Origami paper flowers: schemes with description, make paper tulip, lily and white flower without effort


Real Flowers will never stop admire and delight with their purity and brightness. Unfortunately, not a bouquet of natural plants. As opposed to Mother-Nature, the masters of many countries have long mastered the sacrament of the addition of paper colors. This article discusses several learning examples explaining how to make origami paper flowers. Schemes of crafts and their description is quite simple for understanding. Each craft is less than 20 minutes.

As a rule, the folding sheet sequence is displayed on the arrow diagram or in chronological order. Below in detail the principle of making some paper colors is considered.

Red flower

Tulip is made from paper red and green. First, an equilateral square is cut out of the red paper sheet.

Origami paper flowers: schemes with description, make paper tulip, lily and white flower without effort

  1. The square is folded in half from one corner to another.
  2. The resulting triangle is put down. Spearly from the top corner to the base is carried out perpendicular. Through the right angle of the triangle to the left, the right angle of the triangle be left as shown in Fig.2.
  3. The same procedure is repeated with the left corner. It turns out a small flower. The bottom corner of the detail is pregnant.

To make a stem, the green equilateral square is folded by both corners to the center. The resulting figure is folded in half along the long side. The bottom edge fell up. Tulip ready!

Gentle Lilia

Lily is folded a little more difficult than tulip.

On a square sheet of paper, two fold lines are scheduled: along and across the sheet.

Origami paper flowers: schemes with description, make paper tulip, lily and white flower without effort

On the reverse side, the diagonal fusion lines are scheduled.

Origami paper flowers: schemes with description, make paper tulip, lily and white flower without effort

The central points on the left and right side of the square need to be collapsed to the center of the lower base. It turns out this item:

Origami paper flowers: schemes with description, make paper tulip, lily and white flower without effort

From above, a triangle should remain, the angles of which are replenished from the central line to the outside and are straighten up as shown in the figure.

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Origami paper flowers: schemes with description, make paper tulip, lily and white flower without effort

On the reverse side make the same procedure.

Origami paper flowers: schemes with description, make paper tulip, lily and white flower without effort

At the resulting polygon, the lower corners are converted and immediately returned. It is necessary to get a fold line mark.

Origami paper flowers: schemes with description, make paper tulip, lily and white flower without effort

The billet is folded in half so that another mark appeared across.

Origami paper flowers: schemes with description, make paper tulip, lily and white flower without effort

Using the resulting lines, the lower part of the workpiece is attracted to the top like this:

Origami paper flowers: schemes with description, make paper tulip, lily and white flower without effort

The last three points are repeated for each side of the workpiece.

Origami paper flowers: schemes with description, make paper tulip, lily and white flower without effort

After that, each of the triangles unfolds along the fold line, the model needs to be turned upside down.

Origami paper flowers: schemes with description, make paper tulip, lily and white flower without effort

Side corners are coated to the model center to get two more folds. Such an action is repeated for each side.

Origami paper flowers: schemes with description, make paper tulip, lily and white flower without effort

Origami paper flowers: schemes with description, make paper tulip, lily and white flower without effort

By fibe line, all lily petals unfold out.

Origami paper flowers: schemes with description, make paper tulip, lily and white flower without effort

It turns out such a flower:

Origami paper flowers: schemes with description, make paper tulip, lily and white flower without effort

Lily ready!

For better understanding of the method of manufacture, you can watch this video:



Gentle white flower can also be made using Origami technology. How to do this, told in the video:

Using these and other craft production schemes, you can make a whole origami-bouquet of paper flowers. Phased by the described instructions, prepare as many models as possible, which can then be put in a vase or basket.

Paper bouquets

A bouquet of paper flowers can be a very pleasant and valuable gift. Let him not worth a lot of money, but its value can not be made to viable. It is no secret that gifts made by their own hands are much more pleasant than the usual bought in the store. If you give something to what the soul was invested, the attitude towards a gift is much more serious.

Of course, the search and purchase of a souvenir in the online store also need to spend strength and time. But you do not buy such things anywhere:

Origami paper flowers: schemes with description, make paper tulip, lily and white flower without effort

Origami paper flowers: schemes with description, make paper tulip, lily and white flower without effort

Origami paper flowers: schemes with description, make paper tulip, lily and white flower without effort

The advantages of paper bouquets are obvious.

  1. Paper crafts are not covered and will not lose their shape, unlike natural colors. They do not need to water, handle, to put into the solution every evening in order to longer stood.
  2. Flowers made of glossy brilliant paper always keep their color and do not be blown over time.
  3. The cost of buying materials is much less than the finished composition of living colors.
  4. Crafts from paper can be an excellent collaboration for households. If you help to help children, the manufacture of paper colors will delight all family members.
  5. It is believed that the creation of compositions from paper soothes and configures on positive thinking. No wonder the origami technique was used in ancient Chinese medicine.
  6. From the point of view of psychology of pre-school education, origami is a very effective way to develop spatial thinking skills, shallow motors, coordination of movements and amplifies.

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It turns out that the creation of paper colors not only gives a nice result, but also contributes to more versatile development.

Video on the topic

In proposed videos, experienced origami masters are divided by their secrets and skills. Looking at these materials, you can try your strength in an interesting and original technique.

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