Knitting a beautiful pullover for men: scheme with description


To connect a sweater, you need approximately a yarn kilogram. The knitting needles are needed №3 and 4 and a small yarn. The lower part is fastened with a rubber band 2x2, as well, a roller must be on the main part of the semi-seater.

Knitting a beautiful pullover for men: scheme with description

Knitting a beautiful pullover for men: scheme with description

Knitting a beautiful pullover for men: scheme with description

Knitting a beautiful pullover for men: scheme with description

The neck will coincide with the image of the letter V, and it is necessary to knit under man.

The associated harness with the help of 5 loops of the front part with the 3x2 scheme, although it can be done as always, 3x3., When sewing you need to shift into the right-hand side

First, there is a weakening of four facial caregots, the romby pattern is divided by sewing along both sides. On the right side and to the left side of the center. Next, it is necessary to move according to the scheme.

Knitting a beautiful pullover for men: scheme with description

Knitting a beautiful pullover for men: scheme with description

Knitting a beautiful pullover for men: scheme with description

In order to make a rhombus whirlpool, it is necessary to do all actions strictly on the contrary. The harness, located in the center of Roma, lies the cross on the cross with the help of the first 4-hinge of the first row.

If you knit weave through a row, it turns out to cross the five loops on both sides, then to the right, then to the left. If in the third row, the second crossroads of the right-hand side to remove the extra needle, to push 2 loops and return the needle, then it will be replaced by some loops and the pattern is observed.

The tracks retain one wrong hinge among themselves.

Perekrest is possible to perform in another way, but more severe and intricate, with the knitting will take longer.

Also, when knitting needles for men, pullovers can make a central pattern. The whole scheme and pattern of blue is knitting Aran. However, with the selection of other Aran, there is an opportunity for freedom of action.

In addition, we apply a hood pattern and a diagram for a V-shaped pullover.

Knitting a beautiful pullover for men: scheme with description

Knitting a beautiful pullover for men: scheme with description

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