5 simple ways to create houses New Year's mood


As a child, the new year was, if not the main thing, then the most long-awaited holiday, for sure. The appropriate attitude came long before the battle of the chimes, together with the first snow, the smell of citrus and christmas trees. But over the years, an enthusiastic wait is somewhere out, and here it is snow, but there are no states. Someone says that winters are not those, and tangerines are sold all year round. What happened where a miracle waiting was encountered and delighted the eve of Christmas? Gone along with faith in a fairy tale . Adults should not believe, but to do wonders themselves. You need to start with small, create festive emotions.

5 simple ways to create houses New Year's mood

Causes of the lack of New Year's mood

  • By the end of the year, fatigue accumulates, its satellites: a shortage of desires and laying for later;
  • There is a pile of unfinished affairs and unrealized plans, faith is lost;
  • Everything is exacerbated by the troubles on the eve of the celebration, which is missing daily time, and the closer the cherished date, the stronger the despondency from one thought only: how much still have to do!

5 simple ways to create houses New Year's mood

Soak festive atmosphere

Select time for a walk in the center of the evening city. Already dressed up the municipal Christmas tree, stretched multicolored garlands, everything is permeated with the waiting for the holiday, the matter is yours. Pay attention to Christmas troubles, people run in search of hotels, reflect on who to whom and what to give. Remember, what intentions were made before, whether they came true, would you like to make them again.

5 simple ways to create houses New Year's mood

Enter organs feelings

The smell, eyesight, taste, rumor is carefully stored in the memory of the sensations that were tested before. You just need to free them.

  • Change the familiar ringtones on the ringtones of Christmas hits, some of them can produce an explosion effect..
  • Change on the computer everyday wallpaper on a screensaver with misher and toys.
  • Try to remember those smells. Sparkler? "Red Moscow"? "Shahryzada"?
  • Lay products, the taste of which will smash the memory, for someone it is sweet cervical candy or "Three Bear",
  • Immerse yourself in the Christmas atmosphere by watching movies "Night Before Christmas", "Polar Express", "Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Ferry!"

Article on the topic: New Year's traditions of decor in different countries

5 simple ways to create houses New Year's mood

Get rid of unnecessary

Start clearing the fees formed. Get rid of the rubble: old files on a computer, unnecessary contacts in the phone for long-haired things in the closet. Remember all the bad things that happened for the year and those who did it, throw offeaded with things, remove the negative along with the archives, farewell and forget. Find a place for positive emotions, new and useful things.

5 simple ways to create houses New Year's mood

Surround yourself with New Year attributes

"Want to get, then why didn't get it? Do what I have not done! "

Start decorating your house not December 31 in the evening, but ahead, and not from the Christmas tree, but from the entrance doors, windows and window sills. Replace artificial fir, on natural. Instead of conventional candles, burn aromatic. Do not forget about a surprise for yourself . If there are no global desires, get the replacement of the old massage brush or fragrant cream.

5 simple ways to create houses New Year's mood


Preparation for the celebration: hiking store for gifts, products, decorations. Select enough time on shopping to avoid nervousness and rush, provide yourself with the opportunity to make a choice and enjoy acquisition.

5 simple ways to create houses New Year's mood

These tips will help you to join the pre-New Year Circuit and make it pleasant, raise the mood and keep it raised throughout the Christmas . And if, on which one of the stages, the desire will begin to start life from the pure sheet, do not deprive yourself of this chance.

5 simple ways to create houses New Year's mood

Secrets of the New Year's Mood: Decor, Cocoa Bar, Movies, Music (1 video)

New Year's mood in the house (8 photos)

5 simple ways to create houses New Year's mood

5 simple ways to create houses New Year's mood

5 simple ways to create houses New Year's mood

5 simple ways to create houses New Year's mood

5 simple ways to create houses New Year's mood

5 simple ways to create houses New Year's mood

5 simple ways to create houses New Year's mood

5 simple ways to create houses New Year's mood

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