks lining alone

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I arrived at Vadik to tell him how to paint the lining and at the same time help prepare the surface of the walls and the ceiling. He wanted to make a room in the style of Provence of the early period. This is a light tree, aged and burnt in the sun, covered with boards ceiling and natural floor.

Most of the Provence Province is covered with vineyards. Farmers are located among the fields and the sea. Sun, rains and salty with sand wind give the walls of houses the corresponding look.

Together with Vadik, we started the preparation of walls in the style of Provence:

  1. Removed all dirt and old coating. Bold stains were washed away, the dust was removed by a vacuum cleaner after everything dried.
  2. Slide the whole surface with fine sandpaper.
  3. Metal brush on the Bulgarian passed through each board, making brash. Soft sections were removed, the solid created the protruding drawing of a drying tree.
  4. Tassel rolled into the antipire tree.
  5. Using the sprayer was covered with antistatic boards.

Now we have left after complete drying to make the wax with a white tint and paint everything from above with a transparent aqualak. Paint for the wallboard will hob the natural color of wood. After the coating in several layers, the texture created by artificial aging will remain. Colors for painting is better to choose bright, natural. Then the style of Provence will look natural.

Finishing lining in bedrooms and residential rooms

What to paint the lining indoors and emphasize the interior style

Lining in the interior of the apartment

Vadik was interested in how to paint boards in the bedroom and what materials were used in the nursery. Various compositions are used for internal work:

  • Oil;
  • acrylic;
  • silicone;
  • acrylate;
  • water-emulsion;
  • Alkyd.

Oil enamels are the cheapest, have a variety of colors. It is impossible to use them in children's and bedrooms. They create a solid film that repels water. At the same time they do not let the air, have a strong poisoning smell and burn out in the sun.

For staining the lining into a certain color, it is better to use acrylate dyes for internal work. They are odorless, have an average resistance to fire. Under them, the walls breathe.

The most expensive aqualak is environmentally friendly and durable. It consists of natural plant and animal materials. On-based:

  • water;
  • Polymeric resins.

Aqualak is environmentally friendly, does not secrete harmful substances and retains the tree well. Its lack of rapid erasure and low strength. This is the perfect option for finishing a wooden ceiling. On acrylic basis, it is suitable for wood processing indoors. It is transparent, when you need to obtain a color to add pigments.

Attention! All paints and varnishes for wood during finishing work should be constantly mixed.

Alkyd varnishes are the most durable for the floor

What to paint the lining indoors and emphasize the interior style

Paint the lining with their own hands

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Wooden floors made of massive board and lining paint composition with elevated erasing resistance. After drying, they form a solid film that repulsive water. These are mostly paints:

  • water-emulsion;
  • Oil;
  • polyurethane;
  • epoxy;
  • alkyd;
  • rubber.

Oil enamel has a strong smell and requires long-term ventilation. It is cheaper than other materials, but quickly wear out. Color You can choose any, but it will unbashes over time. After three years, shine disappears. Extend its service and keep color can coating alkyd varnish.

Durable and well protect the floor epoxy two-component paints. They are used in places with high intensity of movement of people: offices and public premises.

A friend was interested in how to paint the floor on the floor to keep the beauty of the board, emphasize the interior in the style of Provence, and can be used in the nursery.

Rubber paint is based on latex. It is plastic, wear-resistant and durable with a matte surface resembling rubber.

For floors, it is important to keep the drawing of high-quality wood. The optimal option is an alkyd composition. It is applied on top of colored boards and creates a solid solid film that is resistant to impacts and erasure. The term of his service is 5 - 10 years.

Wood preservation materials in the bath

What to paint the lining indoors and emphasize the interior style

Painted lining in the interior

In the apartment located in the high-rise building, I built a sauna. The handling of the wallboard did such as in the bath at the cottage. Now I helped my friend.

For the bath it is selected wood hardwood. It does not contain a resin and has a low thermal conductivity. The boards must be soaked with antistatic to the walls of the walls. Special attention is paid to the ends. Vadik and I made marking and cutting clap. Iptire everything with a special composition containing the flame retardant and antiseptic.

When the trim was completed, walked by Morilka. It will further protect the wood. Completed painting with three thin layers of aquulak.

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